Chapter 6

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He then motioned with his hand for everyone to continue as they were. Everyone danced and danced then flames grabbed my hand once again and said, "now may i have this dance princess?" I laughed as I nodded, then I grabbed both of his hands and we both started to dance. It was a waltz and I haven't danced in a long time and I was happy that it was with Flames. I then started to hum a song that I would always listen to when I was at the orphanage. I closed my eyes but then i started to sing the actual song,

"As warm as the sun,
As silly as fun
As cool as a tree
As scary as the see
As hot as fire
Cold as ice sweet as sugar and everything nice
As old as time
As straight as a line
As royal like a queen
As buzzed as a bee
As stealth like a tiger smooth as glider
Pure as a melody, pure as I wanna be."

I then opened my eyes and everyone was staring at me and clapping. Then Flames whispered in my ear, "I think they like you and I'm jealous." I laughed a bit then gave him a kiss. I then curtsied and he bowed. He winked at me and I blushed a lot. Then we both walked to get to the exit. "We are going to have to burn this place down." I then looked up at him and said, "why? Aren't all these people innocent?", "these people are anything but innocent. I kidnapped all of them because I was looking for you and they all knew something. That's why I made this ball. Because if you were alive somewhere I knew you would find me. Or maybe I would have found you. But now that I have you I have no more use for them. They are all assassins but none as good as you." I laughed a bit but then we were already out of the castle. We then went to the barn and grabbed some hay. I teleported both of us to the top of the castle and spread all of the hay all over the castle. Flames then lit the castle on fire. I stepped back and stood beside him. I then started to run around and laugh. "I love fire, you know. It's so beautiful and never a waste of time. You can light a fire anytime or any day. Even though it's been against me sometimes in my worst memories it's always been there for me." I said. Then I looked at Flames and he was already looking at me with his gorgeous eyes. I then looked back at the castle as I saw it burn, then I remembered I left Z in there. "Shit." I then started to run back inside. Flames yelled after me "EMILY DON'T!" When I got inside I saw nothing but smoke. "Z!? Z WHERE ARE YOU?!" I then heard someone yell back, "EMILY!? I'M HERE! HELP ME PLEASE!" I then started to run through all the smoke and then I heard coughing. I followed the coughing and finally found Z. he was collapsing on the floor. He couldn't breathe. I started to cough really bad. I grabbed Z but I couldn't stand. I kept falling. I then fell to the ground and I couldn't breathe. But then Z picked me up and carried me out. When we got outside I felt someone grab me out of Z's arms and I felt Flames touch my hand. I then heard him whisper something into my ear and he said, "little mouse please don't do shit like that. I already lost you once and can't lose you again. Please." I then felt tears dropping on my skin. I then got up weakly and said, "Flames go to the stable and get a bucket of water. Be quick please. NOW GO!" Flames then got up quickly and ran to the stable. I fell back onto the ground and so did Z. "W-Why d-d-did you s-save me?" I laughed weakly then said, "W-Why w-w-would I n-not s-save m-my b-b-best f-friend?" we both laughed which ended with both of us coughing then Flames came back and i sat up. I then used my magic to shape the water into little tiny spheres that we can drink that can help our lungs from inhaling all the smoke. I closed my eyes and directed my hands in the air to get to pieces of water and turn them into spheres. I imagined it in my head and when I opened my eyes they were spheres. "Z drink the water, it will help both of us." We both then drank the water and I could feel better already. I then started to laugh. "Princess, why are you laughing?" I laughed even harder when Flames asked me that. Then Z started to laugh with me. We both looked at each other and laughed even more. Our laughter died down and then I looked at Flames and I leaned into him and gave him a hug. I kissed his neck and felt his body get warmer. I looked up and saw him blushing a lot. I smiled and then dug my head into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. "Can we go home? Well to your parents house they really miss you. Not more than me but still. Especially Luke, I wanna see his adorable little face when you walk in." I then pulled away from Flames then turned to Z and said, " alright a couple of things. 1. Flames this is my bestie Zephyr , Zephyr this is my Flames-" my eyes widened then i stammered and tried to correct myself but then Flames put his hand out and said, "Hi i'm her Flames." i looked at him as i saw a big stupid smirk on his face. They shook hands and then I got up and said, "We need to get going. We need to get going before someone cough cough Meg finds us." they both then got up and then i started to walk before Flames came and hugged me from behind and said, "you look hot as fuck today. You know i wanna fuck you right here and now but your bestie will probably not like that." I laughed and then said, "I'm sorry handsome but only good boys get a couple minutes of pleasure." I then started to walk off and then I started to run. As I ran I whistled for Midnight to come and pick us up. I laughed then Midnight came. I shapeshifted into Cerberus . Midnight grabbed Z and I grabbed Flames. We then started to race back home. A little bit later we got home. Flames got off my back and I transformed back to my original form. I Went up to the door and knocked on it waiting for someone to open. I then heard the door unlock and Mrs.Azure opened the door. When she saw me she smiled but then when she saw Flames tears started to roll down her face as she went to go hug her son. I laughed and cried as I saw her tackle him to the ground in a hug. Then everyone else came out and jumped on top of them and gave him a hug. I then realised that Flames is happy here with his family and that I shouldn't ruin that for him. I'm not anything of his. I'm not family, not his wife or girlfriend. I'm nothing. I should leave. I then started to leave. As I walked away I looked back one last time and saw that they were all laughing together and that he was happy. I turned back around and started to head for the road and I saw this car and I decided that I was going to drive somewhere far away so I don't have to ruin it anymore. As I started to head for the car it started to rain. I smiled and looked up as I saw the rain fall. I then got to the car and thought I would try to open the door in case it's unlocked. It was so I opened the door and was about to get in until I heard someone yell out my name. "EMILY WAIT!" I turned around and saw that it was Flames. He started to run and then he came up to me and said, "where are you going? Why are you leaving? Why Are you leaving me?" I looked up at him with tears forming in my eyes. I placed my hands on his cheeks and caressed them. "Flames I don't want to. But I have to. If I don't both of us or even worse you could die. I can't live with myself if you ever died worse if i was the reason. So I have to or you will get hurt. I'm sorry." Flames then grabbed my hands and brought them down from his cheeks. "Emily, we can do this together. And if we can't stop whatever it is we can just live our best life with the last moments we have with each other. But please don't leave me. Baby flame please." I placed my hands on his cheeks and gave him a kiss and as I rested my head on his forehead I said, "Is that truly what will make you happy?" he nodded. "Then I will stay. For you." he then gave me a long and passionate kiss. I smiled. He then picked me up bridal style and started to walk back to his parents house. As he walked I looked up and just focused on the rain falling onto my skin. I then closed my eyes and imagined all the rain just stopped where it was. And that they didn't move but stayed in the air for me to run through them. I then opened my eyes and Flames was already going up the steps to enter the house. I closed my eyes once again and just waited to see what would happen. I then heard Mrs.Azure's voice and she said, "She fell asleep in your arms, huh?" she laughed a bit then i opened my eyes a bit but only so much that i can still look like i am sleeping. Flames looked down at me and smiled. "Yeah she did. Uhh mom would you mind if she rested on the couch just so then when she wakes up we can head back home?" Mrs.Azure nodded, then Flames walked to the living room and laid down with me in his arms. He laid down on the couch spooning me and gave me a kiss on my cheek. "Sleep well for me princess." I smiled as I grabbed his hand and put it on my stomach. Then Luke came running in and said. "EMIWY! Your back!" I opened one of my eyes and I smiled at seeing Lukes smile. "Hey lukey. Wanna sleep? I'm tired." He nodded excitedly. I then patted the spot in front of me and he climbed in and I wrapped my arm around him. I titled my head back to rest it on Flames. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep. A couple of minutes later Flames and Luke fell asleep but I still couldn't sleep. Then I heard people walking and it was Mrs.Azure's footsteps and Mr.Azures footsteps. "Don't they look perfect? She is an amazing person, Aquilis. She makes him happy." then Mr.Azure said, "I don't approve of them. He needs to find someone that will actually do him good and that is actually pretty and not fat." I then felt Flames hand on my stomach get warmer and warmer until I felt it starting to burn. I then grabbed his hand that was on my stomach and held it so he could calm down. At that point I knew that he was up obviously. But then I opened my eyes a bit and saw that Mrs.Azure hit Mr.Azure in the stomach with her elbow.i tried not to laugh but then Flames me and Luke started to laugh. We then laughed louder and louder then i opened my eyes and saw Mr.Azure's Face and laughed so much harder. I then sat up with Luke in my arms and said, "Wow. That was a good but weak hit next time. Put your arms around his neck then knee him in his balls, then when he bends over to grab his balls take your fist and-" then Flames laughed a bit and said, "alright you can give my mom self defence classes some other time. We need to get going." I smiled a bit then Luke said, "Wait, you're leaving me again?" i looked down at Luke and said, "look lukey uhm me and Flames are going to go back home but we would never leave you. I'll come visit when Flames busy and he will come visit when I'm busy. Or when we both aren't busy we will both come. Or when we both are busy we will facetime you or anything but we will see you. I can promise you that." I then gave him a kiss on the head then Flames sat up and said, "yea bud we'll see you. Any way we can. Emily can even send a pigeon."  I smacked the back of Flames head as he laughed. "Sorry princess." i laughed a bit and then whispered to Luke, "you know your brother has something mentally wrong with him. You should become a doctor and give him a check up." I nodded as I said that too luke. Luke laughed as Flames said, "Hey you know i'm right here right. And luke if anyone has mental problems it's probably Emily." i then looked at Flames in the way that I looked at Flames he could tell that I wanted to say what the fuck did you just say. He laughed a bit then gave me a kiss. He then got up from the couch and said, "I will go say goodbye to Anne and Isamu. I'll be right back." I nodded then got up from the couch and picked up Luke. "Mrs.Azure, may I take Luke with me to go steal-I mean buy something?" she laughed then reached into her pocket and took out 200 hundred dollars in bills. She then grabbed my hand and put it in my hand. "Mrs.Azure i can't take this. It's too much. I'm sure I can find a way to get some money or get something but I'm not taking your money, you need it more than me." she shook her head and said, " No you do. Take it and give me Luke. I can get him ready while you change out of that dress. I will fix it for you so you can keep it as a memory. Don't worry about it, ok." I smiled then grabbed the money and put Luke down and went upstairs. I went to Anne's room because that is where I left my clothes. I entered the room but then remembered that I don't have any fresh clothes. So I went to Flames old room and looked through his drawers and found a black shirt and some jean shorts. I used my magic to change the design and size of it to fit me. When it was done it was ripped jean shorts and they looked really cute. I then took off my corset first then my dress. I grabbed the shirt and put it on. Then the shorts. I fixed my hair a bit then left and ran down the stairs. I saw Luke and picked him up. Then yelled, "MRS.AZURE ME AND LUKE ARE HEADING OUT NOW! WE WILL BE BACK IN 1 HOUR AND 30 MINUTES!" As Luke and I started to head out the door Mrs.Azure then yelled back, "ALRIGHT I'LL FEED EVERYONE FOOD AND THEN YOU AND FLAMES CAN BE ON YOUR WAY!" I then left and closed the door behind me. Then said to Luke, "Alright, so here is the plan: we will go to a special bookstore to get ice cream then we can go to the park for a bit, sound like a plan little man?" he nodded excitedly. I smiled then grabbed his little hand and started to walk down the road. As we were walking I remembered that it's a hidden store. So we need to go into an alleyway and unlock a secret hidden door to get to the other side and finally get to the bookstore. As we got closer and closer to the alley I stopped walking and crouched down to Luke's level and said, "Alright little man so right now we need to go through a magic portal to get to the bookstore. Alright?" Luke then said, "Alright. I've never seen a magic portal. I've always wanted to see one." I smiled and said, "Well now you will Flames junior." He laughed a bit then I got back up and grabbed his hand and started to walk towards the alley. When we entered the alley. I stopped and then picked up Luke and held him tight in my arms and said, "HOLD ON TIGHT!" Luke held on to me tightly as he screamed. I laughed a bit as I ran through the brick wall to get through the portal. You can only get through the portal if you believe that it will work. And it did. When we got through i stopped running until we got to the bookstore and then when we got there i stopped in front of it and said, "you can open your eyes now Lukey." he opened one eye and said, "IT WORKED!" I smiled at him and said, "yea it did. It only works if you believe it will. I guess you did." he then looked at me then at the bookstore and said, "I guess i did." I then put him down and he hugged me. When he pulled away he grabbed my hand and pulled me into the bookstore. "Hello Ms.Orista, long time no see. Or is it Mrs from the looks of it." i looked at James and then at Luke and said, "No James this is just my significant other's little brother. I brought him with me to introduce him to magic and to help him control his. Actually, where is the magic learning section?" he then motioned his hand to the section in front of him and said, " Right there Ms.Orista. There is everything you need. And the myths and legends are right beside that section." I smiled and said, "Thank you James." he then nodded and I went to the section. I first went to the myths and legends section and got 3 books about phoenixes. Then I went to the magic learning section and got this one book. It was called "magic learning for the youth." I grabbed it and put it in my arms. Then as I grabbed Luke's hand I heard something fall and I turned around quickly and saw that this book fell. I went to grab it and as I grabbed it I read the title and it said, "burning api biru phoenix." I hid it between my books and went to pay. "Here James. I'm going to be getting all these books please and thank you." he smiled and said, "alright. Well I will just weigh these and you can be on your way. Oh and by the way I am going to give you a discount." i looked at him shocked and said, "you don't have too James." he insisted and saud, "no no you are my old friend it's the least i could do." I smiled and said, "Thank you James." he smiled then weighed all the books. When he was done i looked down at Luke and said, "we will go get ice cream in a bit alright." he nodded then James gave me a leather cross bag with all my books in it. I smiled and said, "thank you James, have a wonderful day." I smiled and put on the cross bag and grabbed Luke by the hand and teleported us to the park. "Alr let's go to that ice cream stand right there ok." he nodded then said, "can i have chocolate ice cream?" I then laughed and said, "Of course you can. I'll have strawberry ice cream." We then walked to the ice cream stand and said, "Can I have 2 ice cream cones, one chocolate and the other strawberry?" The man didn't say anything, he just got the ice cream cones. He then gave them to me and I gave Luke the chocolate and I gave the guy 10 dollars. Then said, "alright lukey you wanna go back home or stay at the park for a bit?" He stayed there thinking for a bit and then said, "I wanna go home." I looked at him and smiled and said, "Alright then we will start to head back home." he nodded then grabbed my hand and started to walk home. I started to eat my ice cream and so did Luke. as we were walking I looked down at Luke and saw that Luke had already finished his. "Damn. you eat fast Flamey Junior." he laughed and said, "it was just really good. Can I taste yours?"  I laughed and said, " Alright, you can have some." I then stopped and gave him my ice cream so he could taste it. He grabbed my ice cream and tasted it. He then gave it back to me and said, "imma just stick to chocolate." I laughed a bit and said, "alright Flamey junior and I will stick to my strawberry ice cream." We both laughed and started to walk again. I then felt someone looking at me and I looked around as me and Luke walked.i then looked behind us and saw someone following us. But I wasn't sure if they were or not. So I took a turn and then another one. I looked behind me and the guy was still following me. "Luke. when i pick you up and start running don't scream act like it's just a game can you do that for me? Please luke. I swear I will protect you." Luke looked at the guy then back at me and nodded. I picked him up and started to run as fast as I could. Luke just grabbed onto me and closed his eyes. Then we got to Mrs.Azure's house. I looked behind me and saw the guy running towards me. So I put Luke down and raised my hands up and drew some magic to the tips of my fingers and released it to make a barrier around me and Luke to protect us from whatever and whoever was chasing us. Then I saw the person throw a knife at us. But it didn't hurt me or Luke. but i used my magic to throw the knife back at them. The knife hit them in the chest and they fell back. I ran to the body. I was scared. I took off their mask and saw that it was Apollo. "no no no no. please no. i-i didn't mean too. Apollo please." I used my hands to cover the wound and to try and stop the blood. But it wasn't working. As I started to cry, Apollo put his hand on my cheek and said, "R-Red. I–It's ok. I-I'm s-s-sorry. H-Here." he then handed me a letter and said, "I a-always k-kew you w-w-would beat m-me Red." I just cried and said, "I'm sorry apollo. I'm sorry for leaving. I'm sorry for not saying goodbye. You are my best friend. You have always been there for me. And the way that I say thank you is by killing you? I'm sorry apollo. Please forgive me. I don't want to lose you."  He tried laughing but then he started to cough blood. "I-it's all i-in the l-l-letter. Goodbye Red. Thank you." I then pulled Apollo into my arms and cried. I then started to sing a song that used to be sung to us. "Lullaby of woes."

"Wolves asleep amidst the trees
Bats all a swaying in the breeze
But one soul lies anxious wide awake fearing no manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths
For your dolly polly sleep has flown
Don't you dare let her tremble alone
For the whitcher, heartless, cold
Paid in a coin of gold
He comes he'll go leave naught behind
But heartache and woe
Birds silent for the night
Cows turned is as daylight dies
But one soul lies anxious wide awake
Fearing no manner of ghouls, hags and wraiths
My dear dolly polly shut your eyes
Lie still, lie silent, utter no cires
As the witcher, brave and bold
Paid in coin of gold
He'll chop and slice you
Cut and dice you
Eat you up whole
Eat you whole"

I then looked down at Apollo and he was already dead. Then I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw that it was Flames. I quickly buried my head into Apollo's chest while I heard Flames say to me "Emily he's gone. You have to leave him-" I cut him off and started to yell, "NO! I'M NOT LEAVING APOLLO! I'M STAYING WITH HIM! I DON'T CARE IF SOMETHING HAPPENS TO ME I'M STAYING WITH HIM!" I then Felt Flames hot breathe near my ear and I heard him say, "Baby Flame he's gone. I'm sorry. You need to let him go. He gave you one last thing before he left. Please baby." I then let go of Apollo and wrapped my arms around Flames tightly. As I hugged him I whispered, "it's all my fault. It's all my fault. It's all my fault." he then picked me up and held me in his arms. As I cried into his shoulder I heard police sirens. Flames put me down and he turned around to see what was happening. When I looked I saw 9 police cars all with the officers all out of their car pointing guns at Flames. I looked at Flames scared. "F-Flames?" He then turned around to look at me. Then one of the police men yelled, " ZANE HEX! PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD!" Flames then looked back at them and put his hands behind his head. Then 3 policemen came and put handcuffs on his wrists. And took him away. But I ran to him. I then was about to use my magic but then Flames fought and ran to me. He broke the handcuffs and ran to me. He gave me a kiss and said, "princess, don't they will kill you if you use your magic." He then put his hand on my cheek and caressed it. I then started to cry but then Flames kissed me once more and said, "please don't cry princess." I then looked at him and grabbed his hand. "Why they are taking you from me i-" he then cut me off and said, "Princesses don't cry. Especially not my princess." Then I hugged him but more officers came and ripped him from my arms. I tried to run to him but then Isamu, Anne, and Jack started to hold me back. "Emily No. Don't risk it." I then fell to my knees as the sun started to leave and the rain started to come down harder and harder. "FLAMES!" I yelled as they put him in the car and drove off.

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