Part 27

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Hiya Mum,

When I'm not playing football at recess; I'm a chemist. Gigli and I have now created miniature laboratories in our rooms at home, to develop health potions.

My lab is smaller than Gigli's because she has a whole playroom and bathroom just to herself at home and I just have my bedroom. I found an empty nappy box the other day and I took it to place within it all of my little containers (empty baby food pots) for scientific experiments. I told Nona what I was up to, as I figured she'd understand. Instead, she was very worried about the ingredients I might spill in my room and about waste and making a mess. She agreed to let me use a bunch of old rags to clean spills, a pair of my very own marigolds for when I handle my chemicals, and she offered me hundreds of little empty perfume samples that she had collected "without meaning to", over many years.

Gigli and I have started mixing edible plants and things from our parents' medicine cabinets into our tubes at home. We give each other updates every day via top-secret handwritten letters. We figured that since we have access to different ingredients from one another, we will work separately and then mix our results next month.

I have not found a way to create odourless lavender oil, sadly. So, granny's headlice recipe is out. However, I have collected some lavender and noticed that the flowers infused in water doesn't give a strong smell, so that could work.

Ok, I have a lot to do in the lab today, plus homework, football practice and babysitting Felicia while Nona and dad go to tango.

Kisses and hugs


Now, now. Don't tell me that Zelia is the only one here who's gotten sucked into the world of amateur potion-making. Come out of your shell, whoever you are. Reveal your stories here and don't forget to vote 😉 

Photo by Rodnae Productions (Pexels)

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