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The rest of the day went by smoothly. I was enjoying the scenery a little too much in my opinion.

I went back to my dorm to find Demi passed out in bed. It didn't surprise me, the girl had a big night. I walked over to her to put the blanket over her and what I saw shattered my heart.

Blood was seeping through her long sleeved shirt. I choked back tears that were threatening to spill, placed the blanket over her, stroked her hair and kissed her on the forehead.

"It's going to be okay. I'm here for you." I whispered knowing she wouldn't be able to hear me.

It was true. I was going to be there for her. I was gonna need the world to protect this girl at all costs.

I slowly gathered some clothes and went to the shower. I was going to a party tonight so I settled on a short red strapless dress with black heels and I curled my hair.

As I was applying makeup, Demi walked in.

"You coming out?"

"Yeah, Dem." I half smiled. I couldn't pretend to be happy around her after what I had saw.

"Lots of cute guys go out. Maybe you'll hook up."


"Yeah, maybe." I smiled a full smile.

"Maybe I will too." She winked.


"Drink up, sweet girl." Nick said as he handed me a drink.

I skulled it down in 3 gulps. I don't know how much I had drank but all I wanted to do was keep drinking, so I did. Shot after shot of vodka and before I knew it I found myself grinding against Nick.

"Do you wanna go back to your room?" He whispered in my ear sending chills down my spine.

"Yeaaaaaah." I slurred.

He grabbed my hand and started pulling me but I was suddenly pulled into the arms of someone who smelt familiar.

"You're not going anywhere with her." The girl hissed at Nick.

I spun around and stumbled a bit.

"Demiiiiii." I yelled and threw myself into her.

She looked angry.

"Baby, why so mad?" I laughed.

"We're leaving." She said sternly, narrowing her eyes at Nick.

"But the party has just begun." I argued.

She dragged me along with her. I guessed whether or not I wanted to, I was leaving the party.

She didn't say a whole word to me until we got back to the room.

"Get undressed." She demanded.

"Because you wanna fuck me?" I giggled as I started to pull my dress off.

"Not like this."

"Demetriaaaaa." I dragged out her name. "What's wrong?"

"Don't sleep with him, ever."

"I can sleep with whoever I fucking want." I was getting angry.

"Than sleep with me." She looked at me and tears were falling down her cheek.

"Get fucked, Demi."

"I care about you, Selena."

"I thought you didn't care about anything." I mocked her from earlier.

"Fine. I don't. Go back to the party. Go get fucked."

"Maybe I wanna get fucked by you." I smirked.

"Usually I would say fuck it and do it. But I can't, not to you."

"Why not? I want you." I was stumbling.

"No you don't. You don't want me. I'm a mess." She preached wiping a tear.

"A hot mess." My voice was raspy and I edged closer to her. "Kiss me."

But she didn't. She pulled me in and hugged me, using my shoulder to cry on and I suddenly felt the urge to cry with her. So I did.


I woke up the next morning and rolled over to find a solid matter right beside me. It took me a minute but I eventually worked out that it was Demi. I was in Demi's bed. I had no recollection of what happened last night. I remember nothing after shotting the vodka. Did Demi and I? No way..

"Morning." Her voice dragged me out of my trance.

I skipped saying good morning and raised my eyebrow. "Demi, did we?"

Her chuckle filled the still air. "No, but."

I cut her off. "But what!?"

"You wanted to." She said simply.

"Bullshit." I retorted.

"Maybe I wanna get fucked by you. Hot mess. Kiss me "

I looked at her with confusion plastered on my face.

She smirked. "Oh, just mocking you from last night."

"Did we kiss?" I wondered out loud.

"No. But you cried."


"Because I was crying, I guess." She shrugged her shoulders and got out of bed.

"Why were you crying?" I grabbed my head because I had a throbbing headache.

"None of your business." She spat. "Here's some asprin and water. It'll help with your headache."

I willingly took the medication and glass of water from her and swallowed the pills.

"Why didn't you fuck me?" I blurted out, unable to stop myself.

"Why would I?"

Ouch. That hurt a bit.

"You seemed like you wanted to."

"If I wanted to fuck you, I would have last night, wouldn't I?" She questioned not making eye contact.

Just when I thought we were getting somewhere, we were back at square one. This girl was a sealed book and there was no way anyone was going to be able to open it up. Not anytime soon, anyway.

I scoffed. "I think we need to avoid each other as much as possible."

"Does the truth hurt, princess?" She raised an eyebrow while smirking.

"No. I would just rather spend my time around people who don't think the sun shines out of their ass. You know, like Nick." I shot her a sarcastic smile.

"Don't you go near him, Selena." She said fiercely through gritted teeth.

I slowly walked towards her. "Why not, Demetria?"

"Please. Just don't."

"Tell me why and I won't." I promised.

"I can't. Selena, please. I can't." She was crying by this point.

I didn't bother arguing back. She was in a fragile state. I embraced her into my arms and held her so tight that I thought I would almost break her.

"It's okay, Dems. I'm here."

"Call me that again." She sobbed.


She nestled herself into my chest and I gently layed back on the bed with her still in my arms. I didn't understand why she was masking her feelings. She acted like a bad ass, but I knew that's all it was, an act.

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