Chapter Twenty-Two

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The party wasn't that loud. For a Stark party.
There was music, but it was faint under the sound of people talking.
Steve, Bucky, Natasha and Yelena had settled down on some couches, where they were joined by Tony and Rhodes.
"Hey guys" Tony smiled as he sat down opposite them. "I thought y/n was coming with you?" he asked Natasha.
"Yeah she's coming in a minute" Nat assured.
"She is coming, right?" Tony asked.
"I think so. Just be patient Tony."
"Who's y/n?" Rhodes asked.
"She's-" Tony stopped and smiled. He finally spotted you over Rhodes' shoulder.
You were stepping slowly down the stairs in black heels, your hand running along the railing.
You were wearing a tight black dress. It was short, and had long sleeves to cover your arms.
You had tights on that covered the bruises and cuts on your legs.
Your hair was pulled back into a tight, high ponytail, revealing large gold hoops in your ears.
Tony watched as you walked over to the couches where you were sitting, and he stood up in front of you.
"You look beautiful y/n" he whispered as he gave you a hug.
"Thank you Tony" you said.
"I thought you said you hadn't worn a dress in ages!"
"Just because I haven't worn one in four years, doesn't mean I can't pull one off" you smirked.
"Ahem" Rhodes coughed, reminding Tony that he was still there.
"Oh right" Tony remembered. "Y/n, this is Rhodes. Rhodes, this is my sister, y/n" Tony grinned proudly.
"Your sister? I thought-"
"That she went missing for 22 and a half years? Yeah she did."
"How did- I mean, how are y- I mean how- what?!"
"It's great, right?"
Rhodes looked at you curiously. Then he realised.
"Tony, isn't this the chic that tried to kill you back in 2010?"
"Yes. But we don't talk about that."
"I have so many questions."
"I have answers. But not tonight. Tonight, we just celebrate that she's home."
Rhodes looked uneasy.
You were uncomfortable.
"I- I think I'm going to go get a drink" you excused yourself from the situation.
You went to the bar and sat on a stool. You ordered a drink, and waited patiently for the bartender to get it for you.
Bucky hadn't taken his eyes off you since you entered the room. When you went to sit at the bar, he followed.
"Hey" he smiled as he sat next to you.
"Hm" you groaned at him.
"Y/n you look amazing."
"Hm" you groaned again. "Aren't you supposed to be with Yelena?"
"Because you're her date."
"I just walked her from her room."
"Mhm... you asked her if she wanted to go to the party with you. You asked her on a date."
The bartender handed you a drink. You ran your finger round the top of the glass.
"Get her a drink, then go sit with her Weiner."
"Come sit with us?"
"No that's okay."
Bucky understood that he was not wanted. He did as you said, leaving you on your own.
You kind of regretted it. You didn't particularly want to be alone.
You finished your drink, then simply stared at the empty glass. The bartender offered a refill but you declined.
You turned around to watch the party.
Bucky was still with Yelena, talking on the couch.
Yelena stood up and took Bucky's hand. She walked off with him until you could no longer see them.
You changed your mind about a refill, and asked the bartender for another drink.
Only ten minutes in, you already wanted to leave.
Someone came to sit next to you.
She ordered a drink, then watched you staring blankly at nothing.
"You okay?" she asked.
"Hm?" you looked up at her. You hadn't noticed she was there until she spoke.
"I asked if you were okay?"
"Oh right."
You didn't answer the question.
"I'm gonna take that as a no" she laughed.
You didn't say anything.
"So how do you-" she trailed off.
You looked up at her, and noticed she was staring down at your arm.
Your tattoo was showing.
Shit, you thought.
You quickly pulled down the sleeve.
"You-" the woman started.
"I've gotta go" you said and ran off before she could ask anything else. It was suspicious, but she'd already seen the tattoo. It couldn't get much worse than that. You just had to hope she didn't know what it meant.
The woman was about to get up and follow you when Steve came over to the bar and stood in front of her.
"Hey Sharon you made it!" he grinned.
"Yeah... Steve did you see that girl that was next to me?"
"No, why?"
"I- I think she's dangerous."
"What do you mean?"
"She had a tattoo. It said Dreykov's daughter. I've read about Dreykov. He ran the Red Room, where-"
"Yeah I know Sharon" Steve sighed. "Did you see where she went?"
Steve knew it was you. He had a feeling that if Sharon saw the tattoo, you weren't okay.
Sharon pointed in the general direction you had run off in.
Steve headed that way, leaving Sharon on her own by the bar. She was confused why Steve didn't seem that bothered. She decided to stay at the bar.
Steve looked for you about ten minutes. When he couldn't find you, he returned to Bucky, Natasha and Yelena.
"Hey where were you?" Nat wondered.
"I was looking for y/n. You haven't seen her, have you?"
"No, I haven't seen her since she arrived."
"What's wrong?" Bucky asked.
"Sharon saw the tattoo on her wrist, and she said that y/n ran off."
"What?" Natasha was instantly concerned. "When?"
"About ten minutes ago."
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
"I... didn't think about it."
"We should find her. We need to make sure she's okay."
Before Steve could say anything more, Natasha pulled him away by the arm.
Yelena followed them, and Bucky went off on his own.
He went towards an exit, and the door swung open just as he reached it.
"Bucky! Yeah okay. I need your help" Clint said.
"I'm busy right now-"
"It's y/n."
*a few minutes ago*
Sam and Clint were standing at the side of the party, when they saw you hurrying towards the exit. You were crying.
Sam and Clint exchanged worried glances and followed you out the party. You locked yourself in a bathroom before they caught up with you.
They ran up to the door and Clint knocked gently.
"Hey kid, we saw you go in there" he called.
They could still hear you sobbing inside.
"Y/n?" Sam said. "Y/n can you open the door please?"
There was no response. You were still crying
"Do you want us to get Tony? Or Natasha?" Clint suggested.
They didn't say anything, to try and listen closely.
"Fuck" they heard you mutter through tears. They heard you wince in pain slightly.
"What are you doing?" Clint asked.
"Y/n open the door!" Sam desperately tried the handle.
"Open the door kid" Clint pleaded.
Sam and Clint looked at each other nervously when there was still no answer.
"Y/n we're opening the door!" Clint warned.
He nodded at Sam, and they simultaneously kicked at the door.
The lock was weak, and broke easily, so the door swung open.
You seemed to barely care, focused on what you were doing.
"Y/n stop!" Sam yelled.
"Shit" Clint muttered.

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