Part 25

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Oh my! Oh my! Mum!

Gigli and I have finally discovered something we have in common and let me warn you: it's gross!

We have warts on the soles of our feet!

Elena told me she has them too, even Lola!

I promised to invent a potion that will rid us of our warts once and for all.

The girls were very interested in granny's old anti-headlice recipe, which I'd remembered. Gigli said this could be a good place to start in making the wart potion. We agreed that the potion needs to be colourless and odourless and not too oily. Otherwise, it would make it harder for us to use it in the showers after swimming class, without her mum noticing.

Did I mention that Gigli's mum has a hundred pairs of eyes and ears all over her head? Nothing gets past her, I swear. She once said "Bless You" outside class and I looked to Gigli because no one was there, and she said her mom could hear a termite sneeze. I could tell from Gigli's expression that she wasn't kidding about her mum being super-human. I already know she's always on her daughter's back, keeping an eye on her every move. I don't know how Gigli stands it.

The swimming pool, we all agreed, was where the wart bugs were getting to us, so that's where our feet will get doused in the potion.

I'll keep you posted.


What's the grossest thing that's ever appeared on your skin? Did you get rid of it? Vote and tells us your story  ;-)

Photo by This is Zun (Pexels)

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