Chapter 5

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I then felt his hands grab mine and pull them away from my face. He then stared into my eyes and I stared into his eyes. I love his eyes so much. I wonder what his blood tastes like- I can't. I then got off of him and got up to get the other bottle of vodka and flipped the cap off. This bottle had 4 fucking liters. But i still don't give a fuck. I then drank some of it and it's actually really good. So I took another drink. I was already half way down again. I then tried to walk back to sit beside Flames but I fell on my knees. I then started to laugh and then Flames came and picked me up. He then looked at me and said, "you ok little mouse?"  I then looked at him confused and said, "yeaaa why wouldn't I be ok?" He then Smiled and said, "probably because your drunk as fuck and you just fell." I smiled at him then raised my hand up to his face and pulled him into a kiss. I then moved my hands to hold the back of his neck so I could keep him there. We both then Pulled apart and he said, "why did you kiss me?" I then smiled and said, "the real question is why wouldn't I kiss you." I then laughed and kissed him again. When I tried to pull away he pushed me more into him. I smiled then he pulled away and said, "no you started this and now i'm going to finish it." We then started to kiss even more then slowly he started to move down my neck. I then teleported both of us back to our apartment. But Flames didn't care he kept kissing my neck he then bit me. I let out a quiet moan. He then started to take off my shirt. When my shirt was off he took off his. He then took off my bra and slowly moved down to my breasts. He then kissed my breast and I could feel his tongue making circular movements on the tip of them. I let out soft moans. He then started to take off my pants. He started to kiss down my stomach and then started to kiss my thighs. I bit my lip and I suddenly had the urge to suck his blood. I could feel his blood running through his veins, his heart beating. But before I could move he took off my underwear and started to suck on my pussy. As soon as I felt his lips touch my pussy I let out a loud moan. I couldn't stop moaning. He then took off his pants and pushed me back onto the bed. He pinned my hands above my head and then put his dick in me. I moaned even louder. It felt so good. He kept going in and out. And I kept moaning. "M-m-master p-please s-s-slow d-down~" I pleaded. But all that did was make him go faster. "Master~" I moaned. He then started to suck on my breast again while he was still fucking me. I started to whimper. He then looked at me and said, "You're doing so well baby, I can feel you getting more wet by the second." I didn't really pay attention to what he was saying because I couldn't stop whimpering. He felt so good. I just want more of him. He wouldn't stop thrusting into me. I could hear him groaning but then I heard him moan. He then started to slow down  But honestly I didn't want him to stop. "M-master, p-please g-go f-faster. Please~" I said breathlessly. He then smirked and started to go even faster. I then let out a huge moan, "Master~" I said. He then started to suck on my neck and give me hickeys. "Now I'm going to make you more mine sapphire." he then placed his hand on my inner thigh and started to burn his hand print into it. I let out a loud moan. He then smirked and I said,
" I-I'm going to cum!" Flames then said, "let me see your beautiful eyes princess. I wanna see your eyes while you cum." I then opened my eyes and looked at him. He then put his dick back inside of me and I cummed all over his dick. He then started to thrust into me again. My eyes rolled while I felt his huge dick thrust into me. I could hear him groaning and moaning. I wanted to say something but couldn't even say anything. He just felt so good and I didn't want him to stop. But then he stopped thrusting into me and he then laid down on top of me and stopped. We both were breathing heavily. I was shaking but with the little bit of strength I had left in my hands I snapped my fingers and put some clothes on us. He then moved and laid down next to me and pulled me closer towards him. We both didn't say a word to each other, we just stayed on the bed and cuddled. "I love you so much little mouse. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I swear to always be there for you and to try and not fuck up again." he then gave me a kiss. "Amor, I care about you so much. But I do have one more secret that I haven't told you." ,"what is it sapphire?" I then looked at Flames and said, "I-I'm dying." he then looked at me shocked. He didn't say anything, he just got out of bed and walked out the door but before he left the room he said, "I'm going to go take a shower." I didn't know what to do. I just sat up on the bed and looked at my hands. I then left bed and tried to walk. Each time I failed. I then just decided to teleport to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen I grabbed the sharpest knife I had and put it on my wrist. I was about to cut but then I felt Flames touch my wrist. He then grabbed the knife and took it out of my hand. I just looked down at the floor and ignored him even being there. He then picked me up and gave me a kiss. On my head. He then started to walk towards the bathroom. But I really don't care. I just don't want to do this anymore. He then put me down and made sure I could still stand. And I could. He then started to take my clothes off. Exposing everything again.  He then picked me up and made me sit in the bathtub. He then turned it on and started to grab some water and put it on me. He then grabbed some soap and washed my body then my hair. He then rinsed my body and hair. After he turned off the water and grabbed a towel. Before he put the towel on me he picked me up and made me stand so then he could wrap the towel around me. When he wrapped it around me he picked me up and carried me to our room. Then sat me on the bed and grabbed a hairbrush and a blue ribbon. He then started to brush my hair and make a braid. He then tied the ribbon at the end of the braid. When he finished I touched my braid and started to play with my hair at the end. He then went and grabbed a shirt and some leggings for me. He then went to get a bra for me and some underwear. He then came to me and said, "do you want to get changed yourself or do you want me to help you get dressed." I didn't say anything, he just nodded at me and left. But before he left I said, "wait. C-can you please help me." He then turned around and smiled at me. He then grabbed my underwear and put it on me. I then took off my towel and then he grabbed my bra and put it on me. He then started to reach for my shirt but I grabbed it before he did. He then looked at me and I looked at him. He then got closer and closer to me and as we were about to kiss, I opened my eyes and realised that it was all a dream. I then realised that I was back in the foster home. Or an orphanage. However they are called I don't know. I got straight out of bed and tried to get out but the door was locked and there were no windows. Just a candle, bed and nightstand. I tried to kick the door down but it wouldn't work. I felt so useless. I couldn't do anything. But then I remembered that I could try and use my magic. No one knew I had magic so I don't think they knew. Well whoever put me here. I then collected my madic to the centre of my palms and placed both of my hands on the door. Then let all the magic do its damage. The door became ash and I ran through the door not caring what I left behind or whatever was in that room. I then saw the front door and ran towards it. I broke the door down and kept running. When I got outside I looked around and realised that I wasn't at the orphanage. I was in the city. Where me and Flames lived in my dream. Was it a dream? Was it all real?! Or was it all fake and just a part of my imagination. I looked around then saw this woman that looked very familiar. I ran up to her and saw her face completely and it was Mrs.Azure. Flames mom. This could determine whether or not Flames is real or not. "Mrs.Azure!?" I said as I gave her a hug. She then pushed me away and said, " Who are you and what do you want?" I looked at her confused and said, "It's me Emily. Y-you don't remember me?" she looked at me confused then i said, " it doesn't matter. Well actually it does but i have a question. Do you have a son?" she looked at me a bit scared and said, "yes i do, how do you know that-" I cut her off and said, "You have 5 children. 4 boys 1 girl your eldest Flames Azure. Your youngest Luke Azure. Your eldest Flames died but you saw him again at his gravestone and you met his girlfriend. His girlfriend then went missing so did he. I'm Flames girlfriend Emily Or That's all i know the last part i'm not so sure about though. I am sure that i went missing though because if you don't remember me that means that i went missing." I then looked down and she lifted my head up and had tears in her eyes and rolled down her rosy cheeks. She then pulled me into a hug and said, "we all thought you died. We really need to talk but this is not a good place." I nodded and she grabbed me by the hand and started to walk. I then had a feeling that someone was following us so I turned around and saw someone looking at me and getting closer to me. So I started to run holding Mrs.Azures hand tightly. I then saw Mrs.Azures car and unlocked it with my magic. I teleported us both in the car and Mrs.Azure quickly started the car. She then started to drive and fast. I then noticed that she had a sunroof. Then I started to yell at Mrs.Azure and said, "CAN YOU PLEASE OPEN THE SUNROOF?" she nodded and then pressed a button that opened the sunroof. I got up and stood on the chair and made a gun with my magic out of the metal around me. I then started to shoot at the car following us. But then I stopped and I looked at the person's face and it was Zephyr. I stopped and looked at him. With angry tears in my eyes I continued to shoot at him. I don't know why but I was pissed. But then I felt weak in my legs and I fell back into the car. Tears falling from my face. I don't know who I was angry at. Him for wanting to kill me or me. But then I looked back and we lost him. Mrs. Azure then stopped the car and said, "GET OUT NOW!" I didn't hesitate and I jumped out of the car and ran inside the house. When I got inside I saw Luke but he was older now. I remember him when he was 3 but now he looks like he's 5 or maybe 6. With tears in my eyes I fell to my knees and dropped my gun. When he saw me he ran to me and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and said, "holy shit you're so big! How old are you?" He then looked at me with tears in his eyes and said, "I thought that you died." I started to cry as I placed my hand on his face and caressed his cheek. "You have his eyes luke. You look so much like your brother." I gave him a kiss on the head and picked him up. As I held Luke in my arms I saw Flames other siblings. They all ran to me and gave me a hug with Luke still in my arms. I was a bit confused but I let them hug me. When they let go of me they were all crying and I laughed a bit. "I like the fact that you all remember me but have any of you seen Flames? I need to find him." Then Luke put his cute little hand on my cheek and said, "Flamey is gone." I then looked  at Mrs.Azure and she said, " the year that you went missing he left but when he left I could feel something dark consuming him and I don't think he's the same anymore. But if you do want to find him I will help you we all will. I just want my son back."  I nodded then put Luke down. "Alright but to get started I need to see Poseidon-" I was cut off by a knock at the door. I then grabbed the gun that I dropped and checked how many bullets I had left. I had 3 bullets, that's enough. I then walked to the door hiding the gun behind my back and without hesitating I opened the door. It was Zephyr. "Emily? What are-" i cut him off and said, "No what the fuck are you doing here and why were you sent to kill me?" He just stared at the ground and I got pissed so I twisted his arm, turned him around and pinned him against the wall. "ANSWER ME!" He was hesitating but then I saw Luke staring at me with fear in his eyes. I let Zephyr go but then I had an idea. "Z what is your mission?" He then looked at me and said, "I need to kill this mafia boss. He's hosting this masquerade ball tonight so I'm supposed to kill him at the ball. He is known to burn his victims; he doesn't show up during the day and if he does he always wears a mask." I then turned to Mrs.Azure and said, "That's Flames. He was sent to kill Flames." I then turned back to Zephyr and said, "You are not going to kill him. Alright. I need to come with you. I just need a stupid fucking dress but then other than that i think i can take care of the rest." I then started to run up the stairs but then Zephyr stopped me and said, "Emily, he has bodyguards surrounding the premises.he would kill you in a matter of seconds." I laughed as I walked back down the stairs. "Z just between you and me the only thing he killed last time was my pussy." I whispered in his ear. Then went to Mrs.Azure and said, "Mrs.Azure, where is the nearest fabric store or you know what nevermind where the nearest dress store?"she then grabbed my hand and said, "don't worry about that i make dresses with Anne we can make you one right now if you want." I then turned to Zephyr and said, "Z what time is the ball?" He then looked at his phone and said, "It starts at midnight and the invitation says that at 3 a.m there will be a surprise." I smiled then turned back to Mrs.Azure and said, "only if it's not so much trouble but we really need to start right away and I can help because I used to help momma with making clothes and dresses." she nodded then took me upstairs while Jack and Isamu interrogated Zephyr. Mrs.Azure and Anne brought me to this room and made me stand on this stool and started to take my measurements. My room was silent. All you could hear was the rain outside. Mrs.Azure went to get the fabric while Anne took my measurements. "You will look stunning. All you need is the dress and mask. We can put your hair in a bun or just leave it down. No makeup because you don't need it. I hope he remembers you." I smiled sadly and said, "Me too. I really want to see him again. But if he doesn't it's fine i know how to make him remember and no not like that. I could just sing the song that reminds us of a very traumatic moment in our relationship. Or just call him by the name I always called him. I don't know I'll figure it out."  Anne just looked at me and smiled. Then Mrs.Azure yelled and said, "I'M DONE WITH THE LOWER PART OF THE DRESS I ONLY NEED MORE BLACK FOR THE TORSO. ANNE  SWEETIE CAN YOU PLEASE GET IT FOR ME?!" Anne then yelled back and said, "ALRIGHT HOLD ON! Sorry I'll be right back." She then put the measuring rope down and left with a roll of silk fabric dyed black. I got off the stool and looked around the room then saw a mirror. I stood in front of it and looked at myself. I was wearing a navy blue sports bra and some black shorts. My hair was down but it was clean. I then smelled my hair and it spelled good. It was clean. Someone has been taking care of me. Someone basically gave me a shower? I wasn't wearing anything else though. The only thing I had was my necklace with Flames ring on it. I held the ring in my hands and remembered the time when i was going to kill myself by jumping off the building but then when i did Flames jumped after me and caught me in his arms. Tears started to form in my eyes. Then I heard Anne and Mrs.Azure coming back so I wiped my tears away and turned back around. "Emily, we are done with the dress. We got your measurements, we just need to do your hair. I nodded then Anne grabbed my hand and sat me in a chair. " Alright well we are going to leave your hair down and just decorate it with flowers and a crown. Then we have to work on your mask. We have everything else ready so we are going to cover your eyes and make it a surprise." I nodded, then they put a blindfold on my eyes. Since I couldn't see anything I just took this opportunity to sleep a bit. So I fell asleep. I then woke up to someone grabbing my hand. It scared me a bit so I took my hand away and got up. I took my blindfold off and it was Luke. I laughed a bit and said, "Sorry Luke, you just scared me a bit." he laughed and said, "you look so pretty. I hope you bring Flamey home." I looked at the floor then back at Luke and said, "I hope you get Flamey back."  I then got up and stood in front of the mirror. I actually look amazing for the first time in my life. As tears formed in my eyes Anne then came and held the dress they made me in her arms. The tears in my eyes finally fell and I was so happy the dress was my favourite colour. "Thank you so much. You both don't know how much this means to me."  They both gave me a hug and when they both pulled away Mrs.Azure wiped tears from her face and said, "You know I should save these tears for when you and Flames get married." I looked at the ground and said, "I'm not so sure about that but I am sure that I will bring him back to you. I swear." she nodded then handed me the dress with a crown and some heels. "Mrs.Azure the crown-" she then cut me off and said, "it belonged to your mother. Wear it." I smiled then left the room to go change. When I put on the dress I felt weird. It just reminded me of the palace and when momma let me wear my corset on top of my dress and that's what I did with this one. I used my magic to remake my favourite red and black corset and the dress itself is red and black so it matched. I put on the dress then I grabbed my corset and put it on top. The dress itself was really flowy and it was almost like the same fabric that female pirates use to make their dresses. I then used my magic to tie the corset and it worked. I then put on some black leather boots that had 2 inches in the heel. Then I grabbed momma's crown and placed it on my head. I then went to the mirror and looked at myself and I have to admit I looked amazing. Amazing enough to say that I am HELLA fine. Maybe even more fine then Flames but who knows how he looks now. It's been 2 years. I'm turning 20 and he's 26 now. I then left the room, grabbed my mask and walked downstairs to show them how I look. When I walked down the stairs I saw Mrs.Azure and she saw me. She started to cry then I looked at the time and it was 12:45. I then walked up to Mrs.Azure and wiped her tears away. "Mrs. Azure I know this is a kind of special moment but I need to go. Thank you so much for everything. Now I'm going to bring back your son." she nodded then grabbed Z by his arm and ran outside as i put on my mask. I whistled for Midnight. I haven't seen her in 2 years. I then looked up and saw her. She then landed in front of me and I ran faster so then when i jumped we would both land on Midnight's back. When I jumped he did and midnight started to fly immediately. I then shapeshifted into a bat and flew off of midnight back and went to see her face. She hasn't changed but I gave her a kiss on the cheek and flew back to where Z was. I then shapeshifted back to my normal form and looked at Z and said, "what happened after I left?" He then looked at me then away and said, "nothing much. Zane stopped talking for a long time. When I left he barely talked. I just gave up and didn't do anything but then they gave me this mission and I accepted. It was good money and I thought it would be really easy but from how you sounded I guess I was wrong." I smiled but then Midnight started to fly down and then she landed. When she landed I jumped off her back and went to give her a kiss on the cheek. She left and I looked around and saw a castle and it looked amazing. I don't know what I was feeling but I think I felt nervous or excited. I don't know why I just felt my heart moving faster and faster by the minute. "Who's Flames?" I turned around to face Z. With a straight face I then said, "why?" He then quickly said, "because you and him sounded really close and I thought that you can't fuck it up again." I didn't know what to say. I just turned around and put on my mask. Then left to go to the entrance. He's angry because of that. I then just teleported to the entrance and then I realised how big it was from up close. I mean my castle was way bigger but still. When I entered I saw the beautiful white and gold marble staircase but before I could even get near this person waiting at the door that introduces you before you walk down the stairs stopped me and said, "before you enter madame what is your name?" I looked at him and said, "Queen Emily Orista from the kingdom of lost souls." My ancestors named my kingdom that but I don't really know why because it has always been so bright and filled with happy and amazing people. Well if you don't count my dad. The guy nodded, then loudly said, "PRESENTING QUEEN EMILY ORISTA FROM THE KINGDOM OF LOST SOULS." I then walked down the staircase with the tail of my dress following behind me. Everyone looked at me when I got down all the stairs. I looked around to see where Flames was but I couldn't find him.  I then heard the guy that introduced me yell, "PRESENTING PRINCE ZEPHYR."  It then turned around and saw Z walking down the stairs with some girl. I rolled my eyes then kept walking around and then I felt someone grab my hand then I heard them say, " May i have this dance." when I turned around to face them. It was a guy but I couldn't see who it was because they had a mask that covered their eyes. But he felt familiar. I don't know why but I felt safe with him. Even though I barely know him. I then took my hand away and said, "And why would I do that? I barely know you. And plus why should i trust you?" I smiled then he said, "this is how we can get to know each other and plus I'm not sure if i can trust you." he smiled then i realised who it was. "F-Flames?" I whispered he then looked shocked and said, "what did you just call me?" I then shook my head. It can't be Flames. "nothing sorry. Uhm i think i should leave. I'm sorry." I then started to run through everyone and started to run up the stairs until I stopped, then turned around and screamed, "FLAMES!" Everyone stepped aside. I took off my mask and I saw Flames walking towards me. I then heard him say, "E-Emily? EMILY!" We both started to run towards each other and I jumped into his arms. He caught me and hugged me tight. "I thought I lost you Sapphire. I thought I lost you." Flames said as he cried into my shoulder. "I love you so much, sapphire." I then started to cry and said, "Me too amor. Me too." he then put me down and i caressed his cheek and wiped his tears away. I then pulled him into a kiss. He kissed me back when he pulled away he then said, "i can taste your tears sapphire. They're salty." I laughed and so did he. "Can we just go home and figure all this stupid shit out please. I haven't seen you in 2 years and I just want to have you back." he smiled and said, "oh you want me now do you baby flame." I looked up at him and saw his big smirk. I laughed a bit as more tears rolled down my cheek.

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