Chapter 6

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Above is a picture of our beloved mafia boss Vincenzo Cassano

(SJK totally nailed the part)


The group of three were now inside the Jipuragi office with Mr An who had some how followed them.

"Is there anything we can use to incriminate politician Park in the guillotine file?" Vincenzo asked Mr Nam who was sited infront of his laptop scrolling through the guillotine file.

"There's something here about him being abusive and a cheat. He beat his first wife to death then claimed it was a robbery." Mr Nam exclaimed after he had read through the file with politician Park's name to it.

"Wow." Cha-Young clapped. "This is really juicy." She commented. "What are we going to do with this new information?" Cha-Young asked Vincenzo who was drinking a cup of coffee.

"We are going to send him a present." He replied taking a sip. "To congratulate him in advance." He added taking another sip of his coffee. All of them just smiled at Vincenzo's tricks, he never went for the kill immediately. He always played with his preys before getting rid of them.

In politician Park's office

"Good morning sir" politician Park's secretary said as she opened the door for him. Everyone in the office bowed in respect as he passed by.

"Somebody sent a package for you. It on your desk" his secretary informed. He just nodded and stepped into the elevator which led to his floor. The elevator dinged and he got out and entered his office, he was as so frustrated with the kind of wife he married. He just wanted to kill her like he did the last one, but this one always seemed to have some leverage against him. Their daughter, she always used their daughter as an excuse but he still gave her a beating once in a while. His useless wife had insisted they take their daughter to the fair the next day since it was her birthday and he couldn't deny because he didn't want to hear her crying for the whole week.

There was no paper on the package indicating who it was from. Politician Park eyed the package, he felt odd. Something told him not to open it but he was a curious cat. So he decided to open the package and see what was in it. And like they say 'curiosity killed the cat' what he saw inside the package almost gave him a heart attack. He screamed and clutched his chest struggling to catch his breathe. The box was full of bleeding dead rats, the sight of the rats in the box terrified him.

He spotted a white piece of paper on top of the dead rats with a giant C painted in red. He opened the letter and dropped it immediately he read what was written in it.

You are next.

Were the words boldly written in red on the piece of paper. Who could have sent him such a thin?. The channel on his TV caught his attention, there was a picture of him on the news. He picked up the remote and increased the volume.

Information has reached us that politician Park Seung-Jun is not what he seems to be. There has been news of him abusing his wife and that's the reason she always covers herself up. We even heard rumors that he murdered his first wife and staged it as a robbery. Is this really the person you want to be your president??. The news lady read.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" he screamed as the news ended. "Who would do this?" He asked tugging his hair. His secretary was already in his office. She was also scared when she saw what was on his table.

"Call the police right now and get rid of this thing" he said pointing to the box of rats on table.

"Yes sir" she bowed and started cleaning up the mess.

"Who could have done this?" He asked himself shivering on his chair.

Back at Geumga Plaza.

"He must've been so surprised" Cha-Young pointed out. They were on the rooftop Cha-Young drinking Americano and Vincenzo drinking his Expresso and catching up with Inzaghi whom Cha-Young has been feeding excessively.

"Did you really have to feed Inzaghi this much?" Vincenzo asked. He couldn't even recognize Inzaghi when they came to the rooftop later that evening, he was sure Inzaghi couldn't even fly anymore.

"Well you didn't contact me for a year, what did you think?" She asked casually sipping her drink.

"Is that why you wanted to kill the bird with so much food?. But you said not to contact you in anyway" he replied standing up. "But that didn't mean you shouldn't contact me for a year." She retaliated standing to meet him.

"But i sent you post cards" he said. "That wasn't a phone call" she replied backing him and folding her arms. Vincenzo never knew she had felt that. He didn't bother calling because she specifically told him not to. He went closer to her and pulled her into his arms from behind. "I'm sorry i didn't contact you" he said placing his head on her shoulder and hugging her tight.

"Forgive me?" He asked. Cha-Young smiled, she was seeing a different side of Vincenzo. The expressive side, he had expressed himself more to her since he came back and she really liked it. But then it hit her, what were they? They had not really discussed about their relationship but they were already being so touchy with each other. This thought made her smile turn upside down.

"Vin?" She said.
"What are we?" She asked freeing herself from his embrace and facing him.
"What do you mean?" He inturn asked. "I mean" she started pocketing her hands,"We haven't really talked about our relationship and we are already doing this. I don't even know why I brought it up" she removed her hands from her pocket and continued. "But it's just what ever we are doing is not helping with what i feel when I'm with you" she concluded taking a deep breath.

"Well what do you feel when you are with me?" Vincenzo asked stepping close to her with his hands in his pocket.

"Well you make me feel very happy and safe" she replied looking at her shoes. Vincenzo raised her chin and looked into her eyes "You make me happy too" Vincenzo stated and then kissed her. Holding her face in his hands and kissing her. Maybe he could be a little care free, maybe be he could just forget about all his problems for once and concentrate on who made him happy. And he was holding her in his arms.

"So are we dating?" Cha-Young asked Vincenzo after she broke the kiss. "What do you think?" Vincenzo asked her in return. She smiled and hugged him "We are dating then." She said hugging him even more.

"I'm the girlfriend of the Italian Mafia boss, Mansour Cassano" she added shaking her head from side to side. Vincenzo just laughed at the crackhead he now had as a girlfriend.


I always loved how he would play with his targets before killing them. Is Vincenzo not just a darling?😂😂

The're dating💃💃
#ChaCenzo. The ship is finally sailing. (Wishing them a happy married life. Lol)

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