Authors note!!!!!!!

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Angyeon everyone!!

Its me, the boring author of this book. I feel like i owe you guys an explanation as to why i haven't been updating lately. And before i start i want you to imagine me looking so sad and pitiful ;)

For some months now yoo girl doesn't have a phone and as funny as it might sound it is true. i always just used to type on my phone cuz it was easier for me. And now that ion have one, i am stuck with this freaking laptop that is so difficult for me to use. Yes yes i know i sound so old fashioned but don't blame for it :). So here i am struggling to type everyday on my laptop like a grandma. i am pitiful aren't I. I feel like Chapa from Danger Force right now, i can totally relate to her :(

As for what i've been up to lately, i've been watching King The Land. It's so amazing. I can't for the last 2 episodes. What about you guys?? what have you been up to?

i really hope you enjoyed the previous chapter. I wanted it to be perfect for you guys so i really hope you enjoyed it. I am going to stop blabbing now. 

see you guys in the next update. which will not be soon ;)


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