Chapter Twenty-Seven

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When I rolled over in the morning, I noticed I wasn't in my own bed.
I opened my eyes to see that I was lying in someone's lap.
Naturally, I expected it to be Tony or Bucky, but I quickly realised I was leaning on Steve.
We were still in the living room. I must have fallen asleep watching the movies last night.
Steve's eyes were still shut. I tried my best to get up without waking him. I failed.
I sat up on the couch, and Steve quickly woke up next to me.
"I'm sorry" I instantly apologised. "I didn't mean to wake you."
"That's okay" he smiled. "Did you sleep well?"
"Um yeah" I briefly scanned the room and saw that it was empty. "You could've woken me up last night so you could go back to your room."
"You looked so peaceful in your sleep I didn't want to disturb you. You've had a long week, you deserve your rest."
"Oh. Thank you, I guess."
"You're welcome."
I was sat up awkwardly next to him.
I tried to stifle a yawn.
Steve put his arm around me and gently pulled me over to lean on him again.
I didn't object.
I cuddled up to him until I was comfortable.
But I didn't go back to sleep. I just sat there for a while.
Not long later, Natasha and Clint came in the room.
"You look comfy" Natasha said. "Did you have a good nights sleep?"
I smiled and nodded.
"Hey kid I was thinking about making breakfast. Do you wanna help?" Clint asked.
"Oh sure."
I jumped up and we left to go to the kitchen.
Clint got everything we needed out the fridge and freezer, and we started cooking.
"So" he said. "Tell me about boys..."
I assumed he meant the date with Thor later.
"Um well I have the date later. And honestly I did not expect that at all."
"Oh yeah with Thor... I can't believe you called us all old last night, yet you're going out with someone who's like fifteen hundred years old."
"I think he might've been the last person I expected to ask me. I mean, I had no idea. I didn't think anyone would ask me out."
"Oh come on. Someone would eventually. You're beautiful."
I felt my cheeks blush a little.
"I highly doubt that" I said.
"Thor already did. And I'm willing to bet he wasn't the only one that wanted to ask."
"Really? Who?"
"Who what?"
"Who else would wanna ask? You?" I asked as a joke.
He stopped what he was doing.
"How did you know?"
I froze, until he started laughing and I rolled my eyes at him.
"No, you're my best friends sister. I could never."
"Tony is your best friend?"
"Plus I'm also married with two kids."
"Yeah. My wife's name is Laura. I have a son and a daughter. Cooper and Lila."
"Wow I did not know this about you."
"I don't think anyone but Natasha does" he laughed.
"They don't come to the Tower?"
"No. I'm not staying here long either. Natasha called me last week to help you. But I'm going home in a couple of days now that everything's okay" he smiled at me.
I smiled back at him, then started making some coffee for everyone.
Just as everything was finishing off, everyone came in to sit around the table.
Bucky came up and hugged me from behind, and stood with his arms around me and his chin on my shoulder.
"Good morning" he said.
"Look Weiner I made breakfast" I smiled. I had a plate of waffles in front of me that I had made myself.
He reach for one, but I smacked his hand away.
"I heard you're going on date with Yelena tonight."
"Yeah. Everyone else seemed to be going out to dinner, so... but you and Thor?"
"Yeah I had no idea that was going to happen. I hadn't even spoken to him before last night."
"Hm. Do you think you're gonna go on another date?"
"Let me get through the first one then we'll decide about the second one... let's go sit at the table. Get your hands off me already!" I laughed as I shoved him backwards.
He frowned and took the plate of waffles to the table.
He sat next to Yelena, then asked Sam to move over on his other side to make room for me to sit next to him.
"Sorry Sam" I apologised as I sat in the chair that was previously his.
"No that's okay" he said.

Sam was perfectly happy to let you and Bucky sit together.
You and Bucky spoke the entire time that everyone was eating breakfast.
You felt bad as Yelena was sitting quietly on her own. But you hadn't had a proper conversation with Bucky in ages.
The others started clearing the table, and Thor approached you when Bucky had left to carry plates to the sink.
"Hello y/n" he sat down in Bucky's empty chair.
"Hi Thor."
"So later, I thought we could meet out the front of the tower at 7pm."
"Yeah, sounds good."
"Good. Because I don't want to keep you out past your curfew so if we leave at seve-"
"Hang on. Wait, sorry, Thor... curfew?"
"Yes. 10pm."
"Who- did Tony tell you that?"
"Yes Stark said that I need to bring you back on time, precisely 10pm. Is that incorrect?"
You didn't take your eyes off Thor.
"Tony can you come here a sec!"
He walked over and you slowly turned to face him.
"I have a curfew?"
"Uh... yes."
"I'm almost twenty-three."
"So I think I can stay out as late as I want."
"Why not?"
"Because my house, my rules."
"This isn't your house. It's the Avengers Tower."
"Okay well we live here, and I'm older than you. So I make the rules."
"If you're not back at 10pm, you're grounded."
"Mhm. Sure."
"I'm serious y/n... y/n?"
"Fine" you groaned. There was no good reason to argue with Tony right now. "I'll see you at seven, Thor."
"Can't wait" Thor grinned.
Bucky returned to the table, but Thor was still sat in his seat. He sat on the other side of Yelena.
You excused yourself to go back to your room.
You had been bored the entire day, so got dressed for your date early. You were ready by half past six.
You decided to go to Bucky's room to pass the time.
Bucky was sitting on his bed, reading a book.
"Come in" he called when he heard the knock at the door. He glanced up briefly, but then looked properly when he saw it was you.
You were simply wearing jeans, a sweater, sneakers, necklace, hair up in a ponytail - fairly casual for a date. But Bucky couldn't help looking at you admiringly. He thought you looked...
"Weiner are you okay?"
He blinked and saw you had stepped closer. You had an eyebrow raised questioningly. He smiled at you.
"Yeah. I just- you look great." A lot more than great.
"Thanks. Do you think Thor would like it?"
"He'd be crazy not to."
You sat down on the bed next to him.
"Is that what you're wearing when you go out with Lena?"
"No but I'll change in a bit."
You frowned and checked the time on the clock.
"Oh I have time. I'm not taking Yelena out until eight."
"You see, I don't have a curfew."
"Oh shut up."
"I don't have a bed time."
"I said shut up!" you laughed and slapped his arm.
"I can stay up all night long" he teased.
"I'm leaving."
"No, don't go."
"You're too annoying."
"I was kidding."
"No no. I should get going now anyway."
"Okay... the sooner you go out, the sooner you come back so you don't miss your curfew" Bucky laughed.
You frowned and slammed the door. As you walked away from his room, you smiled to yourself. You were glad he was in your life.

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