Chapter 4

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I finally found it 29 minutes later. To be exact it was 29 minutes and 37 seconds but well. I then put both in the box and wrapped a blue and black ribbon around the box. I then ran out of our apartment like my life depended on it. I ran down the stairs and when I arrived at the lobby I shapeshifted into a raven and started to fly grabbing the box with the ribbon I tied around it. When I got to his parents house I changed back into my regular form and walked back inside. I was 9 minutes late. "Fuck." I whispered to myself.  I walked by the kitchen and saw that there was food that was completely untouched. When I walked into the living room. Mrs.Azure was sitting on the couch and so were Flames siblings. Flames and Mr.Azure were arguing. As soon as I saw them arguing I quickly looked at Flames hands. His hands were about to start a fire so i quickly went to him and grabbed his hand and yelled at Mr.Azure, "WHAT THE FUCK IS ALL THIS FUCKING YELLING ABOUT!" Everyone went silent. "YOU KNOW WHAT I ALREADY FUCKING KNOW DON'T FUCKING TELL ME. NOW I SAW THAT THERE WAS UNTOUCHED FOOD IN THE KITCHEN NOW EVERYONE GET YOU ASSES IN THAT FUCKING DINNING ROOM AS I BRING THE FOOD!" no one moved so i yelled again, "NOW!" Then everyone started to head to the dining room. When everyone left i could feel Flames looking at me so i looked at him and hugged him. When I pulled away from the hug I said, "go to the dining room alright, I will be there in a bit." Then I left to go get the food and place it on the table. When I got to the kitchen I used my telekinesis to lift some of the food and I put a plate on my head and held 2 plates in my hands. I started to make my way until I heard yelling again but this time it wasn't Flames and his dad it was Flames dad and Flames other brother Isamu. "SHUT THE FUCK UP!" I yelled once again it all went silent. I placed all the food down. I then went to sit in between Flames and his mom. Mrs.Azure. "Alright, well now we can all eat." everyone got their food and i leaned over to Flames and said, "look i know i said only 15 minutes but they made food. For you, we shouldn't be rude. So please be nice the rest of the night for me." he looked at me and said, "alright." I smiled then grabbed some water from a jug that was in front of me. I filled my cup then Mrs.Azure said, "honey eat. We made all this food. For you and Flames. Well us too but mostly for you both." i was about to answer until Mr.Azure said, "it's a good thing she's watching her weight. If she eats more she will turn into a fat bitch. Well even fatter than she already is." I looked at him as he continued to eat. Flames stood up and punched the table. "NEVER TALK TO HER LIKE THAT! EVER!" Flames yelled. He then got out of his seat and grabbed Mr.Azure by his throat and held him against the wall. "NEVER TALK TO HER LIKE THAT OR I WILL KILL YOU! I WON'T HESITATE AND THE ONLY REASON I'M NOT BURNING YOUR ASS RIGHT NOW IS BECAUSE I WOULD HATE FOR HER TO SEE ME KILL SOMEONE! ESPECIALLY YOU!" I couldn't even look at them. I just looked down at my thighs and held my stomach. I then got up and said, "Mrs.Azure thank you so much for the meal even though i didn't eat any but it did look incredibly delicious but uhm i think it's time me and Flames leave. Maybe you and     Jack, Isamu and Anne can come to me and Flames house. But uh only you four cause if all of you come i might kill someone." I said as I smiled. "Alright sweetheart you guys can leave but let me fix you a plate to go home with." Mrs.Azure. "No really it's fine we have plenty of food at home. Honestly we have too much actually." I said as I laughed but Mrs.Azure didn't listen. She grabbed my plate and went to the kitchen to grab some tin foil. When she returned she took a bit of everything and put it on my plate. I started to laugh as I heard deep breaths being taken. I turned around and saw Mr.Azure on the floor taking deep breaths. I rolled my eyes and turned back around to face Mrs.Azure again. She finished fixing my plate and I gave her a hug before I took the plate then pulled away, "thank you Mrs.Azure me and Flames will be on our way. But seriously give me a call or come over whenever you want." she smiled and nodded as I grabbed Flames gift and Flames hand. I started to head for the door until I felt someone grab my leg. I turned around and looked down and saw a little boy grabbing my leg. Then he said, "c-can you give Flames this for his birthday please and this is for you because you are so pretty." i grabbed the 2 small boxes and crouched down to get to the little boy's height and said, "thank you so much i definitely will give it to Flames. But may I ask who you are?" He put his hands behind his back and said, "I'm luke! Flamey's baby brother. At least that's what momma told me. But you are really pretty. Are you and flamey married or have a family? I would love a new sister not that the sister i have isn't amazing she really is." tears started to form in my eyes. "Thank you so much you know alot for a 3 year old and no me and Flamey are not married or have kids. But I would love to see you some other day. Luke. but I do have one question." Luke looked at me with the happiest face I have ever seen. "Do you wanna see some magic?" Luke nodded excitedly and I then picked him up and brought him outside. As I stepped outside I put one hand in the air and I started to make it rain. I then put luke down and started to make water figures. "Do you want to see a whale?" I asked Luke, he then nodded and I made a blue whale out of the water that fell. I then made some other fish as if we were in the ocean. I looked at Luke and he had the biggest smile. I then ran to Luke and picked him up. I started to spin him in the air as he felt the rain drop onto his skin and all the fish flying in the air. Well the fish I made out of water. He started to laugh and I started to cry. Because everytime i looked at Luke it just reminded me that I can't have children. I then hugged Luke tightly. "Why are you crying? Did I do something?" Luke asked me as he wiped my tears. I stopped the rain and brought him back inside the house. When we were back inside I put Luke down and he went running to Flames and said, "can you please marry the princess." I laughed as I saw Luke hug Flames leg and Flames smiling at him saying, "we gotta go buddy but if one day we do get married you will be my best man." Flames then looked at me and started to walk towards me. I quickly wiped my tears and turned around. I then left the house and waited for Flames to come outside. I then felt Flames arm wrap around my waist pulling me towards him. "Hey you ok i heard Luke ask why you were crying." I then figured I should tell him. But before i did i should tell him when we got home so i grabbed his hand and teleported us home. When we got home I sat him down on the couch in the living room and I sat on the wooden coffee table in the middle of the living room. "Flames i know i should have told you this the day we started to date but i uhm was just too scared that you would leave me if i told you and-" Flames then cut me off by saying, " i would 1 never leave you and 2 you can tell me anything." I then started to cry as I said, "Flames, I can't have kids. When I saw Luke it just reminded me of something that I can't have. I don't know why or how I just know that I can't because I once went to the doctor and when she told me i couldn't have kids I walked out of the office and went home. I'm sorry." Flames stayed silent for a bit then said, "Sapphire I would never leave you for that. Honestly I would love to have a family with you. I love you so much Sapphire but never think shit like that. I don't plan on leaving you. I will be here for you until the very end. Sure maybe we have our arguments but just because we fight it doesn't mean that something is wrong with you or that i love you any less." he then kissed me. I kissed him back and hugged him. When I pulled away from the hug and kiss I wiped my tears away and grabbed Luke's present and handed it to Flames. "Here, I don't want to cry anymore. Open it." Flames smiled as he opened the gift. Flames pulled out a book filled with drawings and pictures. Flames smiled. "We should spend some time with luke. I really want to make up for all the years I missed with him." I nodded then grabbed my gift and opened it. I pulled out this cute little dinosaur plushie with a ring and necklace attached to it. I started to laugh and so did Flames, "i love it and shit the ring looks nice as fcuk." I said as we both continued to laugh. "K well it's time for the present i have for you then i gotta say some shit that i am really nervous to say but fuck it." Flames laughed again as I handed him the box. As he opened it i got off the coffee table and stepped onto the table and started to say what i wanted to say, "Flames Azure i wanted to tell you that i don't give a fuck if you don't celebrate your fukcing birthday because it should be celebrated in my opinion it should be a national holiday because today is the day that the world gave me you and that is the best thing this world has ever given me. So will you please put on the bracelet that has the moon charm on it and put it on so then we can watch movies or go to bed and do whatever shit you want because you are the birthday boy and my love. My speech has ended. You may now speak." Flames laughed during the whole speech but at the end when i said the birthday boy and my love i think i saw him blush a bit. I then hopped off the table and grabbed the remote. I turned on the TV and turned to Flames and said, " So what movies do you wanna watch?" He stayed silent for a bit and said, " can we watch Disney movies?" I laughed a bit and said, "I never thought you were a Disney movie type of person. Always thought that you liked action horror or true crime documentaries." We laughed a bit then he stayed quiet. "Flames?" I said. He didn't answer. "FLAMES?" I yelled and he snapped out of it and said, "yea what's wrong." i looked at him and said, "nah it's time you tell me what's wrong alright. We can watch movies later. You better sit your ass down and tell me what's wrong." He then smiled but it quickly faded. I then sat down beside him. I grabbed his hand and said, "hey, you can tell me. Just how you tell me that I can tell you shit alright." he then said, "Sapphire i'm scared alright. I'm scared that your feelings will change and that you will stop loving me and that you'll leave me. I love you so  much but I'm just scared that one day you'll stop loving me and leave me." I looked at him and then at his hand that I was holding. Then I sat on his lap and kissed him. "Amor, I will never stop having feelings for you. I don't even know how to describe these feelings. You mean the world to me. I would kill everyone in this fucking world to keep you to myself. You are my everything. I will never leave you or stop caring about you. You are mi amor, my boyfriend, my husband, my everything." I then gave him another kiss and he kissed me back. When I pulled away I could tell that he was blushing a lot. He was almost blood red. I laughed as he covered his face with his hand. I then took his hand away from his face and kissed his hands, "I like it when you blush." I said. It just made him blush even more. "Wanna go to a bar. I've never been and I think you want to go too sooo, wanna go?" He looked at me and smiled then he said, "alright let's go but before we do can i get one more kiss?" I laughed a bit as I smashed my lips onto his. I pulled away my lips only a couple of centimetres and said, "there. Now let's go." he smiled at me then picked me up as he got up. He then put me down and grabbed my hand. "I know a place so we can go there." I nodded and then we left the apartment. When we were out of the building Flames started to walk to a car i just followed cause i really didn't care if he stole a car. But he had the keys and opened the car. I got into the passenger seat beside the driver's seat. When I got in I looked around and saw sweaters in the back. I then looked in the compartment box in front of me. When I opened it I saw all these different ids and passports. I then saw a gun in the back. I then grabbed one of the passports and opened it to see who they all belonged to. When I opened the passport it had a picture of Flames but under a different name. "Flames, do you own this car?" Flames then turned to me with a huge smirk on his face. I was shocked but then Flames started to drive but fast. Like Fast and the furious fast. I just closed my eyes because it kinda scared me. There is a difference when i need t speed and when others speed for no fucking reason. But I didn't say shit. A couple of minutes later I felt the car come to a complete stop. I then opened my eyes and looked out the window. We were at the bar, I then turned to look at Flames but he was already looking at me. I then said, "fire bar ? This is the place that you would go to? How am I not surprised?" I laughed a bit then he nodded and said, "yeah even when i wasn't in the country i would always come here to have a drink. Everyone knows me here too." I smiled at him and he smiled at me. He then got out of the car and so did I. When I got out of the car Flames quickly grabbed my hand and walked into the bar. When we walked in everyone looked at me. Then Flames said, "wait here alright i will go ask if we can get our own room." I nodded and he gave me a kiss then left. I could still see him but he was a bit far from me. I stayed standing there and looked around. Then I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I then quickly grabbed their arm and twisted it as I turned around. It was a guy. He then said, "hey hey lady relax i wasn't doing anything." i was already pissed, "you touched me no one gets to touch me and not get hurt. Well apart from one person. Now how much blood do you want?" I said as I got my pocket knife out and switched it open. I then pressed it against his throat. The whole bar went silent. I could feel everyone's eyes on me. But I couldn't tell if Flames was watching me. But i didn't care because this fucking dumbass wasn't going to walk away without getting hurt for putting his hand on my shoulder. Then panicked, the guy started to say, "I-i-i don't know all of it?" I then said, "Fine, I'm going to take all of it now." I was about to cut his throat open. Flames stopped me and said, "let me take care of him alright." I looked at Flames then back at the guy and let him go. I was pissed when Flames grabbed the guy by his arm and pulled him out the door. I turned around and threw my knife at the wall. Almost hitting this guy in the head. I then walked up to the wall and grabbed my knife. I then closed my knife and put it back in my pocket. I just stood around waiting for Flames to come back. But then he did. He came up to me with a smile on his face. I knew that he knew that I knew that he knew that I was pissed at him for not letting me kill that guy and drinking his blood. He then grabbed my hand and took me through a door that led to some stairs leading to the upstairs place where you can have your own private area to have drinks and do whatever shit you wanted. When we got to the top Flames Opened another door then I saw all these lights and they were LED lights lighting up the room. There were a lot of purple and blue lights and some red. I smiled a bit but covered it so then Flames wouldn't see it. I then went to sit down and I looked at Flames as he got closer to me, "what do you want to drink? Sapphire." His face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath hitting my skin. I then said, "tequila, vodka, beer, and rum. Please and thank you." he then smiled and went to go get them. As I waited for Flames i got up and walked around. I then saw that they had a huge balcony that was like the size of my whole apartment. So I went on. As soon as I got outside I could feel the cold air hit my skin. It was winter but I'm used to the cold. But I smiled because I haven't felt it on my skin in so long. It felt so nice and I felt free. I then went running towards the edge of the Balcony and climbed onto it. I stood at the edge with both of my arms stretching out. I smiled and laughed as I felt the wind hit my skin and the wind flowing through my hair and lifting it up. Then I felt a tear roll down my face. I stopped and put my arms down and lifted up my hand to my face and touched my tears. I looked at my finger with my tear drop on it and just let the wind take it. I then turned around and jumped down. I ran inside because Flames were probably waiting for me or already there. When I got inside I heard Flames footsteps and quickly sat down. When he finally entered the room I let out a big exhale and he had 4 bottles in his arms. "Well I got all the drinks you wanted sapphire." He then placed all the bottles on the table and I just grabbed the whole bottle of tequila, took off the cap and started to drink it straight out from the bottle. When I put the bottle down I saw Flames face and he was laughing. "What? Have you never seen me drink?" I said as I smiled at him. It doesn't take me a lot of drinks to get drunk and I drank half the bottle already so I was almost there. His laughter died down and then he said, " I have but I haven't ever seen you drink that fast." I drank some more and I was done with the whole ass bottle. The bottle had 2 litres in it. I drank it in like 1 minute. I then turned to Flames and said, "alright well since I am finished with this one can I have the other one?" He then looked at me with a smile and said, "sorry princess you can't have the other one." I looked at him with puppy dog eyes and said, "pwease, I've been a good girl." He then looked at me straight in the eyes and started to blush a lot. His hands are even red.  Why, though? He then tilted his head back and used his right arm to cover his face. But then I sat on his lap and took his hand away from his face. I looked him in the eyes and I never actually realised it but his eyes are mixed with green. But then the blue in his eyes is so vibrant and beautiful. Unlike mine. I don't remember if I showed Flames my eyes. I don't think I ever did. What are the colours of my eyes? I just know that they are different colours. "Flames, have you ever seen my eyes?" he then said, "yea there brown. Why?" I laughed a bit then said, "You haven't then." He looked at me confused. I then took out my contacts and then covered my eyes with my hand. "When I take my hand off of my eyes, just promise me you won't laugh." Flames then said, "I would never laugh at you for how you look. Maybe for how stupid you are for thinking that but then nothing else." I smiled then took my hand off of my eyes. He looked at me shocked but he smiled and said, "you have the most gorgeous eyes in the world. Your eyes are beautiful. One of them is blue, the darkest but lightest shade of blue mixed with white. Your other one is red. A blood and crimson red. They are so beautiful, my Little Mouse." I then looked down at my hands and smiled. I started to play with my hands until I felt Flames kiss my head. I then covered my face and blushed a lot.

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