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Erica's Bedroom

Erica's Bedroom

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In Dream

"Kol," a man calls out

Two men walk into a room where there many bodies were scattered around. Just then two men walk into the room.

"All of my efforts to keep this family concealed (walks into the room and takes his hat off with the other man) yet debauchery like this has led father directly to us (walks around)," says the second man

"Kol (walks around) Show yourself, this is no time for games," the first man says

Kol walks into the room with his face on someone's neck. The man turns and drops the body on the floor.

"Come come brother (picks up a cup) it's always time for games (sips the cup)," says Kol

"We must leave, Michael is very nearly upon us (walks around a body)," says the second man

"if Mikael were upon us I imagine that Niklaus would be quite dead," says Kol

"I barely escaped father left the head of my horse on the pike in the middle of the town square," Klaus says which reveals to be man 1.

"He killed poor Theo what a beast. But then fathers always hated you the most Surely he'll chase you if you flee you leaving me here perhaps I'll make myself a mayor," Kol says sarcastically

"Rebekah and Finn have already boarded the ship it is important that we stick together," says the second man

"Rebekah only does what she's told because you fear nick (walks around) and Finn he's in no position to argue with the dagger in his heart. I'll take my chances here (try's to leave but can't)," Kol says

"I find it amusing that you think you have the choice," Klaus says as the second man grabs Kol

"I swear to you that the day will come when I'm not so easily subdued and on that day I will make you suffer" Kol says trying to break from the man's arms

"perhaps but today's not that day," Klaus says as he shoves the dagger into Kol's heart making him grunts.

"perhaps but today's not that day," Klaus says as he shoves the dagger into Kol's heart making him grunts

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Daggers and Roses ~ Kol Mikaelson X OC Gilbert X OC Lockwood [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now