Twenty Eight - Rose

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Erica woke up the next morning to being in a dusty old home. She looked around to see the male captured with Elena who was still asleep on the couch while the female capturer starting to untie her.

"What do you want" Erica asks quietly as the woman looks to Erica.

"You weren't supposed to be here," the woman says sadly before looking to Elena "if it's anyone that deserves to be here it's her." 

Erica looks to Elena who was still asleep. 

"Did did she wake up anytime since we arrived" Erica asks 

"She did but I dealt with her," the woman says as Erica nods quietly.

"Do you think I could have something to eat and maybe something to do," Erica asks as she rubs her belly which makes the woman nod and go to get a bag of chips, a chocolate bar and a puzzle book which Erica took happily and started eating along with doing.

Elena wakes up some time later seeing Erica leaning on a couch eating and writing something in a notebook but not caring less for Elena which made Elena mad.

Before she could say anything the woman who's name was Rose walks in. Elena starts getting pissed when she sees Rose care for Erica but not for her. Elena ends up jumping when Rose goes to a wall and sees a man who's name was Trevor show up out of nowhere.

"How was the girl" she asks rudely to him about Elena who shrugs 

"Quiet but has issues with the other one," Trevor says making Elena gulp as both vampires looked to Elena.

Elena looked to Erica who was rubbing her belly with something in her hand and smiling before looking to lock eyes with Elena. Erica quickly looked away before Elena looked to Rose and Trevor. 

"So did you call him" Trevor asks 

"No I called his contacts" Rose says 

"Did you or did you not get in contact with Elijah" Trevor asks which makes Erica look to him along with Elena 

"Who's Elijah" Elena asks 

"He's your worst nightmare" Rose says glaring before looking to Erica and going to her. "Come I have some clothes you can change into since your still in your party dress."

Erica nods as she gets up and follows Rose to get changed in the outfit below.

<The Outfit>

<The Outfit>

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Daggers and Roses ~ Kol Mikaelson X OC Gilbert X OC Lockwood [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now