Chapter 3

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When I realised what it was and what was going on I started to panic. Everything started to get louder. I started to shake. My eyes filled with tears and I couldn't do anything but feel fear. I couldn't focus on anything. I just feared my api biru. What if it kills me? What if it kills them? What if it kills Flames? But then my thoughts were interrupted by Flames. "Hey, hey, it's ok i'm here you won't hurt anyone alright." Flames started to whisper to me. But I wouldn't listen, "Flames, I can't do this anymore. I don't want to do this anymore. I just want to die." I said as I cried. My breathing started to speed up. "Sapphire please, you promised. Stay with me please. I wouldn't be able to do this either without you. You're the only one keeping me alive. So please stay with me." But then before I could say anything my api biru started to come out. I pushed Flames off of me and I tried to get up but I kept falling. I layed down on my back and screamed. Then I saw momma with my dad but not the king, the one that went missing. But Momma is dead. But papa is not dead, he's alive. My scremas got louder by the second, Flames tried to come to me but papa wouldn't let him, "You can't do shit about it. Let her handle it." but then Flames pushed him out of the way and came to me. But then I screamed my final scream and it stopped. The pain, the fear and the panic. "Sapphire? You ok? I'm guessing you know what's causing this?" I then hugged Flames and then I saw papa with a knife coming towards me and Flames. I teleported Flames to where his family was and then I teleported to papa grabbing the knife. I kicked him in the stomach. "Well you've gotten stronger Red." I looked at him. "Why the fuck are you back?" I said as I held the knife ready to stab him. But then he put his hands up like he is surrendering. "I just came to help." Then I lost it. "LOOK AT ME! I'VE LOST MY MIND! WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU SEE? MY ONLY FUCKING QUESTION IS WILL I EVER BE FUCKING FREE! BUT YOU MY FUCKING FATHER ABANDONED ME AND WENT MISSING FOR YEARS! A-AND WHAT NOW YOU SHOW UP YOU WANT FUCKING FORGIVENESS OR SOME SHIT! NO YOU FUCKING BITCH YOU CHOSE SOME RANDOM KID OVER YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD! OVER YOUR DAUGHTER! You chose Nathan over me." papa just looked at me. "You know what if you still care what's my name? My full name. It's easy, it can be full or just my first and second." he looked at me then the ground. "See you don't even know my full name. You never cared and never will. You're just like poseidon. Oh and by the way my full name is Emily Nex Spiris Solaris Hema Scaldor Delarosa Orista. Or just Emily Orista. Delarosa is a new one by the way." I started to walk away but then papa said something, "Emily You know damn well that you can't love someone. YOU KNOW FUCKING WELL WHAT HAPPENS." I then ran towards papa and grabbed him by the neck. I started to laugh, " i don't care if i lose my mind, i'm already cursed so thats why i say Fuck it." I then let him go. "That fucking curse can't ruin anything else. I lost everything and if he is the only thing I have left and if I have to die protecting him I will. That curse ruined everything for me. But it won't kill the last person that I hold closest to my heart. I can guarantee you that." After I said that I walked away. When I got to the apartment I opened the door and Flames was behind me. "So mind telling me what your dad was talking about?" I knew he was going to do this. "Can we please not do this today? We just got home. I'm tired." I said as I went to our room. "No emily. There's something that you haven't told me since the day we met. So tell me." I started to get annoyed. "Flames please not today." Flames started to yell, "NO TELL ME! TELL ME NOW!" I turned around then started to yell back, " FLAMES IT'S A GODDAMN CURSE ALRIGHT! A CURSE WHERE IF I FEEL ANYTHING FOR ANYONE I WILL SUFFER FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE! I DIDN'T FUCKING TELL YOU BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK WOULD YOU BE ABLE TO DO? NOTHING!", "I HATE IT WHEN YOU DO THIS SHIT! I HATE IT! IF WE ARE TOGETHER EMILY YOU NEED TO TELL ME SHIT ALRIGHT! AND I COULD HAVE HELPED IF YOU TOLD ME!", "FLAMES IF IT UPSETS YOU SO MUCH YOU CAN LEAVE NOTHING IS STOPPING YOU FROM LEAVING ME OR BREAKING MY HEART AGAIN!" after i said that the whole place went dead silent. Without saying a word Flames left. I fucked up. After that I went to my room and just cried. I tried to sleep but i couldn't stop crying and thinking on how bad i fucked up. Eventually I did fall asleep. But then I woke up to Flames Laying down on my stomach and sleeping. I woke him up and said, "I'm sorry. I know I'm an asswhole now. Please just forgive m-" then he kissed me. Then he pulled away and smiled at me. "I need to ask you for forgiveness. I shouldn't make you tell me shit until you're ready to tell me. I love you Sapphire. I will never let you go ever again." i started to cry then he wiped my tears off my face and said, "you look beautiful when you cry but i don't like it when you do." I smiled at him then said, "Alright well let's actually get some sleep now." he nodded then we both lifted up the blanket and went under it. He spooned me and I asked him, "Can I be big spoon?" He laughed then said, "no, I am big spoon and you're my little spoon. But maybe one day I'll let you be big spoon." and with that i closed my eyes and fell asleep. I had a dream but it was different. It wasn't like it was an actual dream. It's as if it was real. I was standing in front of a kingdom. But it was all burned. Nothing was left. It's as if I was looking at my kingdom-. Then I woke up. When I opened my eyes, Flames was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him up but I had to. "Flames, Flames we gotta get up." he groaned, "Sapphire can we stay in bed just a bit longer. Please, I'm tired." I just rolled my eyes and gave him a kiss on the cheek. Then I got out of bed. "I need to go take a shower." I said as I grabbed a towel. "Alright, wait where are we going?" I didn't answer, I just went into the bathroom. I then took off all my clothes and I removed the cloaking spell that I use to hide all my scars. I looked at myself in the mirror, I looked at all the scars on my body. I remember every single one. How I got them and who gave them to me. Then I just ignored it and went into the shower. When I came out of the shower I wrapped the towel around me and I left the bathroom. I went to me and Flames room and I saw that Flames was still in bed. So I walked over to his side of the bed and I kissed him on the neck. He woke up immediately and quickly turned his head and kissed me. I smiled then said, "Good morning love." I then walked to my dresser and got some of my clothes but then I remembered that I had Rain's bag. So I went to the living room and opened her bag. The first shirt that I grabbed I loved. It looked so cool and I really liked it. So I grabbed her Shirt and went back to the bedroom. When I got there,Flames was already up. I got a bra, underwear and some socks. I put those on then put on rain's shirt. I grabbed some black leggings then went into Flames side of the closet and grabbed one of his sweaters that had a zipper. I put that on top and I was done. "Alright well I will leave you to change while I go make breakfast. Or we can go to a cafe." I started to walk but then Flames pulled me by my waist and hugged me. It's weird when out of the blue Flames just hugs me. He then whispered in my ear, "Sapphire, you wanna do something fun?" He then kissed my neck. I started to blush a lot more than usual when he would do this type of shit. "Flames-" he wouldn't stop, and if i'm being honest i don't want him to. But he has too. "Flames we can continue later." he still held onto me but he stopped. When I saw his face it looked serious. He was pissed but he was still holding onto me so that's how i know that it's fine but he is still pissed. "I'll wait for you outside. Alright." he just nodded and then he let me go. He went to change, then I left. As i was heading out of the apartment i remembered that i forgot my phone so i went running back to my room and when i walked in i saw Flames without a shirt. For the first time. I stayed in the doorway just looking at him up and down. Then I realised what I was doing. I quickly covered my eyes and tried to walk through the room to find the nightstand.  I bumped into it so I put my hand onto the nightstand and started to move it around to try and find my phone. I found it then I ran out of the room. Then I heard a knock on the door. At this point i didn't care i went back to the bedroom and sAID, "Flames hide someone is at the door it could be meg because no one else knows where i live. Well where we live." he nodded then hid. I went to the door and opened it. It was Meg. "Meg! What a surprise! What are you doing here?" Meg walked in. "It's just that i haven't heard from you in a long time and i expected you to return with his head 3 days later. But then I came to find that you have been here all along."she said as she sat on the couch. "Actually not all along. I uhm met this guy and he is my boyfriend. He would like to join us." she smiled then said, "let me guess he lives here with you and he can actually kill." I nodded then meg said, "Alright i am guessing he is here so bring him out." I then went to the bedroom. When I entered, Flames were sitting on the bed, "Your new name is ash and you know nothing about Flames alright? Alright." I whispered as I pulled him by his hand. When we got to the living room I introduced them, "Meg, this is Ash. Ash, this is Meg." Meg put her hand out to shake Flames but Flames didn't shake her hand, "I'm not a fan of hand shaking?" Meg smiled then said, "Both of you are in and lucky for you two I already have a mission. Oh and Emily what did you exactly do with him? The guy I sent you to kill." i looked at her as calm as i possibly could be and said, "i chopped off his arms, legs and head i then buried them in different parts of the world then i let the rest of his body i put in a forest so then the wolves or bears could demolish it, and his name was Flames." she nodded and said, " you two got really close if you know his name but good work. Now for your mission. You need to kill this girl. Her name is Iris. She has powers. She can control an element and that element is light. No explanations on why I want her dead I just do alright? alright. you both are travelling to Canada. Your flight leaves tomorrow at 9:30 p.m. don't be late." We both nodded then Meg left. When she closed the door I just went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of vodka from the cabinet. I took off the cap and drank straight from the bottle. As I was standing in the kitchen I felt Flames hug me from behind. As he buried his head into my neck he said, "don't worry sapphire. Just one mission then we can continue playing this game then we can kill her alright." Then he kissed my neck. "Alright, we can kill her later. But we need to focus on this mission alright let's go pack." He nodded then picked me up and started to walk to our room. When we got there he threw me onto the bed and I started to laugh. He then laid down on top of me. My laughter died down and I started to play with his soft white hair. "You know what I always wonder. How do you have hair that is white as fucking snow and your dads hair is like brown as the fucking dirt? Well your mom's hair is white but not as white as yours." Flames groaned and said, "can we just have a nap I'm tired as fuck." I chuckled and just stayed there playing with his hair. I closed my eyes and just imagined how fun it would be to go on a mission with Flames. He'll get pissed at me for everything I do and I will get pissed at him for not doing it right. It will be fun. Then I heard Flames say, "Sapphire?" I opened my eyes and said, "yeah?" He stayed silent for a bit but then he said, "Have you ever gone to a bar before?", "no why? Do you wanna go to one?" he once again stayed silent for a bit then said, "yea if you want to because we don't leave until tomorrow but i know how much you like being prepared. So why don't we pack and then we can go to a bar or a party. I know you barely experienced an actual life because you were suffering and I feel kind of bad so i want you to have a fun night tonight. So let's go to a party." I started to laugh a bit. "Flames you do realise that you are 24 and I am 18 turning 19, right?" i could feel him smiling then he said, "more the reason to go to one. You know that I look younger than I am. But you are the actual age to be at a party and to actually do shit that not any one can fucking do. You know I can actually prove how much I love you in 2 ways. They are also very effective too." I started to smile and then said, "Flames, do you know what day it is?" looked up at me confused. "It's your birthday. Don't you remember it's January 18th." I started to laugh. Then I sat up and so did he. "Alright so I didn't have time to plan shit but I do have some ideas of what we can do that I know you will love." he smiled but it was kind of a lazy smile. His hair was all messed up and he looked so adorable. I then got up and pulled him by the hand and ran out of our apartment. I didn't want to take the elevator because it was going to take too long so I ran down the stairs still holding on to Flames hand. When we got outside I shapeshifted into a horse. Flames got on and I started to run. I ran to a pet store because I know that Flames have always wanted some sort of reptile, specifically a snake.  So when we got there he got off my back and I turned back to my normal form. I gave him a kiss before we entered and when we did enter I pulled him running to the snake enclosures. "Alright so you pick the snake and I will get all the shit it needs to live in." I said as I left him with a confused and shocked smile on his face. Seeing him with a smile makes me feel good and happy. So I went to get the snake and enclosure. I got a 40 gallon enclosure that had everything they needed to live in the enclosure. The 40 gallon was the biggest I could find so I took it. The more space the better because it is going to grow it's not going to stay small forever. When I returned to Flames he already had the snake in a box to take home. When he saw me he came to me and gave me a kiss. But this kiss was a lot longer and a lot more rough. As I pulled away to take a breath I said, "so do you like your first birthday present?" He didn't say anything, he just gave me another kiss.  I smiled then I said, "alright well let's go pay for this then go home and set everything up." He smiled at me then said, "why don't you go Hotwire a car and I will pay for everything alright it may take long so just go wait I will be right there." Then he kissed me on my head and turned around to pay for the stuff. When I left the store and looked for a car I saw this now blue Lamborghini and I decided to Hotwire it. As I opened the car door I saw Flames already heading towards me with the cart filled with the stuff for the snake. When he got to me he pulled me in by my waist and gave me a kiss. "I'll load all this stuff into the car you can start driving." I nodded then went around the car to the driver's side. When I got in I looked behind me and I saw Flames loading the car and when I saw him I don't know why but I felt happy. Like everything in my life was finally perfect. Then he closed the trunk and came to the passenger seat beside me. I looked at Flames with a smile and he looked back at me. I couldn't see his face because he was wearing a mask. But I could tell that he was happy. I then got closer to him,pulled down his mask and he didn't move, he just looked at my lips and stayed there. I then leaned in and gave him a kiss. When I tried to pull away, Flames put his hand on the back of my head and made me kiss him again. I smiled as I kissed him. Then we both pulled away. We were still really close to each other and Flames whispered, "Your lips taste amazing sapphire." I  blushed. I then sat back down in my seat and started the car, I then left the parking lot and started to drive back to our apartment. We were almost there and Flames said, "I hope you like the one I picked." I smiled and said, "Well it is your gift so really the one that has to like it is you." he stayed silent then we got to the apartment. I turned off the car and got out. I started to head to the trunk but then Flames stopped me and said, "I'll bring it up alright you can just go upstairs and prepare the space." I was kinda weirded out but I still went upstairs. When I got to our apartment I went straight to our room and cleared my desk. It was near an outlet and it had a lot of room and I could work on my desk too. When I cleared it, Flames were already here. So I went to him and got the tank. When I opened it, it had a picture of a chameleon on it, and it was a really tall tank. Then Flames walked in and took the tank out of the packaging. He placed it on my desk. When he was done he turned to me with the box containing the snake and grabbed my hand placing the box in it. "Open it." I looked at him with a confused smile on my face. I opened the box and it had a little baby chameleon in it. "No you did not." he then came closer and put his hand in the box taking the chameleon out. "Flames-" before I could say my sentence he shushed me and said, "I don't care about a fucking snake. I know how long you have been wanting a chameleon and I have been saving for one ever since. I know this was supposed to be my gift but I wanted you to have it because why are you going to waste money on something that I will barely pay attention to. I love you so I want you to be happy. I really don't care if I get a snake or not. I know that you want me to have a snake so then I can be happy but seeing you happy makes me happy, and I know how much you've wanted one." I didn't know what to do. All I could think about doing was kissing him, so I did. He kissed me back and when I pulled away I just got so excited I put the chameleon down and put them on the table as I grabbed its branch water bowl and food bowl. Flames also grabbed some leaves to decorate it. When I finished decorating it I reached into the box and put the chameleon into its new home.  "What are you going to name it sapphire?" Flames said as he hugged me from behind resting his head on my shoulder. "Everest. Their name is everest." I said as Flames gave me a kiss on my neck. Then I turned around to face him and said, "Alright well I got more surprises for you. I know you don't like surprises or celebrating your birthday but I really don't care because it should be celebrated, and the surprises i have for you i am 30% sure you will love them. I know it's not that much of a percentage but still." he just smiled. I then once again grabbed his hand and pulled him out of our room and out of the apartment. When we were out of the building I teleported both of us to his house. When we got there I quickly covered Flames eyes. Then brought him inside. We went up the stairs carefully so then he wouldn't trip and get hurt. "We are almost there." I kicked his room door open and then I uncovered his eyes. "Surprise number 2." He didn't say anything so I did, "this is where you stayed with me, and where we both first spent time with each other. Outside is where we became a couple and I don't remember if we kissed or not. But still this is a really spec-" before i could finish Flames gave me a kiss. But he gave me multiple kisses. He gave me kisses on my neck, my cheek , head and lips. "You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you know that." Flames said as he picked me up and hugged me. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and rested my head on his shoulder. I then looked at his face and said, "So what do you want to do now before the last surprise then your gift." he stayed silent then said, " I would like to kiss you more." I laughed then gave him a kiss. "Sorry pretty boy, that will have to wait for later. Anything else?" he just looked at me and said, "why don't we wreck this place then burn it. But we need to get the stuff that actually means alot to me out of the house first." I nodded, then he put me down and grabbed this box he had on his desk. As he did that I looked in his closet and found one of his old sweaters from when he was my age. I grabbed it and put it on. It was huge. It was like I was swimming in it. When Flames turned around and saw me in it he started to laugh as he covered his mouth. "Can I keep it?" I said as he laughed. When he heard me say that he laughed even more. He then came to me as his laughter died down. He gave me a kiss on my head and hugged me. "Sure sapphire. But just don't ruin it. Well even more than it already is." We both laughed, then he stopped laughing and smiled as he looked at me. He then grabbed my hand and the box he was already holding then ran out the house still holding onto me and the box. When we were out of the house i could smell smoke i turned around to face the house and smoke was coming out of the door but then i stepped forward letting go of Flames hand and i tried to start a small fire in the palm of my hand. As I stepped closer and closer to the house I could just think about what I'm doing and why. I didn't know why but I figured out why. "I'm doing this to control you and to no longer fear you." I whispered to myself. Then a huge fire burst in the palm of my hand. I held it with both of my hands. I then held it above my head and threw it towards Flames house. When I saw his house burst into flames I smiled. I started to cry then I ran to Flames. He caught me and he spun me around. "YES!" I yelled as me and Flames laughed. "Yes you did sapphire. But which one did you control?" he then put me down and i said, "it's the normal phoenix but that's powerful enough." Then I gave him a kiss. He kissed me back but then I pulled away, "now it's time for your last surprise. But before that i need to go get your gift so i am going to bring you somewhere then i need to go. It will probably take an hour, maybe 2 but I will come back." I then grabbed his hand and teleported us to his parents house because I had a feeling that they wanted to see Flames. When we got their and he saw where we were he got pissed, "Emily-" i cut him off before he can continue and said, "look i know you don't want to be here but i didn't know where else i could leave you but i do wanna punch your dad in the face so when i come back that is exactly what i will do so please just please stay here for a bit. When I come back we will stay for like 15 more minutes then leave. Ok." he just looked at me annoyed and said, "fine." I gave him a hug and pulled him by his hand and dragged him to the front door. I knocked, then gave him a kiss and teleported back to our apartment. I quickly ran to my room and started to dig through one of my cabinets. I was looking for my bracelet supplies because I used to make bracelets to cover the cuts on my wrists and arms. I finally found it and ran back to the dining room to make 2 matching bracelets. I then opened it and looked for 2 matching charms. I found a sun and moon. I then got scissors and some clear string from my bracelet making box and I cut 2 pieces of string off and made one longer than the other. I then grabbed the letters to spell my king and my queen to put on the bracelets. When I grabbed all the charms I started to put the beads onto the string. I started with Flames. I first put a black bead and started to add a couple more until I started to add the letters. After 20 minutes I finally finished the Flames bracelet. Then I started mine. It's the same pattern as Flames except mine says my queen. Another 20 minutes go by and I am finally done with both. I took one final look at both. I looked at Flames and his says my king and mine says my queen. I then went running back to our room looking for a box that fits both. I then remembered that I had this old bracelet that I bought and I kept the box. I left it on my desk and started to look around and dig through my desk.

Burning Phoenix: the ashes begin to riseWhere stories live. Discover now