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You were pleasantly surprised by the fact that the basement or as MJ called it, 'The Wizard's Dungeon' held the chemicals you used to make web fluid.

You played with the mechanism of it and replaced a couple of screws and it was pretty much as good as new.

"Wait, you use powdered calcium as well as polymorph?" Peter looks flabbergasted at your recipe.

"Well, it makes it stronger.." You shrug, feeling as if he was judging you.

"Stronger than this?" He shoots a web from his wrist and it attached itself to a can of coke which was now covered in webs.

"That's going to stay like that for a while isn't it?" You look at the sticky can.

The boy thought for a bit before sighing and admitting, "Yeah."

"Shouldn't you two be going?" Ned asks, looking a bit overwhelmed by knowing two spider-people.

Before you knew it, you and Peter where flying through the woods, attacking your webs to the electricity pylons as you went.

You had spent so much time in New York in your universe that you'd forgotten how great it felt to be in the wild.

You were wearing your torn up Spider-Man suit that Ned and MJ had helped repair by sticking on patches of y/f/c material which made it look a little stupid but you didn't really mind. You just told yourself it was unique.

Although the chances were that there was probably some Spider-Man in the multiverse with a similar suit. Maybe even a couple.

"You still behind me Y/n?" Peter asks, stopping on top of a pylon.

"Yes.. woah.. what's that?" You ask watching as one of the electricity wires began to sparkle.

You watch as Peter turns his head around a second too late and gets blown off of the pylon.

You yell his name and catch him with a web, slipping the gauntlet off his hands with another.

Now you could see that it wasn't just electricity that had struck your friend, it was a man made from electric currents.

Or at least that's what it looked like.

You didn't exactly know how to do the weird doctor strange magic 'zap and it'll send them back to the sanctum' but you gave it a go, pressing one of the buttons and watching as a ball of sparkly orange flew through the air and made contact with the electric man.

However, the magic sizzled against the electricity with a thud, doing nothing besides from alerting the villain that you were attacking him.

A stream of electricity was flung your way and you had to quickly swing to another pylon to avoid getting hit.

The scorched metal squealed before falling over onto the grass, making more of a mess than Peter would've wanted.

He had told you that he needed to be good and not make a mess for his college to take him and his friends in.

"Shit." You murmur, attempting to hit him again.

You dodge another bolt of white hot electricity as it burnt the ground behind you to toast.

Then, you began to hear a shudder beneath your feet. You freeze. Even the electricity man had stopped what he was doing.

Suddenly sand began to rise from the ground and that was when you realised that you were in deep trouble.

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