Chapter 15

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As soon as Flames said that, I remembered everything. I remember when we met. When we started dating, when we got married and the day I told him that I was pregnant. Even when I woke up from the coma. I remember everything up to today. But I can't do this. I then backed away and dropped the dagger that I was holding. Flames stayed silent and just stared at me. I stared at him and then at the wound that I gave him. "WELL? SCREAM, SHOUT, SAY SOMETHING!" He then stood up and put his hand on his wound. He walked closer to me and put his other hand on my cheek and said, "Your as beautiful as the day i fucking met you." I started to cry and so did he. I wiped his blood tears away and gave him a kiss. He kissed me back and then I quickly pulled away as I felt something coming at my head. I turned around and stopped the axe from hitting me or Flames. As the axe fell to the ground I looked around us to see who was there and who was attacking us. I then saw Athena. My sister. I walked towards her and said, "birdie? It's me." She then came to me and slowly gave me a hug. As she hugged me I hugged her back and kissed her head. She is shorter than me. I always made fun of her for it. I could hear her crying into me. When she pulled away her tears fell onto my tits and I laughed as I looked at her and started to touch her hair. "You are so beautiful birdie. W-what happened, why are you here?" She then moved away and her tears stopped. I was confused and then said, "w-what wrong birdie?" I then felt someone behind me. I quickly teleported behind them and stabbed him in the back of his neck. He fell to the ground and I started to get pissed. "SO AFTER ALL THIS YOU COME TO KILL ME? WHAT THE FUCK DID THEY TELL YOU? ANSWER ME ATHENA. ANSWER ME!" She then fell to the ground and then started to cry hysterically. "STAND UP!" her crying soon turned into laughter. I then turned around and an arrow was about to hit Flames. I quickly teleported in front of Flames and let the arrow hiit me instead of him. When the arrow hit me I could feel something burn in my stomach. I then looked down and saw something black around the wound. I fell back but before I hit the ground Flames caught me and laid me back. "No No no no no no no, Mouse please no. don't don't Mouse please. I love you too much to lose you please. I love you so much mouse-" I then cut him off and said, "I've been in the dark for so long that I forgot what the moon looks like. I love y-" everything then went black and i saw myself laying down on the floor. I was outside of my body. I saw Flames holding me in his arms as his tears fell from his face and onto me. I wanted to run to him but I couldn't. "Come back to me, Mouse. Please come back to me." he then kissed my lips but I could feel it. Even though I wasn't in my body. I could feel it. I then closed my eyes and when I opened them I was back in my body and I saw Flames crying over me. I then started to play with his hair. He quickly looked up at me and said, "Mouse!" I then got up and looked at myself. My hair was completely down. I was wearing a black leather pants and a black and red corset on top of a poet shirt. With a black and red cloak. I looked behind me and saw that I had wings. I turned around and to be honest I looked amazing. My wings were black. I love them. I smiled and laughed as I looked up and saw all the snow fall. I spun under and laughed as I fell back and landed in the snow. I laughed as I looked up. "Em?" I then sat up and saw Athena standing in front of me. I then stood up and looked at her without a reaction and said, "What?" Athena looked at her hands as she came closer to me. "I-i'm sorry-" i then cut her off and said, "yes you should be after all i did for you. I didn't want to leave but I had to. And I get it. I left you. I wanted to bring you with me but I couldn't because if I did I could have lost you. I would have rathered you being pissed at me for the rest of your fucking life than me losing you forever. Our parents never loved me; they all thought that I was a demon athena. Now what do you want?" She then looked up at me and back at her fingers and said, "I just want you to forgive me. I want us to get along and be normal sisters like we used too." I laughed a bit as I looked at the ground then back at her. "Well if you really want that you're going to have to earn my trust again. So cut the fucking bullshit and start with telling me the fucking truth. I need to go see my son." I then started to walk away from her and then said, "Hurry up Athena." As I started to walk I felt someone grab my hand. I turned around to look and it was Flames. I shook my head and just looked at the ground. "What's wrong Angel?" I looked up at him and said, "I just want to see our raven." he smiled and nodded. "Uh Flames your wings uh there out." I laughed a bit and Flames looked behind him and saw his wings. His are a dark blue. He then looked back at me and chuckled a bit. "You wanna fly with me, don't you." I laughed and nodded. I then gave him a kiss and when I pulled away I said, "Catch me if you can kitty." I then started to run away as I slowly started to fly into the sky. I laughed as I looked down and saw how high up I was. I flew faster as I saw Flames catching up to me. I laughed and when I got above the clouds the sun was clearer than ever. It was beautiful. My wings were huge. They were taller than Flames and he's 6'9 and they were almost 20 feet when fully stretched. I then took some deep breaths and started to fly towards the sun. I then went back down to the ground and hid my wings. It's another way to say that I made my wings disappear without them being gone forever. I started to walk into the forest and I heard footsteps behind me. I kept walking pretending as if I didn't hear anything. I knew it was Flames. As I kept on walking I heard Flames getting closer so I slowly started to run. Flames started to run too. And when he finally caught up to me he tackled me to the ground and kissed me. I was under him and he was on top of me. I then pushed him over so then he could be under me. I sat on his chest and he was in between my thighs. "You know mouse, I have always loved your thighs. And you." I rolled my eyes and smiled as I leaned down and gave him a kiss. When I pulled away he was blushing and I smiled even more. I then got up and said, "now can we go see our raven and go home. I also wanna see shadow. I haven't seen him in a long time." he smiled and got up. Athena then walked up to us and said, "where will i be able to stay?" I looked at her and then at the ground and said, "I will look for a hotel where you can stay at. While I look for a house you can buy." she nodded and then said, "A-Alright. Uhm, will I get to meet y-your son?" I didn't say anything, I just stayed silent and looked at her. She then stepped closer and said, "My nephew." I then got pissed and said, "HE IS NOT YOUR ANYTHING!" I then turned around and continued to walk away. I then grabbed the portal that I used to get here with Diego. The guy I came with. I walked through the portal and I was back home. When I turned around I saw Flames and Athena enter. "Kitty, can you show Athena to the nearest Hotel? Please?" He then nodded and came to me and gave me a kiss. I kissed him back and pulled away. "I'll go get our raven." he smiled and then i teleported to Mrs.A's house. When I got there I was in front of her house and knocked on the door. When it opened Mr.A was standing on the other side of the door holding Aleixo in his arms. I smiled and then he said, "come in Emily. I'm so happy to see you. How's Flames? Oh and Nerissa and the rest of them are out buying groceries."  i nodded and then said, "to be honest i came to pick up my raven. But now I want to talk to you about something." he then sat down and so did i he then said, "yes of course why not?" I looked at Aleixo and said, "I know that you used to have a sibling and that something happened between you too. How did you forgive him?" he stared at me and then at Aleixo and back at me as he said, "James and I fought a lot. Our biggest fight was when Flames was born. I was thinking about leaving them because Flames are not my birth son. He is my brother's son. I was going to get a divorce with her because I was cheating on her. But when she found out that she was pregnant she told me the truth. She told me that James, my brother, got her pregnant. She started to cry and then finally said that James was leaving her. Because he got her pregnant." my eyes widened as my eyes started to fill with tears. As my tears fell I then looked back up at him and he continued to say, "I was angry at James. Because of the fact that he got Nerissa pregnant and wasn't even willing to raise his own son. I went to his house but he was already gone. All the stuff that I did to Flames was because he reminded me of his father so much. And I am so sorry for what I did to Flames. When Flames supposedly died he came back and said that he wanted to be a part of Flames life. I punched him and said everything I wanted to say to him. Then I told him that Flames was dead. Eventually I forgave him and he died a couple years back in a car crash." I looked at the ground then quickly looked back up at him and said, "W-Why did you forgive him? How d-did you forgive him?" He then handed me Aleixo and I carried him in my arms. I kissed Aleixos head and then Mr.A said, "James made a lot of mistakes. And so did i. I shouldn't have treated Flames like that. Neither should he. I love Flames and his father. They are my family. James asked me for forgiveness and he went to Flames funeral. He asked him for forgiveness there. I forgave him but if Flames knew the truth he would need to forgive him." I finally understood and then got up from the couch and was still holding Aleixo in my arms. "Thank you Mr.A I really need to go though. I'll come back next week. When I find out what day it is." he laughed a bit then waved goodbye as i left. I ran all the way back home and then said, "Alright Raven your back with mama. Let's go see papa." As I stared at Aleixo I saw him smile. As he slept. When I got home. I quietly took off my shoes and then went upstairs. When I opened the door Flames was in bed asleep. So I went to him and gave him a kiss. When I pulled away I went to the nursery room. Which had a Crib in the middle of it. I then noticed that it was my old crib. I smiled as I saw him sleep well in the crib. I then grabbed a blanket and placed it over him. I then left the room quietly closing the door. I started to walk towards me and Flames room but then I heard a noise come from down the hall. I continued to walk forward trying to find what was making that noise. It sounded like whispers. I then opened the door and I saw nothing. There was nothing. I then closed the door and ignored it. I went back to our room and I grabbed some pj's that were sitting at the side of the bed and put them on. I folded the clothes that I had on and placed them carefully in a chest that I hid under our bed. I opened the chest and placed my clothes in it. Seeing all my other prized possessions. I closed the chest and carefully slid it back under our bed. I got up and lifted the blanket and got in bed with Flames. I hugged him from behind and then I felt him moving. He was then facing me and pulled me closer to him. I smiled and buried my face into his neck as I softly kissed it. "I'm so happy my princess is home." I lifted my head and he already had his eyes open and on me. He then gave me a kiss and I kissed him back. I kept on kissing him and he put his tongue in my mouth. I started to play with his tongue using mine. I then pulled away and he slowly started to kiss my neck. He then pulled away and said, "Little Mouse, I love you so much. Please never say you're a monster. You never were and never will be." I smiled but you could tell it was a sad one. I then kissed his lips and then his head. "I won't promise but i will try for you kitty. Let's go to bed and sleep." he nodded and then I cuddled up to him, closing my eyes and soon fell asleep. When I opened my eyes, Flames were asleep beside me. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I stood up and went to the nursery room. When I opened the door I went to the crib still rubbing my eyes and yawning and saw that Aleixo grew. He looks like a 3 year old. I picked him up and he was also heavy. He is three years old now. Well what should i expect it's how a vampire is grown. He took more of my vampire side. But how he looks physically he took more of Flames side. "How did my raven sleep?" he laughed a bit then said, "Bien mama." I smiled and kissed his head. "Muy bien amor. Hora vamos a levantar a papa." he nodded and laughed a bit. I smiled at him and walked back to me and Flames room. When we got there I quietly climbed onto bed still holding onto Aleixo. I put Let Aleixo down and he started to play with Flames hair and he pulled it by accident. I laughed a bit as I put my hand over my mouth. And then Aleixo started to whisper to Flames saying, "papa wake up. Papa wake up please." I smiled and then Flames opened his eyes and first saw me then looked at Aleixo. He sat up and rubbed his eyes. "Goodmorning baby mouse." He then planted a kiss on Aleixos head. He then came closer to me and said, "And good morning Little Mouse." He then gave me a kiss on my lips and said, "alright what do u guys want to do today?" I smiled then looked at Aleixo. "Well we should enrol Our raven into school. I can go and you can go get some groceries. Sound like a plan?" They nodded and I smiled. "ok i'll fix the bed and clean up you can go help raven get changed." They both got up and left the room. I quickly fixed the bed and picked up all the clothes on the floor and organised them. When I finished I changed into a wite crop top and some dark blue ripped jeans. I then slid on some white Adidas and grabbed one of Flames zip up sweaters and put it over my shirt. When i was done i laid down on the bed mouth up and then Flames and Aleixo came in. "Mama!" I got up and Aleixo was running towards me with his arms open. I opened my arms and picked up Aleixo as I kissed his cheek over and over. "Te amo mi gordito hermoso bebe!" He laughed as I continued to kiss his cheek. I put Aleixo down and then went to Flames as I kissed his lips and nose. He smiled then said, "I love you baby." I smiled and gave him another kiss. I then turned around and picked up Aleixo. "alright well imma go enrol you into school mister and kitty your gonna get the groceries." He nodded and I smiled as I walked over to him and gave him a final kiss before I ran out of the room and left the house. I then teleported us to a school nearby that was called Emerald Academy. When we were in front of the school I looked at Aleixo and said, "Ready?" he nodded and said, "Ready." We both smiled as we walked into the Academy. As soon as I entered I saw all these kids in uniform and the boys wore tuxedos with shorts and the girls wore the same thing except for shorts they wore skirts. I rolled my eyes because I knew that these were the sons and daughters of snobby rich people. I just walked straight to the office and when I got there the secretary said, "hello how may I help yo-" I then cut her off and said, "I just want the papers to enrol my son into this academy. Just pass me the papers lady and I will be on my merry way. Oh and by the way is there any possible chance that my son can start today?" she stayed quiet and then said, "yes he could and here are the papers. I'll go get you his uniform." I nodded and smiled as I said, "thank you lady." She looked scared. I wanted to laugh but I kept a straight face. I picked up Aleixo and held him in my arms as we waited. I then put him down and grabbed a pen from the secretary's desk. I signed all the papers, put all the information needed and when it came to the part where something happened and if the 2 parents didn't answer who else they could call. I thought about it then put Rain's number and Athena's number. When I finished filling out the papers I left them where they were and put the pen down. I picked Aleixo up again and he wrapped his arms and legs around me. I rocked him in my arms side to side as we waited. A couple of minutes went by and then the secretary came back. I put Aleixo down and then grabbed the clothes. "What's his name?" I smiled and said, "thank you and his name is Aleixo Neal Azure Orista. That is his full name." she nodded and typed something into the computer and handed me a piece of paper and said, "alright thank you and have a good first day of school Aleixo." I smiled and grabbed Aleixo's hand and went to the bathroom. I started to read the paper she gave me and it was all his classes and I mean all his classes up to grade 12. When we entered the bathroom I handed the clothes to Aleixo and said, "ok raven, stay still and just hold out the clothes and close your eyes." he smiled and nodded as he closed his eyes. I then closed my eyes and concentrated on Aleixo and getting the clothes on him using my magic. When I opened my eyes, Aleixo was already changed and he had the clothes he was wearing before in his hands. I smiled then said, "alright then come on raven let's get you to class." he smiled and then grabbed my hand as we both walked to his class. When we got to his class I pulled him back and crouched down to get to his height and said, "alright raven before you go in there if anyone says anything mean to you, calls you a name, fight back or tell me and papa. We will help you. And also if a teacher says anything to you or does. Tell me and papa. But fight back. Don't let anyone make fun of you or hit you. Hit back, never keep your head down, always keep it high. You are loved and no one can tell you otherwise. Have a good day, raven. Te quiero mucho." he smiled and nodded then said, "yo tambien te quiero mama." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "Alright, raven go in." he smiled and went into class excitedly. I followed and said, "excuse me sir can i talk to you real quick." he came outside and said, "Yes, what can i help you with?" I looked at him with a straight face and said, "would you mind buying my son Aleixo Neal Azure orista lunch? I forgot but I do have money I can pay you right now." He nodded and said, "that is not a problem. He is my new student right?" I nodded and said, "yes he is." he smiled and said, "it wouldn't be a problem." I exhaled and said, "Thank you so much sir. Have a wonderful day, sorry for bothering you." he laughed and said, "it's not a problem you have a good day." I nodded and took some money out of my pocket and handed it to him. I then turned around and started to walk out of the school. When I left I saw Flames waiting for me outside standing against a car that I assumed was his. I smiled and ran to him. He opened his arms and caught me as I jumped into his arms. He kissed my neck and spun me around. "Raven is enrolled in school. We have the rest of the day to ourselves." i gave him a kiss and then he said, "only until 3 but yeah. So Mouse, where do you want to go?" I smiled and looked at him in his beautiful gorgeous dark sea blue eyes and said, "can we go home and cuddle?" he laughed a bit and in a tired, raspy voice he said, "alright little Mouse. You want to do that until 3?" I laughed a bit and said, "Yes, I do kitty." We both laughed but then I heard a voice behind us. Flames put me down and I quickly turned around not letting go of Flames hand. It was ravens teacher. "Ms.Azure uhm i'm sorry to bother you and your boyfriend-" i quickly cut him off and said, "Mrs.Azure it's Mrs.Azure." he cleared his throat and said, "Y-Yes sorry. Mrs.Azure I wanted to ask you something." I rolled my eyes and said, "what is it?" he looked at the ground then said, "aren't you too young to be married and have a son?" I could feel my blood starting to boil. "WHY THE FUCK IS IT ANY OF YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS? YOUR JOB IS TO TAKE CARE AND TEACH CHILDREN WHEN THEY ARE IN SCHOOL NOT TO ASK QUESTIONS THAT AREN'T ANY OF YOUR BUSINESS! SO GO BACK INTO THAT SCHOOL AND TEACH MY CHILD AND EVERY OTHER CHILD THERE!" He then cleared his throat again and said, "Y-Yes sorry Mrs.Azure." he then turned around and went back into the Academy. I then went into the car and put on my seatbelt. I looked down at my nails and started to play with them. "Little Mouse you-" I cut him off and said, "CAN YOU NOT!" My eyes widened and I quickly said, "I-I'm sorry Flames." I was pissed but I shouldn't yell at Flames for it. It wasn't his fault. It made me feel worse when I knew that I was lying to him. Because I knew the truth about Flames father and everything and I didn't tell him. I'm scared to tell him though because I didn't want to lose him. What Flames does when he is pissed or just doesn't want to talk or do shit he runs. And I can't lose him. Not again.

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