Part 12

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Dear mum,

I'm sorry I was too sad to properly end my last letter to you. I feel different since our home was broken into. I spent a week living with Elena's family while dad dealt with the break-in. He was happy to have me move back in, and he said: "good news; they didn't take anything of value!" 

I mean, yes, dad's passport and mine are fine (Nona is still away in Paraguay). All his work things are still there...and I know that's more important than anything I own because I'm just a kid. 

I looked at him and he was happy but I'm still in agony over the stolen gold chain. Dad didn't even ask me if any of my things were missing and I wasn't in the mood to re-open my wounds for him. He's "in a world of his own", as Nona often says about him, and I really get her now.

I miss you and I promise I will keep the memory of our gold chain in my heart and in my mind forever.


Sometimes people (adults!) think that wiping the slate clean is the best way to move on from something traumatic but they forget that kids (though small) have big feelings! Vote for Zelia to speak up and have her voice heard! 

Photo by Gustavo Gimenez from Pexels

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