Chapter 7

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Jack and Anne came to me and I just cried. Then Mr.Azure came and picked me up as I kicked and punched him. "Emily, you can't do anything. At least not right now. Just calm down. We will get him back. I promise." he then went into Flames room and put me down. I didn't  even look at him, I just lifted the blanket and went to bed. As I held the blanket over my head I heard Mr.Azure walking around. "You know little girl, the only reason Flames left without a fight is for you. Because he knew that if he used his fire. Something would have happened to you. Now I don't exactly know what but I do know that he wouldn't want you in bed not eating or drinking water or not doing anything that will keep you alive. But I do have a feeling that these books you bought will help." I then took off the blanket and grabbed my bag with all my books. "Here this one is so I can help Luke. you should read it over." Mr.Azure looked at the book then at me. My eyes were all red and puffy. I could tell from the way Mr.Azure looked at me. I then felt something in my chest where my heart was. It hurt. I started to cry even more. "Emily? EMILY! WHAT'S WRONG?! NERISSA! ANNE! JACK! ISAMU! COME QUICK!" I tried to stand up and walk but I just fell to my knees. I screamed in pain. I then got up again but I kept falling until I fell down the stairs. I laid down on the floor looking up.

" My Love
My love
My fearless love," 

I sang to myself. I then got up and went out the door.

"My heart
My heart
My drowning heart,"

I continued to sing as I walked outside in the pouring rain. As i started to spin under the rain and dance i then sang the last bit,

"My love will never die."

As I continued to spin under the rain I then stopped and sat on the floor. I then got back up and ran inside. I ran up the stairs. I went to the Flames room and grabbed my bag. I put all my books in it. I put my bag on and ran out of the house. Then Mrs.Azure yelled after me and said, "EMILY? WHERE ARE YOU GOING YOUR GONNA CATCH A COLD! COME BACK INSIDE-" I turned around and ran to her. I gave her a hug and when I pulled away I said, "Nerissa. That was my mom's name, you know. It's such a beautiful name. Thank you all. For everything. But I need to go. When i'm finished i will come back. It's not safe for any of you." I laughed after that. I then turned around and started to spin under the rain again. I then started to run. I ran back to my apartment. Where me and Flames used to live. I ran there. But then I felt hungry. But not for regular food. For blood. So I stopped and looked around. I then saw a strip club so I went in. When I entered, some guy came to me and said, "honey, where have you been? We've been waiting for you." He was really short and chubby.he was bald and had brown eyes. I smiled and nodded. He then grabbed my hand and took me through the staff only door. I saw a lot of people. I saw the strippers and the waiters. Everyone was a female. And everyone was wearing some sort or lingerie. They were all wearing different types of coloured lingerie. Some were blue, others white or red. The guy then took me to a room and went through a closet that had different lingerie.  Different colours and styles.​​ the guy then threw one at me and said, "wear this one. You're late and hurry up alright sweety." I then looked at the lingerie and it was black and see through. It was pure lace. You can see everything. But I changed into it because I wanted some blood and I could seduce whoever I'm serving and then drink their blood. Until they die. When I changed into it I looked in the mirror and I didn't look half bad. "Alright hon you are going to be serving a V.I.P member alright. Her name is Luna white. She is on the 3rd floor and in a private suit. Your job is to do what she tells you too. And you will be paid a lot. She will tell you how much you will be paid, judging on how good your services are." I nodded, then he handed me a box. "She ordered these. She said to give it to whoever was going to be serving her. So for right now you are her slave to be honest." I nodded then said, "alright may i go now?" he nodded. I then grabbed my bag and went to the third floor. I walked out of the room and I saw the strippers dancing. I laughed a bit but then I looked at the time and it was really late but I needed some blood so I had to be quick. I then went around the corner and teleported to the 3rd floor. When I got there I opened the door and saw Luna sitting on the huge ass couch. I put my bag by the door and walked over to her. When she saw me she said, "well aren't you pretty." i looked at her and she said, "pretty hot." Luna has brown hair. Her skin was very soft and had a nice caramel skin tone. She then got up and put her hand on my cheek and she started to pull me towards her but I then pushed her onto the couch and she then said, "oh so you wanna get to it now huh?" I made myself smile and then I put the box down beside her. I then got on top of her and she then sat up. As I sat in her lap with my arms around her neck. She reached into the box beside us and took something out. I didn't take my eyes off of her. I then felt her hand make her way down from grabbing my breast to all the way down to my pussy. I then felt her put her hand on my pussy and move her finger up and down. She then tried to move the lingerie aside and put her finger in me but I quickly latched onto her neck and started to suck her blood. Her blood tasted good but I tasted better. I looked at her hand and saw that she had a vibrator in it. I grabbed the vibrator out of her hand and put it on her breast. Then moved it down to her pussy. She moaned but was also in pain. I then stopped sucking blood out of her shoulder and then I took off her shirt and started to suck her blood from the side of her stomach. I  then covered her mouth so then her screams could be muffled and not so loud. I then moved from her stomach to her arm. I then bit into her wrist. I sucked the last bit of her blood out and got up. I wiped the extra blood from my lips and went to grab my bag. I changed into my normal clothes and left. I teleported outside and then started to run to the apartment. I was full and ok for another couple of months. When I saw the building I smiled then ran inside. I ran up the stairs and burst open the door. When I walked in and looked around, everything was how I left it. The day i went missing or i don't even know what happened but since then nothing ever changed. Everything is the same. I walked in and went to see the room me and Flames shared. When I entered I saw everything. There was blood on the floor. There was a gun on the bed and a knife on the floor. I then saw the towel that Flames wrapped around me that day. I can't do this. I need to put all that where it belongs and focus on getting Flames back. I then snapped my fingers and the whole apartment was clean. I then cleared my desk of everything on it and put the new books I got on it. I sat at my desk and grabbed my sketch book and a pencil. I closed my eyes and tried to look for Flames by feeling his soul and looking for where it was or where it walked and passed by. While I did all of this I picked up my pencil and started to draw what I felt onto my sketch book. I felt chains and tightness around my wrists and ankles and neck. I then opened my eyes and looked to see what I had drawn and I saw Flames on his knees tied down by his ankles and his wrists. But the cuffs were different. They were built for people with powers or magic. I then looked closer and they had one around his neck and something around the bottom half of his face preventing him from talking or doing anything with his mouth. When I opened my eyes I was so pissed that I threw my book. I got up and threw my chair. I then had an idea. I went to go get my phone and it was in the living room somewhere. I remember hiding it under the couch. I ran to the living room. I got onto the floor and started to look for my phone. I then found my phone and grabbed it. I then searched up online looking for the phone number for the prison. I then found it and called.  "Hello this is the Norway top security prison?". "How may I help you?" a lady said. I then answered and said, "hi i would like to arrange a visit to uhm my husband, if that is possible?" I then heard her say, "alright when would you like to schedule your visit?" I then thought about what day would be the best because I need to plan a lot of shit to get Flames out. "Uhm would it be possible to see him tomorrow at around 9:00 p.m. sharp? Would that be possible to arrange?" i didn't hear anything for a bit but then the lady said, "alright yes that will be possible to arrange.  What is your name and what is the name of your husband?" I then tried to remember what the policemen called Flames and I then said, "My name is Emily Hex and my husband's name is Zane Hex."  I then heard whispering and then her typing on the keyboard. "Uhh alright. Zane Hex you're sure you have the right name?" I was a bit confused but then at the same time i wasn't. "Yes I am sure. And thank you for your time." I then hung up and went back to my room. I had to plan how I'm going to get Flames out of prison. I then remembered that they are probably going to put me in a room with Flames and if he's not behind a glass window then he will probably be with me in a room but with his neck,mouth,ankles and wrists tied to the ground. I don't know what I'm feeling. I just feel like crying and curling up into a ball and not getting back up. I did start to cry. I then started to feel a tightness in my chest. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I grabbed my shirt and started to pull on it. I tried catching my breath. But I couldn't. I needed Flames. I need him.

There will be changes in their point of views. So read carefully. (Only for this chapter btw)                                      

Flames p.o.v:

"LET ME GO! YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I yelled. Then the head officer came up to me and kicked me in my stomach. "No, you deserve to be in jail. You killed thousands of people and who knows maybe millions. You deserve to rot in jail. You are on death row. All we need is a date and what way you want to die. Then we will kill you." I looked at the son of a bitch and I could feel my hands burning and my fire ready to burn him alive but then I remembered. Emily, she wouldn't want me to kill someone that's innocent. I need to get to her. I could use my fire but it wouldn't work. I then looked up and saw that some other officers were coming closer to me and they put this mask around my face and this collar on me. They were made of a type of crystal. It smelled familiar. It was from olympus. How did they- i tried to speak but the mask stopped me. I should try my fire at least. I tried to use my fire but then I felt electricity going through my whole body and it hurt. I fell to the ground and I tried getting up but it just electrocuted me more. I then felt something pulling me to get back up. I had no choice. I got back up and looked at the guy straight in his eyes. Then I heard someone. I heard Emily's tears. I could recognize those tears. I looked around and didn't see anything. Then this lady came in and said, "Hex, Zane?" i nodded then she went on to say, "You have a visitor tomorrow. At 9. 9 p.m sharp." I nodded and wondered who it was. Then I started to try and scream for the lady. She turned around and saw me trying to get her attention. She came closer and took off my mask and I quickly said, "What's their name? Do you know their name?" she then rolled her eyes at me and looked at her clipboard again. She then said, "Emily, Emily Hex. your wife." and with that she left. Then the guy that was hitting me punched me and I spit the blood out of my mouth. He then put my mask back on and everyone left. As I felt the cuffs on my wrists and ankles get loose and land on the floor I felt a little bit of relief. The mask and collar was still on me but knowing that my ankles and wrists weren't tied made me feel better. I looked around the room and saw a small bed. I layed down on it and just thought of the fact that Emily. Emily said that she was my wife. In my opinion I don't like her name. I like Emily Azure. Not Emily Orista or Emily Hex or her full name Emily Nex Spiris Voxis Solaris Hema Scaldor Orista. Her name should be Emily Nex Spiris Voxis Solaris Hema Scaldor Orista Azure. Or for short Emily Azure. Should I ask her to marry me when I get out? She will probably say no. Yea she probably will. I then got up and I went to the metal wall and put my right hand on the wall. I felt my Flames rushing to my hand. I held it in the palm of my hand and closed my eyes. I then remembered  about Emily. And how hurt she looked when they took me. They hurt her. I will hurt them. I then opened my eyes and felt all of my power explode and the wall was destroyed. I then heard the alarm and ran. When I was outside I saw this guy wearing all black i ran up to him and punched him. It knocked him out so I took off all his clothes and wore them. We were the same size so I then ran with his clothes on me. I then saw a motorcycle. I grabbed it and jumped into the seat and started to drive. I knew that Emily Left my parents house. So she probably went back to our old apartment. I drove faster and faster. When I got there I jumped off the motorcycle and ran inside. I ran up the stairs because I didn't have time to wait for the elevator. When I got up the stairs I knocked on the door and waited for Emily to open. She opened the door. She was crying.

Now it is Emily's p.o.v (you for reading this far btw.)

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