Chapter 14

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When I saw Nathan it just made me cry even more. I was about to fall but then he caught me in his arms and I just cried. As I cried into his chest. I could hear Flames coming closer to us. I quickly pushed Nathan and teleported away from Flames. As I cried I said, "D-Don't come n-near-r m-me. I don't want to hurt y-you. Any o-of you. So please don't-t come near me." my tears continued to fall to the ground. "Mouse, I'm ok, alright. It was just some burns. It was an accident-" I then cut Flames off and said, "S-STOP CALLING ME THAT! I DON'T KNOW YOU! HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT YOU AREN'T LYING! And if you are telling the fucking truth i hurt you Kitty. I'm a monster i-i-" I fell to my knees and then I felt something burning in my chest but it was worse than the first time when I was in bed. It was way worse. I looked at my hands as I screamed and cried. And I saw a black fire. I got scared and tried to blow it out but then it just grew. It then just went away as I continued to cry. 

Flames p.o.v:

When I see Emily cry her tears are like bullets and it's like I'm being shot every time that one of her tears fall. I quickly went to her and held her in my arms as I rocked her back and forth. I then kissed her head and said, " You are not a monster. You are not a monster. You were never a monster." I then looked at her face and she was asleep. "Nathan we need to get to the mountain." he nodded and then I stood up holding Emily in my arms. I followed Nathan through the forest and a couple hours later I realised that we were at the top of the mountain. "We just need to find the entrance to the inside." I looked at Emily as Nathan continued to talk. "FLAMES!" I then quickly looked at him and then he said, "I found the way in. but the only problem is that we need to jump." I looked at him with a confused look and then said, "Jump? Jump through or down what?" he looked at me then up. "So you want us to jump down the top of a possible volcano?" he nodded and then i said, "you are sure that this is the mountain Emily was looking for?" he rolled his eyes and said, "Yes i am fucking sure." i got pissed and i started to walk over to him and said, "Don't you ever fucking talk to me like that ever again. Or you won't be able to speak another damn fucking word." he stepped back and put his hands in the air then said, "alright alright i'm sorry man. But let's do this alright. Maybe the flame can help her." I nodded then went to the top of the volcano and jumped down. I landed on my feet wich hurt like fucking hell due to my burn scars. My whole body hurt with every step I took. Nathan then landed beside me and I stepped forward towards the flame that was burning bright in the middle of the volcano. "STEP AWAY FROM THE FLAME OF THE SUN!" I then turned around still holding Emily in my arms bridal style. I saw a girl with golden armour and a golden spear pointed at both me and Nathan. Natathan moved back but I started where I stood. "MOVE AWAY!" when the girl yelled at me it just made me even more pissed. "Can you help her? Help Emily. Or red if you ever met her. And if you can help her." she put down her spear and came closer to me and Emily. She looked at me then at Emily and pushed a strand of her hair out of her face and behind her ear and said, "She's the queen of the kingdom of fire isn't she?" I nodded and then she said, " Put her flat on the ground." I did as she told me and then she put her spear down and placed her hands on the sides of her head and closed her eyes. When she opened them her eyes were glowing yellow. "I could feel a strong dark energy coming from her-" she then took her hands away from her head and blew on them. "She burned me. And guessing from those bandages of yours she hurt you too. I could help you with that later." i shook my head and said, "No help her first. Then if she is ok and alive and fine, can you help me." she laughed a bit then placed her hands on Emily's chest and stomach. "You really do love her huh?" I rolled my eyes and said, "Yes I love her with everything I have , can you please just help her." her eyes started to glow again. "La Llama Negra. I feel it inside of her. It's everywhere. From her hair up to her feet. But there are 3 very powerful beings inside of her." my eyes widened and then i said, "There is only supposed to be 2 not 3." Emily then sat up and opened her eyes. Without saying anything she teleported behind the Flame. I quickly stood up and her eyes started to glow blue and her hair started to lift up in the air and so did she. "Aut neca aut necare!"  I then looked at the girl and she said, "Either kill or be killed. AEMILIA! QUID ACCIDIT?" Emily looked at her but she looked more pissed. She then hit her with her fire. "WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I APOLOGISE FOR BEING A FUCKING MONSTER? NO ONE APOLOGISED TO ME FOR TURNING ME INTO ONE!" I slowly started to walk towards her, putting my hands up. Her head quickly turned to me and she put her hand out as if she was going to hit me with her Flame's. "Mouse i-it's me. Kitty, remember me?"  Emily just continued to stare at me, her hand still out. I then came close enough that I grabbed her hand and pulled it down. Her eyes went back to normal and her hair went back down like gravity started to work again for her. I pulled her close to my chest and kissed her head but then she pushed me away and kicked me in my stomach. I fell to the ground and then Emily just disappeared when I opened my eyes. The girl then came to me and helped me up and said, "She teleported out of here but I'm not sure where." i looked at the floor then at the girl and said, "what language was she speaking and do you know what happened to her?" she smiled then said, "i'm not sure what happened but i can help you with the language. Oh and by the way my name is olivia." She then put her hand out for me to shake and said, "She was speaking Latin, the first language of the kingdom of fire. The second is english and third is spanish. But the most spoken is english." I didn't shake her hand and then I walked away from her and said, "We need to find her. And find out what's going on with her." she then yelled and said, "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU CARE SO MUCH ABOUT HER!" I stopped walking and turned around. "BECAUSE I FUCKING LOVE HER AND CAN'T LOSE HER AGAIN! I HAVE A SON WITH HER WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO FUCKING SAY IF HE GROWS UP WITHOUT A MOM AND ASKS ME ONE DAY WHAT HAPPENED TO HIS MOTHER? HUH! THAT I JUST GAVE UP ON HER AND THAT IT'S MY FAULT? I'M LOOKING FOR HER AND HELPING HER NO MATTER WHAT! I DON'T CARE IF YOU WANT TO HELP OR NOT!" I then reached into Emily's satchel and then found some potions and one labelled teleportation potion. I grabbed it and drank it. I closed my eyes and I then imagined where I wanted to go and when I opened my eyes I was in olympus.i opened the gates and looked around looking for zeus. I then found him sitting at a very big tabel i walked over to him and said, "I need your help. Something happened to Emily and now I can't find her without your help." he stood up from his chair and said, "alright we will need some help though. I will ask some of the other gods to help." I just stayed quiet and followed Zeus. I failed her. I couldn't help her. I don't know how to love her. And what if she dies and I'm left with Aleixo by myself. How am I supposed to love and be there for our son if I can't love and be there for Emily? The only person I ever truly loved with all my heart and everything I have. "Flames are you alright?" I clenched my fist and then said, "I AM LOSING THE LOVE OF MY LIFE THE ONLY PERSON THAT EVER UNDERSTOOD ME AND CARED ABOUT ME AND MADE ME LAUGH AND HAPPY AND I'M SUPPOSED TO BE OK?" Zeus looked at me and then at the ground. "No you're not. But we need to help her. So come on, we need to get her father and mother." I rolled my eyes and then started to follow him again. My thoughts wouldn't leave so I just looked at the ground. But when I lifted my head there was Emily's mom and dad standing with another person and Cerberus. "Flames it is so good to see you-" Medusa was coming over to me trying to give me a hug but I moved away. "Don't touch me!" Her eyes widened and I just stared at her with a serious face. She Moved back a bit and looked confused as she said, "You're not a stone statue and yet you're looking at me straight in my eyes. You're looking at my eyes and you're not a stone statue. Who are your parents?" I looked at her and said, "Aquilis Azure and Nerissa Azure." Her eyes widened and quickly looked at Zeus. I looked at him also. I was really confused so then I said, "What?" Zeus came closer to me and said, "your parents are a certain type of people that are immune to anything that involves magic. Do your parents have magic or any type of power Flames?" I looked at them confused and started to get pissed. I was about to punch Zeus but then it made sense. My father cursed me. How would he be able to curse me if he doesn't have magic or any kind of power? " My father cursed me to never be able to cry and if I did it would be tears of blood. How would he have been able to curse me if according to him, he has no magic. My mom doesn't know any of this. At Least i think so." I looked at the ground as I spoke. I could feel my hands starting to get hotter and hotter by the second. I was about to leave but then Zeus put his hand on my shoulder. I quickly turned around and pushed him away. I pushed him so hard that he hit the wall hurting his back. He stood up and said, "Flames don't go there now. It will only cause trouble. I can go with you and then we can take care of it. Because these types of humans are incredibly dangerous." I was annoyed but just stayed silent and looked at the floor. "Alright we need to figure out what happened to Red and then we can figure out what we need to do with Flames parents. Well apart from your mother. Because in reality I don't think your mother has anything to do with this, just your father." I then lifted my head and nodded. Then I saw a horse rushing in. Then as I continued to look at it I noticed that it was Midnight. She was on 2 hoofs going up and down and neiging. Medusa put her arms out and Midnight started to calm down. Medusa put her hand on the side of Midnight's face and her nose as she rested her forehead on hers. "Tell me what's wrong Midnight." Midnight then shapeshifted into her human form. I don't think I've ever seen her human. She doesn't look horrible but Emily is always going to be the most amazing and beautiful person in the world. She is so much more but if i started to list everything i will never finish. "I saw Emily. There's something wrong with her. I could feel something horrible and painful inside of her. I-i don't know how to explain it but i could tell she was suffering and in pain that not even her can hold in. I don't know what to do." I could tell that she was about to cry. When I was younger and my mom would be done fighting with Aquilis I would go and ask her how she was feeling and she would always sound like that. She then looked in my direction and saw me. She is much shorter than what I thought she would be. She then came over to me and gave me a hug. I didn't hug her back because the only person I want to hug or receive a hug from is Emily. She then pulled away and said, "I know where we can find her. All we need is something to remind her of the thing she loved most." I nodded and then started to run to the stairs to leave. Midnight followed me and then I heard someone yell my name, "FLAMES!" I turned around and saw Zeus. he then came to me and Midnight and said, "where are you going?!" I tried to run again but he grabbed my arm. "I'M GOING TO SAVE EMILY! I need her Zeus. Without her I can't live life without knowing that it's all my fault. I need her in my life." he then let me go and said, "go Flames. Go."  I nodded and started to run again. I then saw Midnight in front of me but in her dragon form. I quickly climbed on her back and she started to fly. As she flew I looked down and saw us on top of the clouds. She then dove under the clouds and I saw that we were over a forest. And it looked sad and dead. She then landed on land that had nothing on it. Only grass. I got off her back and looked towards the forest. It was snowing and that's probably why it looked dead and dark. Midnight then said, "Emily will come here at any moment. It's like she's connected to the land. She can feel anything that's happening on it or to it." i stayed silent for a little and then said, "what was my mouse like when she was little?" she chuckled a bit and said, "she was so happy when she was younger. Before her father made her train. She was a happy, energetic little girl. She loved the ocean and to play with the other kids in the kingdom. Everyone loved her. You know she used to scare the baker in the kingdom with her magic by lifting things up with them and the baker used to scream, everyone laughed and the baker used to chase Emily down the street." I laughed a bit and so did she. I then turned around and started to walk through the snow. I put my hand out and let all the snow falling land on my hand. "You know before my accident I was a good kid, I still caused some trouble but I was still a good kid. I had good grades and I had a best friend. It was good. I used to light a lot of shit on fire though." i laughed a bit then looked down at the ground covered with snow then up at the sky. I then reached into my pocket and took out a pack of cigarettes that I hid from Emily. I took one out of the box and put it in my mouth and lit it with my fire. I inhaled and then took it out of my mouth and exhaled. "Before I met Emily I used to smoke a lot. When I met her I stopped and everything was amazing. I went to the doctor and she said that my lungs were healthy again. When she went missing I started again and I haven't stopped. I tried but I couldn't." I then dropped the cigarette and stepped on it. I put it out and then I looked up and I saw Emily and this guy beside her. "E-Emily?" i was about to run to her but Midnight put her hand on my shoulder stopping me. Emily was wearing a black and red warrior dress. Her hair was down but a part of her hair was up in a bun. She had bruises on her face and cuts and She was holding a dagger in her right hand. She was wearing high leather boots and the dress only had something covering the front but then the sides had nothing. The bodice of the dress showed her cleavage. She looked amazing. But what did this guy do to her? She didn't have those bruises before. And how did she get them so fast? How long has it been? "Midnight how long has it been?" I said as I continued to stare at Emily and the guy. "It's been a week. Time in Olympus goes faster than time on earth." I got even more pissed by the second. I then felt a gust of wind hit me so I turned around and saw a lot of other people. "There Emily's childhood friend Flames. They all helped her at some point in her life. They can all control a specific Flame and I contacted them because we needed their help." I looked at Midnight and nodded. I turned back around and then started to walk towards them. As I got closer I saw the guy beside Emily smirk and then lift up his hands and snapped his fingers. Emily then stepped forward and started to run towards me still holding onto the dagger. I moved out of the way before she could hit me. She chased me and tried to stab me. I moved out of the way and said, "I'm not going to hit you Mouse!" she then started to try and stab me again and then yelled, "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" I then fell to the ground and before she could stab me I rolled out of the way and stood up. She continued to chase me and tried to stab me. She then stopped and started to breathe heavily. I quickly went towards her and held her in my arms as she tried to get out. She then stabbed me in the side and I groaned in pain but didn't let go of her. Midnight then came to me and so did everyone else. "T-take her, I will go and deal with him." Midnight nodded and took her in her arms. I then turned around and looked at the guy as I breathed heavily. I then started to run towards him creating a ball of fire in my hand. I then directed the fire towards him but he moved out of the way and started to run towards me. He then hit me where Emily stabbed me. I fell to my knees and groaned in pain. I could feel something burning in me but it didn't hurt. I then stood up and looked at my hands and they both had fire going around them. It went up to my arms and I looked at the guy. I could feel something heavy on my back. I didn't care though I then put my hand into a fist and punched the guy's stomach then kicked him. He fell to the ground and blood was all over his face. He started to laugh and I picked him up by his shirt and he said, "you really think you can get her back?" he laughed even more. I then grabbed a knife from his pocket and cut his throat. I then stood up properly and returned to Emily. I stood a couple of feet away from them and Emily escaped from their arms. She then stopped in front of me and I started to feel myself about to cry. "Baby, there's a place where we can go. where it's always shining like the snow. LISTEN TO YOUR HEART BEAT DON'T YOU KNOW THAT I JUST WANNA BE WITH YOU!"

(It's now Emily's p.o.v that starts the next chapter.)

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