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Demi hadn't returned from the little episode earlier. It was getting late and as concerned as I was, I knew that Demi would be okay. I felt it. I always felt if she was okay or not. I decided that I was going to go to a party. It had been a while since I had socialised with anyone except Demi and I decided that tonight would be a good night to get fucked up, why not? Demi had always been the one to have fun, so it was now my turn.

I put on a red strapless dress that was quite short, minimal make up, black high heels and curled my long raven hair. I had never been a fan of how I looked, but I had to admit, if I was someone else, I would probably fuck me tonight.


I had only been at the party for an hour and I was absolutely legless. I made my way to the kitchen to get myself another drink and a hand gripped my wrist and pulled it away.

I turned around and was met with Demi. "You've had enough." She stated.

Surprisingly, she was sober. I guess the tables had turned.

"You don't get to tell me when I've had enough." I growled.

She had ran away from me after I said the most important words in the world and hadn't bothered to even talk to me since. I was angry. No, I was beyond furious.

"Sel, please stop."

"Fuck off." I mumbled picking up a bottle of rum and gulping it straight.

She stood there and looked at me. I made sure our eyes met and took more swigs from the bottle, not breaking the eye contact.

She scoffed and walked away angrily.

Normally, I'd probably care but I was so intoxicated that all I could do was giggle.

The music was blasting, I felt the bass travel through my body as I stumbled my way to the dance floor.

I started to dance, my body moving to the beat of the music when suddenly I felt two hands on my waist. I turned around to be met with Nick and smile. If I were sober, I'd be more than angry right now after what he had done to Demi but I was here to have a good time and that's exactly what I planned to do.

Our bodies moved in sync as his hands explored mine, touching almost every inch of it. I moved closer to him and felt his hot breath on my lips.

"Do you wanna go somewhere more, uh, private?" He asked.

I giggled like a teenage girl before telling him that I did.

I don't know what I was doing, I was beyond drunk but I knew that it'd have consequences.

Nick led me up a flight of stairs and into an empty room. I suddenly felt a wave of doom come over me. I knew I shouldn't be up here, with anyone except Demi, especially him.

I turned to walk out the door. "I have to go find Demiiiiii." I slurred.

He grabbed my wrist rather tight. "Not tonight you don't." He pulled my body towards his, causing them to clash together. "Tonight, you're mine."

I looked up at him, his eyes were dark and I knew he would have seen the fear in mine. "Yes, I do." I hissed, pulling my wrist harshly out of his grip.

He threw me on the bed and started to push my dress up. It was difficult for him to do so because I was kicking and hitting him.

"Just stop." He yelled.

"Get the fuck off me!" I screamed.

Before I knew it, his lips smashed against mine and his hands travelled up my thigh until it landed on my centre.

"Time to get you wet." He smirked.

"You make me dryer than a desert." I gave him attitude.

He became rough, trying to pull my underwear down.

Before he had the chance to, the door come flying of its hinges and I looked to see Demi. A very mad Demi. I didn't like how angry she was, it scared me.

She started to walk over to the bed. "Get. The. Fuck. Off. Her." She said between every punch she landed on him.

"Oh, I don't need her now since you've come back for round two." He laughed.

Whatever alcohol was in my system suddenly left and filled with anger.

"Leave my girlfriend alone!" I yelled.

Demi looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I shrugged my shoulders in return. I was drunk, sue me.

"Aw, girlfriend?" Nick smirked.

I nodded my head.

"You both make me sick." He spat.

"At least we aren't fucking rapists." I spat back.

I could tell this remark made him angry because he inhaled sharply. He turned to Demi and clasped his hands around her throat.

"Let her the fuck go." I cried, hitting him in the back.

Demi looked at me and motioned for me to leave.

Was she fucking stupid? There way no way I was going to leave her. What the hell was she thinking?

I shook my head at her and she did it again.

She was a smart girl, and she knew what she was doing. So, I left. I didn't go far though, I stood just around the corner from the room, listening to everything that was being said to everything that happened.

"So, your girlfriend?" Nick chuckled.

"Get off me." Demi struggled to get out.

The neck thing I knew, I heard a groan of pain, but it wasn't coming from Demi, it came from Nick.

Demi came running out of the room. Without stopping she grabbed my hand and pulled me down the stairs. We walked out to the front and got in her car.

"Your girlfriend?" Demi raised her eyebrow.

I swallowed hard. Nerves filled my veins. "Well, you see, I didn't mean t-" she cut me off. "I'd love to be."

I sat back in shock but then suddenly rage filled my body again. "You know what, Demi? No. You are not my girlfriend." Wow, what the fuck was I saying? "You don't get to run away from me after I tell you the most important words in the world to me, then come back and act as if nothing had happened. You don't get to fucking do that!" I was crying by this point.

"I was scared." Demi admitted. "I didn't know what else to do!"

I sniffled. "Well, I'm scared too, Dee. But I can tell you with one hundred percent certainty that I would never do that to you. What you did to me? Never EVER would I do that."

It was silent for a bit and I decided that I'd get out of the car but just as I opened my door and swung my legs around, a soft grip pulled me back in. Her voice was calm and gentle. "What are you scared of?"

"Losing you." I stated simply before I continued. "I'm scared of waking up in a world where you don't exist."

"I'm right here."

"For now." I mumbled.

She huffed. "Not just now, Sel. Always. Whether I fucking live or die or whatever. I'm always gonna be right here." She placed her hand over my heart.

I cried even more and snuggled myself into her chest.

She was the first to break the silence. "He was going to hurt you, you know."

I nodded. "I know. I don't want to talk about it."

I looked up at her, my eyes filled with tears, hers filled with lust. "What are we, Dee?"

"What'd you tell Nick I was?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at her, wondering why she was avoiding the question but answered anyway. "My girlfriend?" I said more as a question than a statement.

"Yeah." She whispered before smiling. "And you're mine."

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