Chapter 10

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"N-Nathan?" I stared at Nathan in shock. He stayed there looking at me then looked at Luke. "You have a son?" I looked at Luke then back at Nathan. I rolled my eyes and pushed him out of the way. I started to walk to a forest near a meadow to bring Luke and play with him. "Emily!" I ignored Nathan and kept walking. "EMILY!" I stopped and turned around. "WHAT NATHAN?! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT! HUH! DO YOU WANT TO TAKE AWAY MY BROTHER IN LAW TOO?! OH WHO KNOWS MAYBE YOU WANT TO TAKE AWAY EVERYTHING I CARE ABOUT!" with tears in my eyes Nathan stayed quiet and said, "look i wanted to say i'm sorry. Ok. and that I want to be a part of your life now. And be like a brother to you. Or just friends. I don't know but I just wanna be in your life again." I laughed then said, "you wanna be a part of my life now? You were a part of my life but then you ruined it because you chose my dad. And he chose you. I am not jealous. I am pissed at the fact that he thought that I was weak and that he chose you over his daughter. I could have saved you. But no i had to save myself and live my life poor hungry homeless and for fucks sake i had to live with the thought that no one ever loved me and cared about me. I'll think about it ok. That's all. Go back to my house and introduce yourself to Flames. The really tall guy that has snow white hair and a tattoo on his neck. He has a scar on his hand. Go introduce yourself because the one that you need to ask for forgiveness is Flames not me. And here is my number if anything goes wrong call me. Because Flames can be let's just say Unpredictable." I smiled then started to walk towards the forest that was getting closer and closer by every step I took with Luke. I then teleported to the meadow instead of walking there because Luke will probably get scared. Even though I find the dark deep woods really peaceful and I find a lot of comfort in it. When we got to the meadow Luke got excited. I put him down and he ran towards the huge meadow with all the flowers in it. I smiled and laughed seeing Luke this happy. He ran with his arms up and laughed. I then saw a wild horse. I ran towards it. I was heading towards Luke. I pushed Luke behind me so I could protect him. I held my hand out to stop the Stallion. But it was weird. Wild horses travel in groups. This Stallion is Alone. The stallion neighed and stopped in front of my hand. "Where is your Herd boy?" The stallion neighed but I understood what he was saying. He was lost and he needed to get back to his herd. "I can help you ok. I won't hurt you. I can help but I myself need some help to help you." I then heard Luke say as he held onto my leg, "Emy?" I looked down to see Luke looking scared. The Stallion looked at Luke then back at me. "I need you to give me and Luke a ride. On your back." The Stallion was hesitant but then nodded and I picked up Luke and put him on the Stallions back. I got onto his back then the Stallion started to run. I held onto the stallion and Luke tightly so that we wouldn't fall off. I closed my eyes and envisioned the Stallion running on the air like a pegasus except it doesn't have wings. When I opened my eyes the Stallion was in the air running like no tomorrow. I laughed and smiled. Luke was enjoying it and so was i. By the time that Rio reached the ground I saw a herd. By the patterns and colours on their hide. I got off of Rio's back and then grabbed Luke. I rested my forehead on Rio's and said, "thank you Rio. I know you don't have a name because you're a wild horse but if it's ok with you I will name you Rio. It's a place in Brazil and it means river in spanish." Rio neighed and said that he loves the name Rio and that he hopes that we will meet again. I gave him a kiss on his head and sent him off. He ran to his herd and he ran directly to a mare. "What's he doing to Emy?" i still looked at Rio with the mare and then said, "he is in love and the other horse is the mare and i think that she's pregnant looking at the size of her belly." he laughed and i looked at Luke and teleported us back home. It was getting dark. When we got home it was dark and when I got inside I saw everyone running around and walking and yelling at each other whether black or purple should be the theme. I looked around and I couldn't see Flames anywhere. I then put Luke down and went upstairs. When I entered the room I closed the door and locked it. I laid against the door and slid down. All the noise and talking and running and yelling bothered me. I covered my ears and closed my eyes tightly. Trying to block out all the noise and try to focus on my breathing because I could feel my heart starting to speed up and my breathing starting to get quicker. I then felt someone lift me up and hold me in their arms. I opened my eyes and took my hands away from my ears and saw that it was Flames comforting me. I held onto him and buried my head into his neck. I could feel tears forming in my eyes. I don't know why though. I started to cry and Flames started to shoosh me and said, "Sh Shh. you're ok. I'm here alright. Everything is going to be ok alright Little mouse. I love you." I still cried but then Flames sat me down on the bed and then said, "i'll be right back ok. I'll get you some comfy clothes and then I'll change and we can go to bed. Alright. I'll tell Rain that you're tired and that they should all go home. You do know that they're all done right? All that is left is to see if your dress fits and if my tux is ready. Then everything else is ready." he then gave me a kiss and left the room. I went to the closet and got a navy blue puma sports bra and some comfy booty shorts. I changed into those clothes and lifted the blanket covering the bed and got under the sheets. I put the blanket over me and let my hair down. I closed my eyes and then I heard the door open then close. Then the door was locked. I heard some rustling but I still kept my eyes shut. I then felt the cold air hit my legs by the blanket being lifted. I felt Flames warm body touch my skin. I turned around still with my eyes closed and then cuddled up to Flames. He wrapped his arms around me and I wrapped my legs and arms around him. Flames kissed my head and then said,"I love you so much little mouse. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me." I smiled and kissed his neck. "It's in a few days you know." I said as I closed my eyes and tried to envision the dress that Anne and Mrs.Azure made for me. Flames then said, "I know. I'm nervous but excited." I smiled against his neck and said, "Hold up, did you see my dress?" I opened my eyes to see Flames smirking. "Did you actually-" Flames cut me off and laughed. "No baby I didn't. It's bad luck isn't it?" I smiled and then kissed him on the lips then on his neck. When I pulled away from the kiss I then said, "It is bad luck. But thank you kitty." he laughed a bit more than said, "little mouse why do you call me that? Not that it bothers me, I like it but why?" I gave him another kiss and closed my eyes as I exhaled deeply. "I call you kitty because you are warm and cuddly like one and because you call me little mouse. I'm your mouse and you're my kitty." he laughed a bit as i buried my head into his neck. "Little. You're my little mouse." I smiled and tried to fall asleep but then I heard this huge knock on the door. It's almost like someone was breaking down the door. I quickly got out of bed and ran downstairs not caring if I was wearing just a sports bra and some shorts. I quickly opened the door to our house and there was a baby outside on our porch. I quickly picked up the baby in my arms and grabbed the note that was on top of it. I brought the baby inside reading the note.

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