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You swing through the scaffolding around the Statue of Liberty. You whooped as the air brushed past your new suit and as the sea spray lightly flicked across your mask.

You had worked on it for a good half an hour, sewing nano-fibres and threads of vibranium into the material to strengthen it.

You'd also given it extra cool features such as the fact that it changed colours from black for stealth to your favourite colour whenever you wanted to.

You web around Lady Liberty's head and gradually slow yourself to a stop beside the other Peters.

"So, just so we all know," Peter from this universe begins, holding the box in his hands, "I'm Peter 1. You're Peter 2 and you're Peter 3."

"That was my idea." You say, rolling your eyes and smiling.

"Yeah, the only good one you've had." The tall Peter, now known as Peter 3 says, nudging your shoulder jokingly.

"Oh shut up." You say, grinning back at him.

It was quite nice having a Peter in your life again.

Anyway, Peter 1's plan was to send a video of him and the box to the news, luring the villains to the Statue of Liberty where you could take them down together.

However, as soon as he made the video, Peter's plan was to give the box to MJ and Ned through the portal and cure them while they looked for it.

He left to make the video whilst you were left with the other two Spider-Man.

"Your new suit is pretty cool you know." The older of the two said.

"Thank you."  You say, raising an eyebrow as you notice him leaning on one of the scaffolding poles weirdly.

"What're you doing?"  Peter 3 asks.

"Oh," He says, groaning as he stretched, "Well, all the swinging is quite bad for my back so-"

"Do you want me to crack it for you." The other Peter asks, making you laugh quietly.

"Alright." Peter 3 says as he walks over to Peter 2.

It looked more like hugging than back cracking but you decide to let it pass, it wasn't really your business.

"Woah, that really helped." Peter 2 says, shocked at how he knew that so well.

Peter 3 just shrugged as if to say 'It's nothing really'

"It's really nice having you around, it's like having brothers. I've always wanted brothers." Peter 3 continues, slumping himself against the scaffolding, "Oh and a sister too I suppose."

"You too man." Peter 2 says, smiling, "So what kind of villains have you faced."

"I.. err.. I faced an alien once."  Peter 1 says from the top of the Statue of Liberty. He was currently adjusting the cure for sandman into a beam since it was unlikely that you'd be able to get him still enough to inject it, "In space and out of space."

"Me too." Peter 2 says, "I mean, I haven't been to space but I have fought an alien. It was all gooey and stuff."

"Oh, my alien was like big and purple and was obsessed with collecting these super powerful stones." Peter 1 continues.

"Oh Thanos right?" You add, smiling at Peter 1 as the others stare in confusion.

"Oh, man, compared to you guys I sound lame." Peter 3 says, running his hands through his hair.

"No, what are you on about!" Peter 2 says, giving an encouraging grin to his twin, "You're amazing. You are amazing. No, I want to hear you say it. You're amazing."

"Alright alright," Peter 3 says, brushing him off and trying not to let the smile on his face show but giving in, "I love you guys you know."

The other Peters gave him a grin so you did the same.

Suddenly, your vision started to blur, focusing on a weird looking star above you. It was as if your senses had control over your body. Well, they were right to look up since the strange looking star turned out to be one of the villains you were trying to capture.


A/n: To avoid confusion here's what the Peter's are.

Peter 1- Tom
Peter 2- Tobey
Peter 3- Andrew

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