Chapter 8

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I heard someone knocking on the door. I then tried to take in deep breaths and in a couple of seconds I calmed down. I then went to the door and opened it. I saw Flames standing in front of me. "Emily it's me." I shook my head in disbelief. "F-Flames it can't be." he then looked at me and smiled and said, " can't you see i'm on the run. Would you please let me inside? I've got something to ask you." my eyes followed him as he began to walk inside. "W-what happened?" He then looked around the room and said, "Just let me explain." As tears started to form in my eyes I then felt Flames thumb wipe my tears away.i then looked up at him and he then pulled me close to him and said, "i promise you, i would tear apart the world if someone hurt you!" as tears started to fall from my eyes I pulled Flames into a hug and wrapped my arms around him. He then grabbed my arms by the wrist and started to stroke my wrists. I saw the blood on his hands and his Flame growing in his hand. "They are the same ones I will use to kill someone for you." he then pulled me back into a hug. I cried as I wrapped my arms around him. I felt his tears land on the back of my neck. I then heard police sirens. Flames then let go of me and I let go of him. He turned around and I quickly ran to my room. I grabbed my bag and put all the books I needed in my bag. I grabbed my box filled with photos and some of Flames clothes. I grabbed my stuffie and put it all in my bag. As I was about to leave I remembered to get my crown. I quickly grabbed it and put it on my head. I then ran out of my room and grabbed Flames hand. When I grabbed his hand I ran out the door with him and teleported us to Meg. When we got there, we were in front of her office. I burst through the door as I took out my knife. I always hid in my bra. When I saw Meg I teleported to her and punched her in the stomach. I then pinned her against the wall and held the knife to her throat. Ready to kill her at any second. "Nice to see your back, Blue Phoenix." she said as she smiled. I then said, "all of you get out except for Flames. I need to talk to Meg." They all quickly ran out and Flames locked the door behind all of them. I then let Meg go. I took a seat in her chair and then said, "I need help. And this time I'll be honest. I didn't kill Flames. It was all lies. My boyfriend is Flames." I laughed and then continued to say, "Meg look, I knew from the beginning that you were going to kill me. But I have a deal for you. That I am sure will interest you." she then looked at me then looked at Flames and said, "Alright what's the deal? Blue Phoenix." I rolled my eyes then said, "You will help me and Flames start a new life. And in return you will keep living and I will protect you from everyone that wants you dead." she stayed there thinking and then smiled at me and said, "You have a deal because to be honest all my students here are shit. None of them are like you too. So Blue Phoenix you have a deal." she put her hand out for me to shake but i didn't. "Alright. Well when can you help us start a new life?" She then laughed a bit and stood up. And said, "We can start right away. Follow me." I got up and started to follow Meg Flames then came to me and grabbed my hand. We then walked through the halls and I could feel people looking at me and Flames. Then I heard this guy whistle at me and I stopped and walked towards him. I then slapped him across the face, punched his stomach, and kicked him in the balls. I then went back to Flames and Meg. i grabbed Flames hand and then Meg smiled and looked at both of us as she said, "well then may i show you both where you will be living and what will happen to your identities?" I looked at Flames then back at Meg and nodded. She then motioned for us to enter a room beside us. Flames was about to walk in but I held him back. "Why don't you enter first." she then giggled and said, "oh Emily ye of little faith." i made a fake smile then she opened the door and stepped aside and me and Flames entered. The room was sort of empty, all it had was 2 desks, beds, and bookshelves. Filled with books. I walked in and said, "so for now we are going to pretend we are students?" i then turned around and looked at her as she said, "yes because this is the safest place you and Flames to be and to not pretend your both are someone else. So you both don't need any fake identities and can be yourselves here. And Emily I might be able to reach out to Zephyr and he could join us." my eyes widened and i just stayed silent. Memories of Apollo came rushing back. I then punched the wall next to me and yelled, "GET OUT!" Meg then laughed a bit and then said, "right sorry sorry. Now you too get settled in while i look for some missions for you too to do. Alright. Goodnight." As Meg closed the door I fell to my knees and felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I then felt Flames pick me up and his arms wrapping around me. I then wrapped my arms and legs around him as he walked to go turn off the lights and lock the door. I then closed my eyes and felt him walk and then when i opened my eyes he was standing over one of the beds. He then with one hand lifted the blanket and slowly came down and put me in bed. He then put the blanket over me and since i was wearing no shoes he just used a wet wipe and cleaned my feet. He then took off his shoes and changed into the clothes I brought him that were in my bag. He then lifted the blanket and climbed into bed spooning me. He then hummed a song that sounded very familiar. But I couldn't remember. I then turned around and cuddled up to him and buried my head into his neck. He kept humming the song and soon enough I fell asleep. I then woke up to someone screaming. Flames wasn't beside me. I ran outside and saw papa. Hades walking through the halls. I then quickly ran up to him and said, "what's wrong. Who did this?"  He was covered in blood and couldn't walk properly. "A-Athena. S-she threatened me." I then went back to me and Flames room and sat him down in a chair. He tried to say something but I stopped him and put my hand on his cheek. I then looked into his mind and saw Athena shooting arrows at him. I saw everyone that I knew in olympia yelling at him. I then stopped looking into his head and used my magic to heal his injuries. I then closed my eyes and focused on his injuries. I then took all the pain he felt and his pain. His pain was bad but I could handle it. I then opened my eyes and let go. I then looked up and saw Hades face and he was in relief. I then got up and went through my bag and looked for one of my potions I always kept with me. " A protection spell. Surround your home with this and tell Cerberus to get you whatever you need to survive. When i can i will go see you and take care of the other stupid ass gods myself." I then turned to Hades and handed him the potion. He then got up and said, "Red, thank you so much." He then left and I needed to look for Flames. I quickly ran out and started to call his name. "FLAMES! FLAMES! WHERE ARE YOU?!" I then transformed into a raven and started to fly around the building looking for Flames. I then saw Meg and Flames walking together. I quickly flew down and changed back to my human form. "Emily!" Flames then came to me and hugged me tightly. "I thought you left." I then looked at him confused and said, "What do you mean I was in our room the whole time?" I then turned and looked at Meg who was smiling. "This was a test. I knew you both would find eachother one way or another. So I tested that. Now for sure you both are an amazing partnership." I was pissed but then I grabbed Flames hand and said, "bye Meg. we will go to rest." I then teleported me and Flames back to our dorm. When we got to our dorm I pushed Flames onto the bed and I laid down on top of him and tried to fall asleep again. Flames then started to play with my hair and run his fingers through it. I then grabbed his other hand and put it on my back moving it up and down. I then let go and Flames started to rub my back and play with my hair. Hearing his heartbeat relaxed me. Flames then said, "Baby flame?" I looked up at him and he still played with my hair. He then continued to say, "Would you ever want to get married? Or would you want to just stay like this?" I stayed there thinking for a bit then said, "I would love to marry you. But I don't want to focus on the future. Let's just focus on today. I will focus on you running your fingers through my hair and rubbing my back and your heartbeat. You focus on my arms around you and me laying on top of you." I then layed back down in the position that I was in and closed my eyes again. "Amor?" I then felt his eyes look down at me. I lifted my head to look at him and then i said, "you know if you want to work as an assassin you need a name. Mine is Blue Phoenix. Yours will beeeeee..." I then stayed thinking and then I came up with one. "How about The Arson." he then looked back up thinking. "Look, it's bad ass. It goes well with what you like to do most of the time and I like it. My arsonist." he then sat up and i sat on his lap facing him. He then gave me a kiss and said, "Yea, It does sound badass. I'm your arsonist and you're my pyro. I love you so much little mouse." he then buried his head into my neck and kissed it. He then lifted his head and looked me straight in my eyes and said, "You know i have always said i love you too you and you have either said me too or just gave me a kiss. The day that you tell me I love you with your own beautiful perfect voice is probably the day I die." he then laughed a little bit but i just stayed silent looking down at my hands. I then got off him and stood up. I started to head for the door until Flames called out for me and said, " hey? Where are you going?" I then turned around and said, "I'm going to go get some clothes I don't have." I then opened the door and left. As I started to walk out of the academy I heard Flames yelling after me. "EMILY! HEY! CAN WE PLEASE TALK!" I then stopped and turned around. "What Flames?" Flames then looked at me confused and said, "why are you pissed at me? What the fuck did I do?" I then rolled my eyes and said, "Really Flames? The day that you tell me I love you with your own beautiful perfect voice is probably the day I die. Then you laughed and I'm pretty sure you know why I don't say it." He then looked really pissed. "Wow, you're really going to do this shit right now? EMILY I LOVE YOU AND IF YOU DON'T SAY IT BACK WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO THINK? I LOVE YOU OK! I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" I then looked him in the eyes and started to caress his cheek with my hand and said, "but for how long Flames." I then turned around and started to walk as tears formed in my eyes. I yelled back, "WE ARE DONE!" I then started to run as tears started to run down my face. As I ran through the streets I fell to my knees. I then felt someone's hand caressing my cheek. I lifted up my head and looked up to see Rain smiling down at me and I got up and looked at her face, tears streaming down my face at this point. "R-Rain i thought you were dead. I-I thought I lost you." I then hugged her and she then put her arms around my neck and said, "Hey Bean." she then pulled me back into a hug and she gave me a kiss on my cheek then on my neck. My knees were bleeding and she then looked at me then at my knees and said, "Well we have to fix that so why don't you come back to my place and we'll fix you up there. And we get to spend time together." I then looked at her still shocked, then said, "yea i'd like that." She then wiped the tears off my face and caressed my cheek. I then grabbed her hand from my face and held it as we started to walk. "You know I heard your scream saying that you're done with someone. Who was it?" I then looked at her then at the floor and said, "it was Flames we got back together but I don't know now. But I broke up with him." she then laughed a bit then said, "k well do you wanna stay with me for a few days. Because I know that you're with Meg now so she'll contact you when she needs you." I nodded and she then brought me to this house. She brought me up the steps and then opened the door. She walked me inside then closed the door behind us. I looked around and it looked really nice and clean. Rain then came up behind me and she hugged me from behind. "Did you miss me bean?" I smiled then turned around to face her and rested my neck on her shoulder as she hugged me with her arms around my waist. I hugged her then she pulled away a bit still having her hands on my waist and she said, "Do you wanna watch some movies and drink?" I smiled and nodded. "Ok you pick the drinks and i will go pick the movie. Alright bean?" I nodded and then I went to her kitchen and looked for the drinks. I opened the first cabinet and I saw all the drinks. I grabbed rum vodka and tequila. I grabbed all of them and made my way up the stairs to her room. When I got there I saw Rain in bed with the blanket up to her chest covering her. She was looking on the T.V for a movie to watch. I then climbed into bed with her and she covered me with the blanket that she had. She shared her blanket with me. "Bean? Can we cuddle please?" I then looked at Rain's adorable face. "Alright. But play the movie then we can cuddle alright." she nodded then played the movie and she then laid down on top of me. I kissed her head then we started to watch the movie. I opened one of the bottles and then drank some. I then gave some to Rain and she drank a lot. I then took the bottle back and drank some more.  When I stopped drinking, the whole bottle was empty. I threw it to the floor and then opened the other bottle. I drank some more before Rain got up and took the bottle out of my hand. She then put it on the nightstand and sat on top of me. I then tried to get up but then Rain pushed me down by crashing her lips onto mine. My eyes widened but then I kissed her back. I then sat up and pulled her closer. She sat in my lap as she kissed me. Then from her lips I moved to her neck. As she moaned I then bit her shoulder. Her moans started to get louder. "B-Bean~" I then let go of her shoulder and bit her neck. I then licked her bite and she let out soft moans. I then looked at her beautiful eyes and she then started to take off her shirt. She wasn't wearing a bra. I blushed a lot as I saw her breasts bounce. She then lifted up my head and went close to my ear and whispered, "I want my little bean to moan my name." I then felt her hand going into my shorts and taking them off. She pushed me back down and she took my shorts off. I closed my eyes tightly and then I felt her move my underwear to the side. She put her finger in me and I let out a soft moan. As she moved her finger in and out she then added 2 more fingers. "R-R-Rain~" I then opened my eyes and looked down at her. "R-Rain i-i'm going to c-cum." she then laughed and said, "do it. Cum on my fingers." I rolled my eyes and then cummed. I looked down at Rain and she took out her fingers and put them in her mouth. "You taste so good bean." She then got up and laid down next to me. She took off my shirt and started to take off my bra. When she saw my breast's she licked her lips and then started to suck on one of them and pinch the other. I let out breathley moans and she bit on my breast and licked it. As I moaned Rain then stopped and got up. She then gave me a kiss and said, "rest Bean i'll go get you some fresh clothes you can change into." She then left the room i layed back down trying to stop my legs from shaking. I then relaxed and laid back down. I closed my eyes and just had a feeling that all of this felt wrong. I don't know what but it just felt wrong. Rain then came back into the room. We both weren't wearing anything. She then put the clothes on a chair and said, "The clothes will be here but for now we can just go to bed alright bean?" I nodded. She then climbed into bed and cuddled up to me. I rested my head on top of hers. I closed my eyes then fell asleep. I then woke up to hearing noises downstairs. I quickly changed into the clothes that Rain got me. And I put on some shoes that Rain put beside my clothes. I then ran down the stairs and saw Rain standing in front of the door. With someone outside. I looked outside and saw Flames. "Emily? I thought she was dead." I then looked him dead in the eyes and said, "What the hell do you want? I broke up with you. And yea same I thought Rain was dead too." he then tried to come inside but i stopped him and pushed him back. I then used the vines around us to hold him against a wall. "Flames look alright you maybe forgot but you know what i forgive you. But I broke up with you. So please when Meg needs me she will come find me and we will probably most likely be working together, so either way you will be seeing me. But for now. Bye." I then let him go and went back inside.i then realised what felt so wrong. I just broke up with Flames and I'm already with Rain. I can't do this. I can't. I then felt someone grab my hand. I looked and it was Rain. "Rain i-" she started to laugh then said, "i understand. I don't know who I saw back there but it definitely wasn't you. We can still hang out and be friends. Though maybe Besties? I love you Bean and if you aren't happy how you are with Flames then go to him. We'll still be besties though." I nodded then gave Rain a kiss on the cheek and hugged her. I then ran out of the house and looked for Flames. He wasn;t anywhere. I then ran through the streets looking for him. "FLAMES! FLAMES!" I then teleported back to the academy and ran to my Dorm. I burst through the door and saw Flames sitting on the bed not doing shit. "F-Flames?" He then looked at me and said, "What do you want? You said it yourself, we're done." I then looked down at the floor and said, "Flames i-i'm sorry. I don't know what fucking demon possesed me to do that shit but please Flames i'm scared to say it back because almost everyone that i say it too dies and i would rather have fights with you over it than you being dead because of me. Alright. But I do alright Flames. I'm just scared. And you shouldn't ask me to forgive you, I should ask you to forgive me. I'm sorry, will you please forgive me Flames?" He stayed silent and looked down at the floor for a bit then got up and walked towards me. He then closed the door behind me and picked me up and held me in his arms. I wrapped my arms and legs around him. He wrapped his arms around me. He then whispered in my ear saying, "I love you so much little mouse. You don't know how much it hurts me when you say you're scared. Never be scared when you're with me. And we can break your curse. We'll break it together. Just promise me you won't leave me again. Please baby." he then buried his head into my neck. I kissed his head and he started to cry. I felt his tears fall onto my shirt. " love don't cry. Please don't." he then lifted his head and looked at me then down at my shirt. I wiped his tears away and lifted his head back up to look at my face. I then looked at my shirt and saw it covered in blood. I laughed a bit then said, "Well looks like i'm going to need a whole ass lot of blood." he laughed with me then opened the door. Still holding me in his arms. He walked out of our room and started to walk through the halls. I closed my eyes and I was just thinking about Rain and how she really let me go to make me happy.she is an amazing person she deserved to be happy. I then heard someone whispering and I felt someone looking at me. I opened one of my eyes and saw this girl looking at me and i heard her say, "why the fuck is he with her. She is just a fat stupid ugly ass bitch." I laughed a bit then opened both of my eyes and flipped her off. I closed my eyes again and wrapped my arms around Flames again. I then felt Flames stop. I let go of him and he put me down. I turned around and saw that we were in front of a car. "Get in, little mouse." I opened the back door and climbed into the car. Flames got into the driver's seat. As Flames turned on the car I rolled down my window and stuck my head out. I don't know where we are going but either way I'm going with him. Flames then started to drive and I laid down on the seats and tried to fall asleep because I was still tired. I don't know why. I finally fell asleep and I had a nightmare. I was in a room and it was dark. The only thing I could see was my hands. I then felt something warm behind me. I felt someone's hot breath hitting my skin. I turned around and couldn't see anything. I then tried lighting a fire in the palm of my hand but my chest started to hurt. "Follow the light" my eyes widened as I heard the eerie voice speak. But what else can I do? I have to look for a light or something that represents it. I started to look around looking for some sort of light. I then found a trail of fire leading somewhere through a door. I started to follow and walk along the trail. I then felt like someone was behind me. I slowly started to run and then I heard a low growl. It was loud. I then saw someone waiting for me at the end of the hall. As I ran and got closer I noticed that it was Flames. I smiled and ran towards him until I realised that he was hurt. He was covered in cuts, bruises and blood. I tried to get to him but something was stopping me. Something then hit Flames and he died. I fell to my knees and cried as tears started to stream down my face. "FLAMES!" I screamed. I woke up to see that I was in bed and Flames was beside me. I sat up then started to cry and I felt my heart beating faster than normal. My breathing started to get quicker and I couldn't slow it down. I then felt Flames wrapping his arms around me. I didn't know what to do. I just wrapped my arms around his neck and cried into his shoulder. "I c-can't do this anymore, Flames. I don't want t-to." he then pulled away from me and looked me in the eyes and said, "i love you Emily Nex Spiris Voxis Solaris Hema Scaldor Orista. You are my world, my everything." He then gave me a kiss. I finally calmed down and gave him a kiss. He then picked me up and held me close. I sat in his lap and buried my head in his neck. I then remembered that it was my birthday tomorrow. November 21st. It was my real birthday tomorrow, the actual day I was born. I then felt Flames lift my head up and said, "do you wanna go for a walk little mouse?" I then looked at him confused and wiped my tears away, "but it's night." he laughed a bit then said, "yea it's more fun at night. And quiet."  I smiled and so did he. I got off of him and he got up and started to put on his shoes. I got out of bed and looked for something warm I could put on. I then found one of Flames black sweaters beside his jacket. I put on his sweater that was huge on me. It was like I was swimming in it. But I don't care. I then grabbed my shoes that were near the door and put them on. I then grabbed Flames hand and he started to walk through the door. As we walked through the hall I noticed that there were alot of doors and then I then realised that we were in a Motel. When we walked out I looked up at the sky and saw all the beautiful stars. I looked back down and looked ahead. There wasn't so much. All there was, was a forest. Flames started to walk again and I walked beside him holding his hand. I leaned on his shoulder and continued to walk. As we walked under the moon and stars I saw a small black cat. I let go of Flames shoulder and slowly walked over to the cat. It looked injured. The cat started to back away and was about to run until it tripped. I quickly walked over to it and picked it up. "It's a boy and it's injured." Flames then came and looked at the baby kitten. He then said, "why don't we bring him back home with us and take care of him. Oh and I have a surprise for you." I looked at him and smiled. "You know i don't like surprises but since you already have it alright let's go." he then smiled and picked me up bridal style. I put the kitten on my stomach. Flames chest acting like a wall so he doesn't fall. Flames then stopped walking and said, "Little mouse you get in the car and I will go get our stuff alright." I nodded and he let me down. I got into the passenger seat and put the kitten in my lap. I put my hands above the kitten and started to warm him up with my magic. "I need to heal you without using my magic. It's the only way I will be sure that you are healed. Cause you know i can feel my magic failing so i don't want to injure you any further." feeling the warmth coming from the palms of my hands the kitten started to calm down and started to fall asleep. Flames then opened the driver's side door and sat in his seat. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and put on his seatbelt. I put on mine and curled up into a ball holding the kitten in my arms. Flames then started to drive and said, "Alright so your surprise is like an hour away so we can just listen to music or you can sleep." I stayed silent for a bit and then said, "I wanna listen to your playlist or just a radio station. But I wanna listen to music." I could feel him smiling and then I heard a song being played. I smiled then sat properly in my seat and held the kitten in my arms. "What's his name, little mouse?" I thought for a bit then said, "Shadow. His name will be Shadow." I could feel Flames smiling and knowing that Flames smiled made me smile.

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