Chapter Two

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YEAR: 1998
MONTH: November

"Are you sure?"
"Shoot, y/n."
"Yes Mr Dreykov."
I fired the gun.
"Well done" Dreykov commented.
You smiled proudly at the blood dripping from the dead man's forehead.
"You just did the world a favour." 
"Was he a bad person?"
"What did he do?"
"You don't need to know that."
"And y/n..."
"Don't tell anyone about this. Not even Natasha."
"It's a secret. Just between us."
"Okay" I shrugged. I didn't see why I couldn't tell her, but I also didn't see why I couldn't just keep it a secret like he asked.
"Good. Now go. I think the other girls are having their dance lesson."
"I will go join them" I nodded, and hurried off to find the ballet class.
They were finishing up, but the teacher spotted me sneak in the back.
"Y/n!" she called. She made me do a solo while the other girls watched. But I did not hesitate, and I certainly did not hold back from showing off a little.
I knew I was best by far, plus I was the youngest in this class.
I was proud of my accomplishments, and I was praised for them.
When it finished, I ran over to Nat and Yelena.
Nat complimented my dance, laughing at the fact it looked so effortless.
I waved slightly at Yelena, but she returned with a face of subtle hatred, that wasn't very subtle.
I walked with them and some of the other girls to the training room, where I decided to practice shooting.
"Y/n" Yelena came up behind me.
I took a final flawless shot at the target before turning to face her with a smug grin wiped across my face.
"Hi" I smiled.
"Do you want to fight?"
"Sure, why not?" I agreed, and we moved to the middle of the room.
"Ready?" I had barely got the word out before Yelena started throwing punches.
We fought, until I knocked her onto her back on the floor.
I offered out my hand to help her up, but she ignored it, and stood on her own.
I smiled awkwardly, and she sighed in frustration, then walked away.
Nat came up to me.
"Hey, you alright?" she asked.
"Yeah, I'm not the one who lost" I frowned. "You should go be with her."
"Okay. Sorry y/n."
"It's not your fault. See you later."
I waved at Nat as she went to find and talk to Yelena.
DATE: December 3rd

It was Natasha's birthday.
I had been looking for her the entire morning, but couldn't find her anywhere.
I decided to go see Dreykov, and asked if he had seen her.
"Natasha had a small graduating ceremony today."
"Oh. Will she be done soon?"
"She won't be done until this evening."
"So I won't get to see her?"
"Why do you need to see her?"
"It's her birthday. I just wanted to see her."
"Y/n, you mustn't stay up after your bedtime just to see her."
"Did you get her a present?"
"I made her a bracelet" I held up a small hand-made friendship bracelet that I had made from old pieces of clothing - I had plaited little pieces together. It was crap, but I thought she'd appreciate it regardless.
"I'll give it to her" Dreykov took it off you and slipped it in his pocket.
"Thank you" I said, waiting to see if he had anything else to say.
"I have some more chores for you."
"Okay. What are they?"
"Some more... bad people need to be taken care of. I was wondering if you wanted to do it?"
"Of course" I smiled.
"Good. Come with me."
Dreykov stood up and took me to a room not far away.
Inside, there were three people tied to chairs with bags over their heads.
Dreykov handed me a gun.
"Go ahead" he stood back against the wall and watched me.
I pointed the gun at the first man's head, and fired.
Blood started to soak through the bag, and the other two flinched.
I aimed at the next guy, and shot again.
Finally, I fired at the last guy.
Dreykov admired the precision of every shot, and smiled as I turned to face him.
I handed his gun back to him.
"Very good."
"Anything else?" I asked.
"No. You can go to your room now. Don't wait up for Natasha."
"I won't. Goodnight" I nodded and left the room.
Yelena was outside in the hallway.
She looked mortified.
"Yelena Wait-" I called, but she was already running away.
I sighed and returned to my room. She wouldn't want to talk to me anyway.
I climbed in bed, feeling good about what I had achieved today.
I was finally drifting off, when I heard the door open and close.
The bed next to mine creaked, and I got out of mine to crawl in with Nat.
She was crying.
"Nat, what's wrong?" I asked. "Natasha?"
She continued to cry softly into her pillow.
"It's- it's nothing."
"It's not nothing. What happened? Please tell me."
"I just had... a surgery" she sniffed. "And I had to kill someone."
"I don't understand."
"I killed someone y/n. It's upsetting!"
"I... I've killed four people..."
"I didn't realise it was a big deal."
"Well it's not something you should be proud of!"
"I- okay."
I was confused. We only killed bad people, we were doing the world a favour. I couldn't see why Natasha was so sad, but I let it go because I didn't like seeing her upset.
"Did Dreykov give you my present?" I asked.
Nat nodded as she pulled the bracelet out of her pocket. I smiled as she handed it to me so I could fasten it around her wrist.
"Do you like it?" I wondered hopefully.
"I love it. Thank you."
"Happy birthday Nat."
I closed my eyes and fell asleep by her side.
I woke up to Natasha shaking my body.
"Y/n! Y/n wake up!" she cried.
"Hm?" I sat up groggily in bed.
"Dreykov wants to see you" she informed.
"Do you know why?"
"No. Just that it's urgent and you have to go. Now!"
She took my hand and pulled me out the bed. I was still in pyjamas as we walked through the halls to Dreykov's office.
Natasha opened the door for me and I stepped inside, then she shut it behind me.
"Y/n, finally."
"You wanted to see me?"
"Yes. Do you remember I told you that Natasha had a graduation ceremony of sorts yesterday?"
"I think you're ready."
"But... I'm only 7."
"Natasha is 14. Do I not need to be older?"
"Y/n, you are so special. You know that? You can do pretty much anything Natasha can do. You will do great things. You are and will be the best. I have plans for you, so why delay when you're ready now." 
I blushed proudly.
"You're sure I'm ready?"
"Absolutely. Let's go."
Dreykov stood and grabbed my hand.
We walked out his office, and Natasha was still waiting outside.
"Nat!" I cried excitedly. "Nat, I'm graduating! Isn't that great news? ... Nat?"
She looked mortified, and stared up at Dreykov.
"You can't" she shook her head.
"She's ready" Dreykov said blankly.
"She's seven!"
"Nat, I thought you'd be happy for me" I frowned.
Natasha couldn't come out with words, and she ran off tearfully.
Dreykov carried on pulling me by the hand until we were standing in the doorway of a surgical looking suite.
I looked up at Dreykov.
"This is where your future starts y/n" he said.
I smiled, having no second thoughts.

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