Twenty Three - Bad Moon Rising

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As Damon, Erica and Caroline were eating breakfast, Erica gets a message from Elena if she wants to go come to the Salvatore house to talk but Erica declines. 

Erica heads to school since Caroline isn't immune to sunlight. Erica explains everything about Caroline and Katherine to Bonnie and asks her if she can make the ring for her. At first Bonnie declines but then accepts since Caroline needs Erica and Caroline can't be with her if she isn't able to be around her. 

After school Erica gives the ring to Caroline. She and Caroline then head to the grill. When they get in, they sit at a table.

"Thanks Erica for staying with me" Caroline says

"Well after last night I would rather stay with you and Damon then be with them," Erica says as she looks at the daylight ring that she had Bonnie make for her "How's the ring"

"It's good I have to say thanks to Bonnie for making it in such short notice" Caroline says 

" Well I mean she knows about what happened and she knows you need me so she did it," Erica says as she sees Elena, Stefan and Damon coming into the grill, "great the 2 stupidteers and best friend are here"

Caroline turns to see them and then turns back to see Tyler and and unknown man staring at them.

"Forget them look behind you" Caroline says making Erica turn to see Tyler and an unknown man smiling at them.

The man winks at Erica making her blush before she turns back to see a smirking Caroline 

"Shut up," Erica says making Caroline laugh "Want to go over there"

Caroline nods as the two girls grab their stuff and walk over.

"Tyler Lockwood god it feels like I haven't seen you in years," she says as she hugs him.

"For sure," Tyler says as she hugs Erica and  then hugs Caroline "How are you Caroline"

"Good I feel much better," Caroline says as she sees Derek "so who's this"

"Erica, Caroline this is my cousin Derek. Derek Erica Gilbert and  Caroline Forbes 

"It's a pleasure meeting you Caroline and it's wonderful to see you Erica," Derek says taking and kissing Erica's hand making Erica blush.

Tyler and Caroline look at each other and smirk. They were going to play matchmaker between Derek and Erica 

"It's a pleasure meeting you Derek," Erica says 

"Care for a non alcoholic drink Erica" Derek asks as she smiles and nods 

"A coke would be fine," Erica says 

"Gotcha" Derek says as he wraps his arm around Erica's waist and takes her to a booth as Caroline and Tyler were smirking at them.

Derek and Erica order their drinks and wait till they come

"So tell me about yourself Erica" Derek asks 

"What would you like to know," Erica asks as she drinks her drink.

"Well how old are you first off" Derek asks 

Daggers and Roses ~ Kol Mikaelson X OC Gilbert X OC Lockwood [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now