Chapter 11

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How y'all doing??

Don't mind me.....just updating here

This chapter is dedicated to @yashasvijhala for being the first to comment on the previous chapter💕💕💕💕💕💕💕

Why didn't she just hug him?🙄😂


Cha-Young's confidence in winning the case was high at the moment, everything was going according to their plan. She could see how her opponent was getting frustrated by all the attacks she was giving him.

He was going down by all means.

"Your honor, here is evidence to show that Park Seung-Jun had been abusing his wife" she said handing to the pictures over to the judge who had it displayed on the screen. There where pictures of So-Ri with a broken nose, busted lip, and swollen face. The sight made everyone in the court gasp. Park Seung-Jun on the other hand was livid, "Take down those pictures. None of them are true" he protested earning a smirk from Cha-Young.

If looks could kill Hong Cha-Young would have been six feet under, but Cha-Young being Cha-Young winked at him and flipped her hair.

Vincenzo who was watching from his penthouse was smiling at the Park Seung-Jun's reaction. He knew what Cha-Young was capable of, she could annoy the hell out of any one and she was succeding in riling him up.

"Mr Park please take your seat. You are causing a commotion" the bailiff said. Huffing Mr Park sat down sending glares at Cha-Young who was making funny faces at him.

Vincenzo was full on laughing now at what Hong Cha-Young was doing, she was really a crack head.

The judge after going through all the evidences present decided the verdict. "This case has been overruled" the judge announced and left the room immediately. The smile on Cha-Young's face fell on hearing what the judge had said.

'what?' She asked herself.

"Finally" Park Seung-Jun sighed smirking at Cha-Young who wasn't dazed at all. She knew this strategy all too well, the one where the judge was being bribed and all. So instead of getting angry, she faced him and slow clapped.

Park Seung-Jun who was smirking became confused as to why she was was laughing at him and slow clapping. "Are you crazy?" he asked Cha-Young when he approached.

"Maybe" she sang giving him a little dance. "Do you think you have won this round?" She asked becoming serious. "No" she said shaking her index finger infront of him. "You are not even close to winning." She laughed. "And don't think this is the end. I haven't played all my cards yet." She winked at him and left the court room.

Park Seung-Jun was seething as he watched Cha-Young walk away from him. He was going to destroy her in every way possible.

"You handled everything perfectly" Vincenzo said fist pumping her. They where sitting in the living room of his penthouse drinking wine.

"He was expecting you to break down, to throw a fit, but you didn't. That's how you deal with your enemies, always catch them of guard. Never be predictable to your enemy or you will always loose." Vincenzo said taking a sip of his wine.

"What are we going to do about the judge?" She asked placing her glass on the table.

"Leave it to me" Vincenzo smiled. It was time he took things into his own hands.

Two days later.

Judge Kwak Dong-Lee was entering his house after a tired day. He looked at all his accolades on the wall and smiled, everyone thought being a judge was so easy. But it wasn't, there were times he had to sacrifice his integrity to get to the top.
Like the case he dealt with two days ago. He had every reason to retain politician Park but he didn't because he was dealing with a politician who could either destroy him or help him to the top.

Sighing, he entered his home office to drop some documents from work. As he opened the door he saw a shadow of something but he wasn't sure so he switched on the light. A gasp escape his lips when he saw a man sitting behind his desk with a glass of whiskey in his hand.

"This is good stuff" the man behind his desk said taking a sip of the drink in his hand.
"What are you doing in my house?" Judge Kwak asked the man shakingly. He silently thanked God that his wife and kids were not in town at the moment. Who knew what this man would have done to them.

Vincenzo stared at the man Infront of him over the rim of his glass. He placed the glass gently on the table and stood up buttoning his brown one piece Booralro suit. He walked around his desk and stood infront of the judge and put his hands in his pockets.

 He walked around his desk and stood infront of the judge and put his hands in his pockets

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(Vincenzo's outfit)

"That's a beautiful family you have. Your wife and kids look so happy in that picture. It will be so heart breaking if something happened to you wouldn't it??." He asked pointing to the family picture on the judge's desk.

"What do you want from my family?" Judge Kwak asked feigning confidence. Vincenzo laughed taking his hand out from his pocket and pointing at the judge. "You owe me big time." Vincenzo said walking round judge Kwak. "Because of you-" he pulled out his gun and planted it on the judge's temple wrapping his hand around the man's neck.

"Because of you, a woman will probably loose her life and you made my woman unhappy." He whispered into the man's ear.

"I don't know what you're talking about? Who is this woman you speak of?" Judge Kwak asked literally hyperventilating.A 'click' sound was heard in the room causing the judge to gasp, Vincenzo had pulled of the safety of his gun.

"Don't make me pull the trigger. You know damn well what I'm talking about." Vincenzo warned the judge, he was having trouble keeping in his temper.

"I'm so sorry" the judge hiccupped. "This is a politician we are talking about here, he can ruin my life." Judge Kwak sobbed.

"He can ruin your life but i can take your life." Vincenzo retorted smirking. "You have to be careful around a man with a gun. You might end up dead." Vincenzo said releasing the judge but still pointing his gun at him.

"But before i kill you. You have to make sure that woman gets the justice she deserves and then maybe i will change my mind on killing you." He said putting down his gun.

The judge was already down on his knees with his knees with hands latched on Vincenzo's legs, he was sobbing hysterically. "I will do anything you want....please don't kill me. I'll do anything." He cried.

"Good." Vincenzo said, kicking the judge off his legs and leaving the room. Judge Kwak who was still crying on the floor took a deep breath and stood up with the tears still running down his eyes. He knew what he had to do if he wanted to live.


Hey guys
Sorry for the late update but i hope you enjoyed this chapter as much as i did.

I won't make any promises but I'll try as much as possible to update if i can.

Remember the first one to comment, i will dedicate the next chapter to.

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