Chapter 2

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Y'all been wondering how Luca looks like...well there he is👆👆👆👆


"Thank you so much for the help Ms Hong" a new client of hers told her as she packed her bag and stood up. She bowed a little then welcomed him then left the restaurant to the parking lot. As she reached her car, she felt as if she was being watched so she turned around and scanned her surroundings. But she saw nothing. She shrugged and entered her car, maybe it was just her imagination.

She pulled over Infront of the plaza only to be welcomed by a fight or rather a beating. Kwak Hee-Soo was beating her son again.

She smiled as she approached them. Their lives had gone back to normal and this was the usual routine. There was always drama at the Geumga Plaza, that was what gave her joy. She looked at her watche and noticed it was time to feed Inzaghi. She still got that same feeling that she was being watched, shrugging it off again she moved towards the building.

All of a sudden she felt something sting her. She fell to the ground this trying to understand what was happening. She was in so much pain.

Cha-Young fell to the floor as the bullet hit her. Everyone in front of the plaza started running towards her and calling her name, it was a sight none of them wanted to see again.

"Can someone call the ambulance" Miss Kwak said with tears in her eyes as they struggled to pick Miss Hong up from the ground. She was already on conscious. They promised themselves they won't let anything happen to her because ever since Mr Cassano left she had been the one fighting and taking care of them.

The ambulance arrived shortly after and she was rushed to the hospital. Every tenant of Geumga plaza was there, they were her family and they wouldn't leave her side no matter what. Even Mr An and Mr Cho were there. The doctor had complained several times but no body paid him any mind.

"When will she wake up?" Mr Park Seok-Doo asked for the upteenth time which made everyone groan. They started bickering, Mrs Kwak suggesting for Mr Park to leave the room so they all can concentrate on Cha-Young and Mr Nam struggling to calm them down.

"Enough" Mr Nam finally shouted which made all of them calm down and stare a him. "Now is not the time to argue or fight, we have to look for a way to contact Mr Cassano and find the person who shot her. I have a feeling it was intentional" Mr Nam said touching his Chin.

"On it" Mr An stated. "I already filed a case at the prosecutor's office. Prosecutor Seo said he will look into it." He added

"But why didn't you handle the case, aren't you an officer to Mr An?" Ms Yang asked. This made Mr An to smile and smoothen his hair,"I know you look up to me in that way but i work in the ISI Agency" he replied. Some looked at him confused not knowing what ISI meant. He rolled his eyes at their stupidness, it was obvious they didn't know. And besides he never really told them what he was doing when he was at Geumga Plaza. Just as he was about to reply, he's phone rang.
"Hello" he said into the phone but was later on surprised with the voice he heard over the phone.


Vincenzo was just from "running some errands"  in town. It was late when he got home so he went into the shower to wash of the blood he was covered in. He hadn't heard any news about Ms Hong the whole day, he was getting worried. Luca always made sure to report what she was doing and where she was every after 2 hours but it's been a whole day and he hadn't heard anything. When he finished taking a shower and getting dressed, he went to his office to take care of some documents. He was still a lawyer after all  but a very special one. After going through the numerous cases he later summoned Luca to his office.

"Consigliere" Luca said as he entered his boss's office. The news he was about to deliver was bad and he didn't know how his boss would take it.
Vincenzo raised his head giving Luca his full attention. It was news that needed his full concentration.

"É successo qualcosa alla signora Hong". The documents on Vincenzo's hands fell of at the news, he pushed his chair back as he stood up. Tugging at his hair he paced back and forth wondering how she was doing. If she was alright. "Cosa le è successo?" He asked Luca once he had calmed down his pacing.

"Le hanno sparato. i ragazzi stanno cercando di scoprire chi è stato un incidente, hanno detto di aver visto un'auto che la seguiva per tutto il giorno" Luca replied. He could see the anger in Vincenzo's eyes. He was seething. The room became cold of a sudden and he knew why. He looked at his boss and could see that cold look in his eyes.

"Perché non hanno fatto qualcosa quando hanno visto che era seguitta?" Vincenzo asked Luca as he approached him. He knew the atmosphere around him was tense, it always happened whenever he was mad. But he didn't care about how his atmosphere was, all he cared about was Cha-Young. He had to find a way to see her. He needed to see her.

Luca couldn't answer him. He knew very well that any word he uttered carelessly will be detrimental to him. So he just remained quite. "Fammi avere informazioni su Mr An Gi-Seok. Mi serve tra 2 ore" Vincenzo said with his hands in his pocket. Luca nodded and left his office.

2 Hours later

"Ecco il capo delle informazioni"  Luca said as he dropped the file on Vincenzo's table. Vincenzo did not even raise his head to look at him. "Preparare il jet privato" Vincenzo ordered. "Ok capo" Luca replied and left the office. Vincenzo picked up the file and opened it. It had everything concerning Mr An even his number, what he was searching for. He picked up his phone and dialed the number. The phone rang twice then he heard some noise on the other side.

"Hello" Mr An said as he picked the call.
"Mr An" Vincenzo said. "Please don't make any sound. Excuse yourself and leave the room." He added. He heard Mr An excuse himself and a door opening and closing.
"Consigliere?" Mr An asked. He sounded unsure though. "Yes. It's me" Vincenzo replied.

"Oh my consigliere. Where are you? We have tried finding you but to no avail". Mr An said in excitement.
Vincenzo sighed, he didn't call him for questioning but for something else. "Mr An this is not the time. I need your help" Vincenzo stated.
"What do you need?? Anything for you my consigliere". Mr An replied, Vincenzo could feel his excitement through the phone.

"I need your help coming to Korea".


Oooooh he going to Korea

Wasup guys✌️

2 chapters down...many more to go. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Any suggestions??

Sorry for the late update. Please don't forget to vote and comment 💝


É successo qualcosa alla signora Hong : something happened to Ms Hong

Cosa le è successo?? : What happened to her??

Le hanno sparato. i ragazzi stanno cercando di scoprire chi è stato un incidente, hanno detto di aver visto un'auto che la seguiva per tutto il giorno": she was shot.....the boys said it wasn't an accident since she was being followed through out the day.

Perché non hanno fatto qualcosa quando hanno visto che era seguitta?": why didn't they do something when they say that she was being followed?

Fammi avere informazioni su Mr An Gi-Seok. Mi serve tra 2 ore" : get me information on Mr An Gi-Seok. I need it in 2 hours.

Ecco il capo delle informazioni: here is the information boss

Preparare il jet privato: prépare the private jet.

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