Chapter 1

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I woke up to the sound of metal bars hitting each other. When my eyes opened I was in a room. A little small room. I went to open a door and it immediately turned into a cage. They put me in a fucking cage. But then Flames came running into the room. He tried to unlock the cage with a crowbar but it wouldn't budge. When I saw that the crowbar didn't work I stepped back and tried to use my magic but instead of my magic destroying the cage it hit me instead of the cage. I fell to the ground. But then I felt like I couldn't breathe. I started to hyperventilate. As tears fell from my eyes Flames kept hitting the cage. But he couldn't break it. I couldn't stop crying. I kept hyperventilating. I started to shake. Then I just layed down on the floor. I could feel Flames starting to get pissed. I could feel his heart beating faster than it normally would. Then I heard a scream. I looked up and it was Flames. His eyes were filled with anger and his hands were holding his api biru. He used his fire to destroy the cage. I was weak at that point so when he destroyed the cage I couldn't move or say anything.Flames picked me up and started to run through the hallways to try and get out. But then Zeus, Poseidon,and my mom were in his way. Flames put me down sitting on a chair. He gave me a kiss on the forehead then turned to them. Then Zeus hit Flames with his lightning bolt. When I saw Flames get hurt. I didn't think, I just reacted. I teleported in front of Zeus and used my elbow to break his arm. I took the lightning bolt then I broke it. I punched zeus in the neck then i kicked Poseidon in his fucking balls. "You too Medusa?" She got scared and started to cry. "Emily, I did not want to do it but you almost killed everyone here. I just want to help you." I started to laugh, "Medusa the only person that can help me is me. Don't be stupid and think that you can." Then I grabbed Medusa by her neck and whispered in her ear, "none of you can." Then I threw her against a wall. I looked at my dad, Poseidon. He looked at me with nothing but fear in his eyes. I didn't care, they hurt Flames. I turned around and went to go get Flames. When I got to Flames I grabbed his arm and threw it over my shoulder then I helped him get up. I looked at everyone that tried to stop Flames from helping me. I laughed at them, "your all so pathetic and so stupid. You all thought you could defeat me or help me? If any of you ever try to hurt Flames I will kill you." Then I teleported me and Flames to the dead sea in israel. When we get there I can help cure Flames then get to the underworld and talk to hades. When we got to the dead sea it was night time so the dark can cover me and Flames pretty well. I layed flames down and started to heal him with my magic. As I started to heal Flames I started to notice that it wasn't the first time they hurt him. I could feel my anger rising so much that I lost sight of what I was doing and a fire started behind me but then I felt someone grab my hand. When I looked it was Flames. When I looked at him he looked straight into my eyes but then I turned away quickly. I started to heal him again. He tried to say something but I quickly finished healing him and got up. "We have to go to the underworld, to talk to Hades, and no you cannot come with me." I started to walk away but then Flames turned me around. "I'm coming with you alright. I'm never leaving you again." I rolled my eyes as he let go of my arm. I turned around and started to walk again. "Fine but it's your funeral." he laughed then said, "yea like you'll just watch me die without a reaction." I turned around pissed, then was about to say something until Flames grabbed my chin and kissed me. When he pulled away he whispered in my ear, "you know you love me baby flame." I turned around and couldn't stop blushing. My heart started to beat faster. I don't want to admit it but I liked the kiss. I covered my mouth in embarrassment. When I finally calmed my heart down and stopped blushing I turned around and grabbed Flames hand and teleported to the river styx. When we got the river styx i had to change into my goddess clothes cause then no one would recognize me. "Flames i need to go change into my goddess clothes cause then no one will recognize me. I will be right back. I just need to go behind this boulder to change alright ok." she didn't have enough time to say shit because i ran out of there so fast that not even the flash could catch up. When I was behind the boulder I took my trident out and hit it against the ground. Then my skin started to glow with light. My clothes were on me by the time the light faded away. Then I looked at my body and saw that my goddess clothes were on. But my goddess clothes were, let's just say kinda exposing. I wear a golden leaf crown on my head with my hair down and only a thin braid in my hair. Then I wear a golden bra with a vine snaking around my torso leading to my really long skirt. My skirt is long in the back and short in the front but really short in the front. But I have been in front of people with this on before so I'm not really embarrassed. So I went back to Flames and I arrived just in time for the boat guy. I always forget his name to come and get us. So I quickly ran to the boat and Flames followed me. I jumped onto the boat and so did Flames. I handed the boatman some coins to bring us to the underworld. We got there pretty quick. I hopped off the boat and I looked at the gates for a while forgetting that Flames was with me. "You look amazing." i kept looking at the gates as i said, "now is not the time for fucking compliments. We need to get past cerberus which i don't think is going to be that hard but fuck i don't know." he stayed silent. I could feel him blushing. I don't know how or why I just could. But I'm not gonna fucking lie, I kinda felt happy. Saying that tastes disgusting in my mouth but it's the truth. He made me feel happy. Alright well back to cerberus and Hades. I moved my trident in the direction I wanted to water from the river Styx to go, and it did. I burst the doors down and walked through the gates when I broke them down. "Flames,are you coming or not?" I yelled. Flames didn't say anything, he just came. When I saw Cerberus I put my hand out to touch her. With my trident in my left hand and my right hand reaching out to her. Surprisingly she let me touch her. I started to pet her and scratch her behind her ear. Like when I was a kid and I used to play with her and run through the underworld on her back or her chasing me. I started to laugh and tears slowly started to fall from my eyes. "I missed you so much." I then hugged her and she raised one paw and hugged me. Then Flames took a step forward. I felt her head's move quickly looking at him. I then let go and said, "Cerberus he won't hurt us he's my friend. He won't hurt me or you, don't worry." I smiled at her as I said that. Then I walked towards Flames. I grabbed him and pulled him by his hand. I pulled him towards Cerberus. I put his hand out so Cerberus can start to trust him. I let go of his hand and he Started to pet Cerberus and she let him. I smiled and then Flames stopped petting her. Then I said to Cerberus, "Cerberus, where is my uncle? Where is Hades?" she nodded then guided me and Flames to him. As we were walking, Flames tapped me on the shoulder and said, " Shouldn't you change back into your normal clothes or are you going to talk to your uncle like that?" I got annoyed but stopped and turned around. "Look Flames this is the only thing he will recognize me in. if i go in there wearing-" then i got an idea. I started to laugh. "I'm so stupid I swear." Then I took my trident and hit it against the ground 2 times. Then I changed back into my regular clothing. I was in my sports bra and my shorts. I started to walk again and Flames just looked at me. "This is better than that thing." Then I ran after Cerberus because she was way ahead. As I started to run, so did Flames. I started to run faster and faster. I passed Cerberus laughing and she chased me and so did Flames. It felt so good to do something that I wanted to do. Then we got to Hades. I stopped dead in my tracks. When I saw Hades I didn't know why but I felt anger. Nothing but anger. My hand turned into a fist. But then Flames grabbed my hand and it calmed me down. "Uncle? It's me, Red." Hades then turned around and saw me. He then walked to me and put his hand to my face. "Red is that actually you?" I nodded and in response he hugged me.At this point I forgot if he ever did something to me or hurt me in any way. But I don't care at this point. I don't trust him but I am willing to stay with him for a while if I have to. "Hades, I need my mother back, please." he let go of me and looked at me confused. "But Medusa is alive isn't she?", "Medusa is not my mother. She may have given birth to me but she isn't my mother. She never was and never will be. I'm talking about my real mother. Vesta." he smiled at me. "Alright but red, magic always has a price. Are you sure that you will pay whatever price it is?" I looked at the ground then at Flames. Flames looked at me and said, "if it causes you pain then no but if it doesn't and if it makes you happy i am here right beside you." I smiled , then looked back at Hades and said, "Yes, I will pay whatever price." He then nodded and brought me and Flames to the river of lost souls. When I saw the river and the souls in it, I put my hand over my mouth dropping onto my knees. I started to cry. My tears and screams got even louder. I removed my hand from my mouth and screamed. I don't know what i felt but i felt pain in my stomach. "MOM!" I yelled then when I looked up I saw my mom standing in front of me. The pain started to calm down and eventually it stopped completely. Then I felt my mom's warm and comforting arms wrap around me. I hugged her back and cried. But my tears were tears of joy. Not sadness. I then got up and so did she. I turned to Hades and gave him a huge hug. "Don't say shit you know I don't like hugs. I'm giving you one now." I could feel him smiling but then he pulled away and said, "now go before Zeus and Poseidon come and beat my ass." I laughed then grabbed my mom's hand and Flames hand. Cerberus was beside us so I stopped running and said, "Flames, mom, get onto cerberus. Cerberus takes them to the gates. I'll fly there." I winked at both of them then started to run again. As I ran I shapeshifted into an owl. Then I flew to the gates. I beat them to the gates so I shapeshifted back to my human form and waited for them at the gates, "I can finally see my mother." I said to myself as tears formed in my eyes. But then I wiped my eyes before they could fall. They arrived at the gates and I smiled. Then I ran towards them and when they both got down I grabbed them by their hands and started to run with Flames and my mom as I yelled to Cerberus, goodbye. I used my magic to make a bridge before we got to the river styx. I used the rocks around. As soon as I took the first step onto the bridge it became solid but then Flames and my mom lifted their feet off of the bridge and it collapsed. I smiled as I ran with the 2 people that mattered to me most in this world. When we got back to the land of the living the first thing i did was let go of their hands and sat on the ground where there was nothing growing. I directed the palms of my hand towards the green grass and closed my eyes, then imagined a tiger lily growing right in front of me. When I opened my eyes the tiger lily started to grow then bloom and show its beautiful colour and shape. I smiled as I saw the tiger lily grow. " We are semi-safe. But safer here than down there. We need to get back to my father's cabin. Rain is probably gone but if she is still there I'll deal with her." I got up and whistled for Midnight. She got there quickly. But this time it was different. When she got there she shapeshifted into her human form. I haven't seen her in that form in years. When I saw her I ran up to her and hugged her. She picked me up and spun me around as she hugged me. Midnight is my best friend. She is like my older sister. She put me down and I started to say, "wow i've never seen you in this form in years. You look wonderful may I add." I started to laugh and so did she. "You are rocking that sports bra and shorts. So you also look amazing as always." my laughter started to die down as i put my hand on her shoulder and said, "you don't gotta lie midnight. You don't gotta lie." she looked at me annoyed and said, "well what do you need? Why'd you call me here?" i looked at my mom and Flames then said, "i need you to take us to my dads cabin but before you do we need to do introductions." i walked over to Flames and my mom, "Flames this is my mom, Momma this is my Flames-" when i realised what i said my eyes widened and everything went silent then i turned around and yelled, "FUCK." I took a deep breath and turned back around as I heard Flames say as he shook my mom's hand, "Hi I am Emily's Flames." I looked at Flames, annoyed when he saw my face he winked at me as I rolled my eyes. "Red? Why doesn't your Boyfriend call you red or another name? Why does he call you Emily?" I looked at my mom after she said that and then I said, "Momma, he is not my boyfriend and he doesn't know why people call me Red and I never told him to call me red. At Least i don't remember. But Flames people call me Red because when i was born with a birthmark and that birthmark is as red as blood. Even redder if that is possible. My mom started to call me Red then eventually everyone did. I kinda like that name, it's way better than Emily in my opinion." when i looked at midnight she already shapeshifted into her dragon form. I climbed onto her back and so did momma and Flames. When we were all on midnight started to fly. Midnight is an incredibly fast flyer. The fastest I have ever seen. So we got there in an hour. When midnight landed we all got off her back. "You can go now midnight. I will take care of it from here, thank you." I said as I hugged her head. Then I went to the front door and went inside. I picked up the sword that was on the floor. I walked upstairs and when I entered the room me and rain were staying in i found rain on the floor covered in blood. I ran to her, "RAIN!?" I yelled as I held her body close to mine. I started to cry as I caressed her cheek. I put my forehead on hers as I closed my eyes and I whispered, "please don't go, please please don't go. Rain, don't leave me please." Then I felt someone put their hand on my cheek. I opened my eyes and it was Rain. weakly Rain said, "I thought you were pissed at me. Thought you never wanted to see me again." I looked into her gorgeous green eyes and said, " I thought you were cheating on me. But then i realised it was just your ex and that your stupid ass forgot to change her contact name." I said as I smiled. I then pulled her into a kiss. She kissed me back then I pulled away. Then she said with her last breath as tears fell from her eyes, "Bean, I-I l-l-love you." I felt her heart stop. My tears turned into screams. The windows broke and the plants wilted. Everything around me that had life was dead. Flames and momma ran up the stairs. I just rocked Rain in my arms as I held her close. But then she started to glow. Then I opened my arms as she disappeared, I stood up and she was right there in front of me. "Bean i'm ok now" i looked at her still crying she put her hand out and i grabbed it. She then kissed me one last time and I kissed her. When she pulled away she started to disappear again but this time she was completely gone. I fell to my knees and cried. My screams could be heard throughout the forest. Then I felt someone's warm arms wrap around me but by just their touch I knew that it was Flames, he didn't say anything he just held me in his arms and let me cry. "I'm not going anywhere. I am staying by your side." He held me even closer as I cried into his chest.

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