Chapter 2

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I cried and screamed into his chest. He held me closer then I felt another pair of arms wrap around me but not only me. It was my mom. She was hugging both of us. "It's all my fault I shouldn't have left her. It's my fault. It's my fault, it's my fault-" then Flames shushed me and said, "none of this is your fault. You didn't know. She wouldn't want you to blame yourself. It's not your fault Red, none of it is." Then Flames got up as he held me in his arms. I wrapped my arms and legs around him as he walked out the door. I closed my eyes the whole time we were in the cabin when we were outside. I didn't let go of Flames, he didn't stop walking but then halfway I remembered that I forgot my potions at the cabin and Rain's knives. So I opened my eyes and got off of Flames then I went running back to the cabin. "EMILY!?" Flames yelled after me. When I got to the cabin I went back up the stairs and saw that Rain's knives were on a chair. My potions were in the closet so I grabbed the bag with Rain's knives and went to the closet. When I looked down I saw my potions under my mom's stack of shoes. I grabbed it and ran out of the cabin as fast as I could. I saw Flames waiting for me outside the cabin but I kept running. I ran towards him and tackled him to the ground as I covered his head. I closed my eyes then the cabin. Caught on fire. The whole place was filled with flames. When I lifted myself up enough to see Flames face he was unconscious. I got up completely and started to move his body gently for him to wake up, "Flames, get your ass up please. FLAMES!" I pushed him. He didn't open his eyes. I pushed him again and this time he was mouth down. Then he slowly got up and I hugged him, I pulled away and slapped him, "don't EVER do that again." I said as I hugged him again. My mom came running yelling, "EMILY? FLAMES?" She then saw us on the ground. She came to me and hugged me. I hugged her back then I remembered Flames mom. God knows what Zeus and Poseidon did to her. I quickly got up and said, "Flames we need to find your mom. NOW!" I then grabbed my potions and Rain's bag filled with her knife collection. I started to run until I found a busy road. As I was running I started to feel pain all over but mostly in my stomach.  It started to hurt but I had to ignore it. I need to find Mrs.Azure. I finally found a street with a lot of cars parked with no one around, "thank you lord jesus christ." i said to myself then i got to the closest car and i tried to open the door but it wouldn't open obviously. As I started to bring my hands up and use my magic, this man turned me around and he was drunk, "WeLl ArEn't YoU jUSt A fInE giRl WanNa Go bAcK to MY pLace?" he said as he was getting closer and closer to my neck, I couldn't do anything because the pain I felt was stopping me. But then Flames pulled him away from me and pushed him to a wall, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY TO HER?" Flames then started to choke him against the wall, the guy tried to say something but Flames wouldn't let him he kept yelling at the guy, "WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TOUCH HER! NEVER GO NEAR HER EVER AGAIN! YOU HEAR ME DON'T LOOK TALK OR EVEN THINK ABOUT HER OR I WILL KILL YOU!" He then tried to punch Flames in the face and I grabbed one of Rain's knives. This knife was beautiful. I grabbed it then walked to where Flames was choking the guy. Flames saw me behind him and holding the knife. He moved aside and I teleported in front of the man and stabbed him in the stomach. I then let go of him and stabbed him 5 more times. I stabbed him in the balls, throat, arm, leg, and his chest where his heart is. I then licked the blood clean off the knife. Then started to laugh, "Fresh blood is alway the best. But  yours taste disgusting." I then looked at him as he covered his neck and tried to speak. "que lindo." I said as I laughed even more. I then picked  him up by his neck and drank all the blood he had. Then I dropped him and let him fall to the ground. I turned around and saw my mom staring at me then the dead body. Then I realised what I just did. I stepped back and quickly went back to the car. I quickly used my magic to open the door. I got in then hotwired the car. I turned it on and yelled to Flames and my mom, "QUICK GET IN!" They then got into the car Flames in the front and my mom in the back. I started to drive and I drove fast. I looked back and saw that the V.H's were already here, "SHIT!" I yelled as I hit the steering wheel. I drove faster but this time I kept looking back. They didn't see what car I got in but they would eventually find me. Soon enough we were out of romania. "EMILY!" my mom yelled, then Flames said, "Emily why did you yell? It's not the first time you've killed someone.", "if you guys really need to know i am a vampire correct? Correct. And since I am a vampire there are V.H a.k.a vampire hunters. They are everywhere and I forgot that they are still here since they saw me. They will hunt me down and won't stop until they kill me." The whole car went silent. I then looked back and saw that they were chasing us, "HOLY FUCKING MOTHER OF GOD! JUST FUCKING GIVE UP FOR THE LOVE OF GOD!" I then sped up. But then I had an idea. "Alright take off your seatbelts now! We are going to have to jump out of the car. I can shapeshift into Cerberus and get us all out of here. I'm faster than both of you combined alright" they both were hesitant but they agreed. I then opened my car door and the car was still driving. My mom and Flames opened their door and I started to count down from 3, "3,2,1 NOW!" we all jumped out, as i jumped i shapeshifted into Cerberus. I then ran to them as soon as I hit the ground. Then I picked them up and started to run with them on my back. As I ran the pain in my stomach got worse and worse until I dropped and transformed back to my original form. When I transformed back it threw Flames and momma off my back. I stayed on the ground and rolled myself over, mouth up. My eyes filled with tears. The pain was starting to get too much. Then Flames came rushing towards me with momma. Flames grabbed my right hand and held it momma lifted my head up. "Momma, I'm in pain. Please make the pain stop. Please momma. Please."I said as I cried. Then the pain got worse and I screamed.  My scream could be heard from a whole different country. I am a siren after all. "This is the price she has to pay for bringing me back." momma said as she looked up at the sky. Momma then reached into the bag filled with Rain's knife collection and stabbed herself. I couldn't see anything because my eyes were filled with tears. But when they fell out of my eyes and hit the ground the pain stopped and I looked beside me and my mom was dead. I quickly got up and put both of my hands where she was bleeding, "momma please don't go. Please. Stay with me. I already lost Rain. I can't lose you too. Momma? MOMMA! NO!" I screamed as Flames tried to calm me down. He then got up and then picked me up. I wrapped my legs and arms around him as I cried, "It's alright sapphire. Breathe. She is in a better place now. You know your dad told me about the river of lost souls. He said that once someone leaves it they go somewhere amazing. She is no longer in pain, she is in a better place. Well in an amazing place. Where there is no pain, no suffering, only happiness and everlasting love. Sapphire, i-i love you. Please don't do it." He then looked at me in the face and I looked into his gorgeous deep blue eyes. He knew what I wanted to do. "Please sapphire, promise me you won't do it. For me." I then nodded then rested my head on his shoulder again. As I continued to cry Flames started to walk through the forest. My tears slowly stopped. I couldn't feel anything, not sadness,or anger. I just felt numb. But I promised Flames that I will stay with him no matter what. I never break my promises. Then I heard Flames speak but i wasn't listening, "sorry what?" She laughed after I said that and then he said,"Do u want to go back home and look for my mom after or do you wanna just go home and just recover from all of this shit that you have been through? To make it simpler 1 or 2?" Then I said, "1. Please." ," alright but I will need you to whistle for midnight to come pick us up. Once I get into an open field though." I nodded then Flames said, "alright but I got a question. Does this mean we are back together?" I then finally said a sentence, "no Flames the only reason why I am letting you carry me is so then I don't have to walk. The only reason I am worried about your mother is because I don't care about you." He then started to laugh. "Dummy" I whispered. Soon enough we were under clear skies and in a clear field with nothing but flowers growing. "Hey u wanna look at the flowers while we wait for midnight? I know how much you love flowers and huge meadows like this." I nodded, then Flames put me down. When I turned around and saw all the different types of flowers I smiled. "Momma always used to bring me to meadows like this and tell me scary stories or just stories about anything and everything." I started to cry a bit but then I started to laugh. Then I started to run through the meadow. With my arms stretching out to touch every single petal on every single flower. I felt like momma was still here and she was watching me run through the meadow. Then I saw a tractor in the meadow. I ran towards it and climbed on top. When I was on top of the tractor it was like I was flying. I could see everything. When I looked at Flames he was pretty far but I could clearly see that he was smiling. I then turned around and moved backwards to the edge of the hood of the tractor and I let myself fall. I fell into the meadow flowers catching my fall. When I got up I started to run towards Flames. When I was close enough I jumped on top of him as we both fell to the ground and we laughed. I then pushed myself up and I saw Flames looking at me with a smirk. When I saw him I was about to kiss him until Midnight saw us and she started to laugh at me. "Honestly I am just too sad to even argue with you night." I said as me Flames, and Midnight laughed together. "K well Midnight can you bring us back home. We need to go look for Mrs.Azure and we think that there may be a chance that she is at her house. We just want to be sure that she is ok." I said then Midnight nodded and Flames and me got onto her back. When I got on her back I went to sit on top of her head. So then I can see where she is going and how much longer. When I sat on Midnight's head and Flames sat on her back, Midnight started to fly. When she was in the sky and I could see everything, that's when I figured out where we were. We actually weren't that far from home and with Midnight we could get there in 30 maybe 25 minutes. But then I could feel my eyes closing. I tried to keep them open but they kept closing until I fell asleep. But the last thing I felt before I fell asleep was me falling. When I woke up Flames was carrying me and we were about to enter the apartment until I said, "Flames put me down." He then put me down and I grabbed his hand and started to run towards Mrs.Azures house. When we got there I broke the door down. "MRS.AZURE!?" I started to yell. I ran through the house then I heard a car pull up in the driveway. I ran outside to see Mrs.Azure getting out of her car. I ran towards her and hugged her, "Thank the fucking lord that you are ok. I thought they killed you or sent you to hades. But thank the lord you are here and ok." he started to laugh a bit and said, "of course i'm fine. They really don't like getting you mad. Oh and also Poseidon wanted me to give this to you." I then pulled away from the hug and she walked into the house. The rest of Flames family stared at me. As Mrs.Azure went upstairs Mr.Azure and Flames siblings looked at me like I just killed an entire country. I mean I'm not saying I haven't but still. Then Mrs.Azure came back downstairs. "Here, he wrapped it up. He said that you should open it near or in the ocean." She handed it to me and I unwrapped it. It was a ring. "Let me get this straight he doesn't want you to open that?" Mr.Azure started to laugh. "Oh i'm sorry Aquilis, since you're so smart and know things that only gods and goddesses like me would know why don't you open it and find out why i shouldn't open it here?" I said with my eyes starting to glow slowly. He stopped laughing and I grabbed Mrs.Azure's hand and said, "Thank you so much Mrs.Azure you don't know how much this means to me. I'm glad you're ok." I then let go of her hands and I turned around starting to head to the door until the sharp pain in my stomach was back but this time it was way stronger. But this time I know what was wrong. So I quickly got up and left through the door and tried to find somewhere where there were not so many people. I collapsed to the ground. Then I could smell a fire starting. But it was inside of me. I screamed because the pain was too much.

Burning Phoenix: the ashes begin to riseNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ