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It's mid night of Ambondara everyone is talking about pure soul who is becoming a part of this land the lowly devil are decorating, cooking or making a chambers for the guests who is coming to see this they are all excited villagers excited to see the pure soul after hundred years later this happening so it like magical new generation devil never saw this type things its kind a like big fair in their country people started to coming and gathering in the hall. Different types devil's are taking seats some with horns and some with tail and different aura not everyone was happy with it but some are sad or some are angry or some are upset.
"What are you doing?"kook asked when he saw joon was climbing on the window who was really far away from ground.
"Trying to run away you are really think I'm going to do some ceremony with a devil no, of course not"joon said throwing the bed sheet rope again.
"But you were- you can't do this my lord he was so happy"taehyung said closing the door behind so no one can saw them.
"What I didn't saw him being happy I have to  run away from here"joon said trying again and again to throw that bundle of bedsheet rope.
"You can't run away I'm going tell my lord keep him here kook"tae said opening his wings.
"No,no you can't you are serving me not him it's my order take me to the Lilium garden I came from there"namjoon said looking scared but at he tried to order the devil soldier.
"But- look why don't you run away after the ceremony I mean there is lots people outside and even gurds are guarding today"jungkook advice him giving a sign to tae to say something that convince the human.
"What? why there are people outside in the middle of night wtf bro what's happening here"joon yelled throwing the gown he has wear for ceremony.
"If you were thinking it's a small ceremony like human world than it's not"tae said while taking the gown in his hands brushing it with hands.
"What the fuck I want to go back I'm not gay,oh! boy I'm bi but I like girls more than boy and first of all he is pervert"joon yelled when kook tried to put the gown on him.
"Be ready we can't help you and if will try to run away I'll call my lord here"taehyung said leaving the room and human with kook.
"What you all want from me why me tho please let me go"joon cried loudly.

"He is a man","a man how can a man be his queen"two devils talked with eachother while waiting for their drinks.
"I don't know about this to wait for the night it will show everything to us" a devil said with weird combination of cloth.
"He is very young we heard he was his grandchild" a devil in his old age said behind them.
"Really? that's really something good news I got from here" a man chuckled listening the others talk.
"I don't know how he is so beautiful that main solider and gurd of the palace is at his service even lord jin want his attention".some servants were also wishpering about the pure soul.

"I like him and saw him there in his room so beautiful so pure that we can reunite your soul". Devil aura said with smile.
"I know that guy who was passing by yesterday even his shadow gave me powers that I can talk for days".a shadow said with evil laugh.
"He doesn't know he is in danger" devil said laugh along with the shadow.
"But if that man will beside him he will more powerful than now we have to stop the soul bonding ceremony"shadow said his eyes were darkly red glowing in the dark room with other devil criminal.
"We can't my lord those siblings didn't even distract jin they are just useless"devil said sighing on his own servants.
"I told you hire someone good is he going to pass by here to the hall"shadow yelled touching the gate of the room and held when it gave him shock because of some spell.
"No my lord he is already in his room".a man said going back to his original posture exit the dark prison with mischievous smile.

To be continued........


So how was the day?

Hopefully you liked it 😁

Thank you 😊
Written by ARYA.......

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