Part 1

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This compilation of letters follows Zelia's adventures, mischiefs, heartaches, and triumphs as she buds into a strong-willed teen. It's based on the fictitious childhood diary of a real Brazilian athlete and football champion: Nenê dos Santos. It's a book for all of us; a coming-of-age story dedicated to all football fans out there. It's especially for those who have been overlooked as participants in this beautiful game due to their gender or gender identity. Todos nós temos algo a oferecer ;-) It's a story with heart, from the heart and I hope it will grow on you.

Dear Mummy,

Today's been very bad. I don't know if you've heard but I'm about to have an operation. Doctor Gama told me and Nona that this is because my appendix is infected. It's a little piece of meat that lives next to my intestine. My appendix doesn't do very much, the doctor told me. It can get bunged up sometimes, though: with poo! So now my appendix needs to come out of me. After he said this, the doctor asked Nona to call an ambulance because my appendix didn't want to wait very long.

I don't think my appendix has exploded yet because I haven't felt any more pain than usual since the ambulance got me to the hospital. I'm in Cachoeirinha, right now, but I hope it won't be long until I get my appendix out. Last night, I vomited so hard that I tasted blood in my mouth. I didn't sleep much either because there were sick people screaming from their rooms. I didn't ask for help, even though the nurses said all I had to do was ask, day or night. I figured those screaming sick people needed the nurses a lot more than me.

I know you will be very worried for me when you find out that I'm there on my own. But I know that you will make sure granny gets here to keep me company in your place.

I love you.


Ever been alone in a hospital overnight as a kid?  

A special cheer to our nurses and doctors on Wattpad who work tirelessly: whoop-whoop!!

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