Part 32

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Dear Mum,

Elena and I spent the best afternoon fishing with Mateus and dad. She says I'm the best friend she's got by far and I told her how I feel the same way. We ate sandwiches and later, dad bought us churros. I've never seen him so relaxed. Maybe my love for him has started to grow back. 

Sometimes, I feel bad about not loving dad all day, every day. 

Kids are supposed to love their parents unconditionally...right? I think dad does. So why can't I? Is it because I didn't grow dad in my belly or watch him take his first gulp of it's harder? My love for dad love is like the weather. If it gets cold, the trees will lose their leaves. If it's neglected, the roses won't bloom, but there's always a chance for a beautiful spring.

Before we left, Elena told me her new secret. She lifted her arms and showed me tufts of brownish-red hairs in the pit of each one! I checked under mine and I saw coiled, black hairs, in my left pit. I hadn't really paid attention to them until now. 

At least now Elena knows I'm not far behind and that she isn't going through these changes alone.



Photo by Pok Rie (Pexels)

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