Forty One - The Birthday

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It had been 3 months since Erica, Derek, Angelina, Stefan and Klaus had left mystic falls. They had been tracking down werewolves ever since. Stefan never told Erica that Elena was alive while Derek wasn't sure if Elena was alive or not and it was fine since Erica had other problems to worry about. 

Erica had caught her bracelet glowing multiple times whenever they were in a new city or town. Erica couldn't sleep and it was hard for her to handle it. Klaus knew this and he made sure that Erica stayed safe. 

Since Erica was never actually physically hurt she didn't turn into a wolf in those 3 months. It worried her because if she did then the transition would be hard as she would have to go through the pain all over again. 

Stefan was completely off his thread and if weren't for Klaus as he was making Stefan kill dozens of people and compelling him to listen. Stefan would have killed Erica, Angelina and Derek. Luckily a certain once upon a psychotic original Vampire was there to always stop Stefan and threaten his life. 

Yes....Kol Mikaelson had been undaggered by Klaus who first was pissed but when he saw Erica, Derek and then little Angelina he changed and vowed to keep them safe until they meet the lover that wasn't with them when the time came. 

Kol was beyond happy to see that his lovers were back but was pissed that his girl had been raped months before. He however grew to love the young baby who was almost a half a year old or 6 months old. He had always wanted kids after he had meet Erica and Derek's past selves but was taken that chance and now he wasn't going to let that chance go again and was going to do everything he could to keep his DAUGHTER safe. 

Recent events brought the group of five go Tennessee. Stefan had to wait till Klaus had gotten invited into the house. While Kol, Erica, Derek and Angelina stayed in the truck. Kol was fine with that because he didn't trust Stefan around his girl, guy and daughter and would probably kill him if Stefan tried anything funny. 

As Kol continued to play with a sleeping Erica's hair, while Derek was sleeping with Angelina he couldn't help but remember the day he had meet the trio.


Kol gasped awake and looked around the truck he was in with Klaus watching him. Kol was pissed his brother daggered him and went to charge at him only to be stopped when the familiar  smell came to Kol. His eyes widened in shock as he looked to his brother who smiled and nodded. Kol then speed out to see not one but both of his reincarnated lovers there in front of him.

"Oh my god" Kol said to himself quietly but Erica and Derek heard him. 

They turned and ended up facing Kol with small smiles on their faces themselves. 

"Hi...Kol" they both said as Kol speed over to them.

He lightly touched their faces making both Erica and Derek shiver and smile 

"It worked," Kol said quietly "it really worked"

Erica and Derek smiled even more knowing now how worried Kol was that the reincarnation spell may not have worked. However, their moment came undone when little Angelina started crying. 

Kol was shocked when Erica went and picked her up before saying. 

"She's my daughter but do you accept her like Derek" she says quietly 

Kol nods as he walks over to Erica and looks to Angelina who was watching him too. Kol wanted to know who Angelina's father was but he wouldn't ask at least not yet.

"Can I," Kol asks wanting to pick Angelina up.

Erica nods as he picks Angelina up who starts giggling and laughing in Kol's arms. Everyone including Klaus but Stefan started smiling at the sight.

Kol looked to Erica and Derek promising to himself he was going to keep them safe even if it went him losing his life.

Kol came out of thought when Klaus came back to the truck. He rolled his eyes when he heard the screams of the ladies in the house because Stefan was killing them but covered his girls ears so she wouldn't hear since she was starting to move around. When she stopped, Kol looked to Klaus and glared while Klaus chuckled.

"Really Nik," Kol says 

"Sorry I'll tell him to kill quietly next time," Klaus says 

"Better be telling him," Kol scoffs and said as Stefan came to the van and looked to Erica, Derek and Angelina. 

Stefan gulped seeing the pissed look on Kol's face as he quickly looked away from the sleeping trio. 

As the group of six headed to go find a wolf named Ray, Kol couldn't help but wonder what to get his girl for her 18th birthday. All though a lot was going on he wanted Erica to still get a good birthday. 

She hadn't told him it was her birthday and he knew why she didn't tell him but he wanted to do something for her. 

When Stefan went to hunt, Kol started talking to Klaus. 

"Erica's birthday was today," he says making Klaus look to Kol in surprise 

"Really" Klaus says as Kol nods. 

"I want to get her something, something meaningful for her but not only her...for Derek and Angelina as well but their all probably tired" Kol says as Klaus smiles at his brother with how much he's changed.

"Well why don't Stefan and I deal with Ray while you go find a hotel for you guys to stay in for the night we'll join you after. Tomorrow then you can take Erica, Derek and Angelina out for shopping and let them choose what they want. Maybe you'll find something afterwards for them as well," Klaus says as Kol nods.

Klaus then headed inside to deal with Ray with Stefan, Kol took the van to find a motel for Derek, Erica, Angelina, himself along with Stefan and Klaus. 

After getting rooms for the night, Kol gently put each one of his lovers into the bed that he had got for the four of them while Angelina was in her basket, along with Stefan and Klaus getting their own rooms. He couldn't wait for tomorrow and smiled as he fell asleep when Derek cuddled into one side of Kol and Erica on the other. 

All though he didn't except for the plan he had made to end up changing especially with how tomorrow was coming along...

AN: Into Season 3 of the show...Kol's awake but what else is going to happen now that Kol was awake. Stay tuned....

Daggers and Roses ~ Kol Mikaelson X OC Gilbert X OC Lockwood [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now