Twenty Nine - Katerina

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After a week in the hospital, Erica and baby Angelina were allowed to leave and go home. It took time but Erica, Damon and Derek all got used to baby Angelina in the house and everyone absolutely adored the little one....well not everyone but nobody cared for them at least not until today where Derek, Mason, Damon, Erica and Angelina had to go to the Salvatore house to talk with Rose and Trevor about what was going on and what was happening and who was after Erica and Elena. 

When the 5 of them came to the house, Elena wasn't happy that Angelina was here or that she was born because now there was another obstacle in getting Damon and....Derek. Elena didn't care about Katherine and Mason because she knew she would never be able to get him but Erica and now Angelina would be in the way of not allowing her to get Damon but Derek as well. 

"Nice seeing you two again," Rose says as sees Erica holding the chain "guess that's really helped you huh"

Erica nods and smiles 

"So what information do you have," Derek asks as he held Erica and Angelina close to him and not allowing them to go anywhere or in this case too Trevor. 

He didn't like the way Erica was with Trevor but Derek trusted Trevor since Trevor was there for Erica when he couldn't. 

Rose sighed as everyone sat down to listen what she and Trevor had to say 

"Okay you have to understand, I only know what I've picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. That's the problem with all this vampire crap." Rose says "But Klaus i know is real"

"Who is he," Elena asks 

"He's one of the originals. He's basically a legend. From the first generations of vampires like a Elijah but Elijah was the Easter bunny compared to Klaus," Trevor says 

"Elijah was just a foot soldier. Klaus is the real deal." Rose says 

"Klaus is known to be the oldest" Stefan says 

"So your saying that the almost oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after us" Erica says as she points to Elena and herself 

"Yes," Rose and Trevor say 

"No," Stefan says as everyone looks to him then Damon who starts talking. 

"What they're saying is I mean if what they're true..." Damon says as he looks to Rose and Trevor

"Which it is" Rose says 

"and your not saying it so we don't kill you..." Derek continues

"Which we're not" Trevor says 

"Then we're looking at a solid maybe" Mason says 

"Look Elijah's dead right so no one knows that you two exist" Stefan says as he looks from Elena to Erica. 

"Not that you know off" Rose says 

"Not helping," Damon says 

Erica sighs as she and Derek get up

"Where are you two going," Damon asks them 

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