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Two weeks had passed. Two weeks of pure hell. Demi's mood swings were giving me crazy whiplash. One minute she would look at me as if I had galaxies in my eyes. The next minute she wouldn't look at me at all. I had managed to calm down a lot after what Demi had told me but I still wanted to kick Nick in the dick. I wanted to fucking hurt him but Demi had told me that it'd hurt her and there was no way in hell I could do something with the knowledge that it would hurt the only person in the world that meant to much to me. She said that I needed to move on from it and so did she. Like fuck I could do that. He couldn't just keep being all happy and shit while she was here hurting herself because of him. I forgot to mention, Demi had hurt herself a total of six times in the past two weeks. Which means she had hurt me a total of six times in the past two weeks. I didn't make a big deal of it, I just bandaged her wounds and held her until she fell asleep. She hadn't gone to a party this whole time so I spent every night in with her. Nothing else much had happened. I wasn't as distracted during class, but my mind was a very big mess.

"What do you want to do with your life?" I asked Demi.

"Travel." She stated blankly.

"That'd be nice."

"When I say I want to travel, I don't mean I want to stay at resorts and go on tours with tour guides or buy key chains from souvenir shops. I don't want to be a tourist. When I say I want to travel, I mean I want to explore another country and become a part of it. I want to discover small coffee shops in Germany and Italy and France. I want to walk on beaches in Australia and browse the book stores of England. I want to hike the Great Wall of China and go cliff diving in Hawaii. I want to meet people who are not like me, but people who I can like all the same. I want to take pictures of things and places and people I meet. I want my mind to be in constant awe of life on earth. I want to see things with new eyes. I want to look at a map and be able to remember how I was transformed by the places I've been to the things I've seen and the people I've met. I want to come home and realize that I have not come home whole but have left a piece of my heart in each place I have been. This, I think, is what is at the heart of adventure and this is why I plan on making my life one." She explained, staring into space. Picturing what it'd be like to travel the world, I suppose.

"That sounds so amazing. Can I come?" I asked seriously.

She laughed loudly. "You wouldn't be able to handle being around me for that long."

"Yes I would."


"Yes." I hissed. "If we were, together maybe."

"I am so confused. Are you straight or not?" She laughed.

"I don't know. Yes."

"Are you sure?" She raised her eyebrow.


"What do you feel?" She put my hand on her chest.

"Um, your heart beating?" It was more of a a question than a statement.

"No, Sel. I mean, for me. What do you feel?"

"I-I look at you and all I can think about is how lovely you are. Your eyes seem to vanish everytime you smile. Keep smiling. Just keep smiling. And I'll fall over and over and over."

She smiled at me. That fucking smile and I cupped her face in my hands. "I do like you, Dems. Don't make me regret saying that."

Before she had a chance to say anything, I crashed our lips together, sure that they would bruise. They moved in sync and I had never felt more at home.

We broke away, needing air. We sat there, looking into each others orbs. My skin was crawling with goosebumps and hers was, also. Her beautiful brown orbs were staring into my soul and I didn't care, not for one second. At that moment in time, the only thing I was sure about was Demi.

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