Chapter 15

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"Sir, we already know where they are." The men Politician Park had sent reported back to him. They had been tailing the car the politician's wife and daughter were in and finally found out where she was staying.

"Send me the address." Was the politicians reply. One of the men quickly sent a reply to their boss.

Politician Park smiled when he saw the address that was sent to him. Finally he was going to make his bitch of a wife pay.

"Take me to this address." He told his driver who nodded and did as he was told. During the fifty minutes dive to his wife's bidding spot, he kept thinking of what he was going to do to her and that kid of hers. He had worked so hard to build his reputation all these years only for it to be destroyed by that darn mafia lawyer. Last year his ratings went down a lot when the news about him was leaked and he had only one person in mind.

Today he was going to make everyone who had crossed him pay, starting with his good for nothing wife. He was regretting why he had even married her in the first place, she was just supposed to be a pawn he would use but she became a nuisance to him instead.

After a few more minutes of sitting in his car thinking of what to do with his wife, his driver informed him of their arrival at the said residence. Scoffing, he came down from the car and stood in front of the gate that was housing his so called family. His men had already taken their place behind him awaiting their boss's orders. Planting his hands in his pockets, politician Park stalked towards the house like a predator going for it's prey. Not even bothering to knock, he barged into the house and started looking around.

But what he saw made him take a step back. Sitting on the couch in the living room was not Mi So-Ri as he expected but Vincenzo Cassano, the man who had caused his downfall.

Vincenzo was sitting cross legged on one of the fancy looking chairs holding a glass of whiskey in one hand and his gun in the other.

"Ciao amigo" he waved his gun at the politician with a sinister smile on his face. The politician who was still shell shocked looked at Vincenzo, the man he wanted to kill so badly. "You, what are you doing here?" he asked Vincenzo who was busy sipping his whiskey.

"Don't you think i should be the one asking that question?" Vincenzo asked waving his gun at the politician. "

"I thought i made things clear when i sent you that present. Its seems like you didn't get the message." Vincenzo said taking another sip of his whiskey. Politician Park looked lost wondering what Vincenzo was talking about. His eyes almost came out of their sockets when he remembered the box of dead rats he had received a while back. 

"That was you?" he asked Vincenzo who looked very unbothered. Vincenzo smiled and took another sip of his whiskey. 

"You, go get him!" a fuming politician Park ordered his men. Vincenzo sighed and shot all the men on their legs before they could even get to him. He stood up from his seat and slowly walked up to a very scared politician Park. "For someone with so much authority you sure are a coward". Vincenzo said coming to a stop in front of Politician Park. He placed the tip of his gun on the old man's head and dragged it down to the bottom of his chin. "I have given you a lot of chances old man, i am not usually this merciful but i keep giving you chances over and over again". Vincenzo said forcing politician Park to his knees. "And you keep blowing them." he added. 

"Please, spare my life. please." the politician begged. Politician Park never ever thought he would beg for his life. With all the power he had acquired, he always thought he would be the one making people beg for their lives and not the other way round. His pleas fell on deaf ears as Vincenzo continued to press the gun to his chin.  Politician Park still on his knees grabbed unto Vincenzo's shoes and continued begging. "There is no need to beg for your life when you are already and dead man. And its not like you are going to change after this, so i will just let you do the right thing before you die". Vincenzo said removing his gun form under the man's chin. 

"You know what to do." he said placing free hand in his pocket with politician Park still holding him. "And maybe i might think of making your death less painful". he concluded. Kicking Politician Park of him, he strolled out of the house leaving a shivering Politician and his groaning men behind.


Hey guys!!!!!!!!. I am so sorry i took so long to update. Funny thing is i already knew what i wanted this chapter to look like but whenever i tried to put it down in writing, it felt like i was missing something. So i just it as a draft. I even got a message from wattpad telling me to continue. 

I hope this chapter was worth the wait though. Jeongmal gahmsamnida

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