Chapter 14

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Jal jinosoaeyo?

Thank you guys for all the love you've been showing my book lately. I'm still hoping for the making of the second season. So let's talk knews a little right. 😆

Did y'all know about Song Jong-Ki's wedding? and his wife Katie is already expecting like what. I always hoped him and Hye-Kyo would've have reunited but anyways I'm just so happy for him.

Getting back to the book. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

Above is Hong Cha-Young's outfit

"You weren't followed?". Mrs Mi asked Cha-Young after letting her into her house.

"No I wasn't." Cha-Young replied hugging her. She could see how well the woman was recovering and that made her so happy. Her father built Jipuragi so he could be the last straw his clients could lean on, so she felt proud of herself living up to her father's goal.

"Thank you so much Attorney." Mrs Mi finally said letting go of Cha-Young who smiled and sat down on the seat she was given. "So what did you want to talk about?." Mrs Mi asked.

Cha-Young let out a sigh and looked at her client. "Since the case has been reopened you have to testify in court." A look of horror crossed Mrs Mi's face immediately she heard those words.

"No no no no. I can't do that, I can't." Cha-Young was on her feet now trying to calm the politicians wife who was already crying hysterically at the thought of coming face to face with her husband. "You have to calm down ma'am." Cha-Young said getting a hold of her hands and rubbing her back.

"I can't do that. He's a monster, he'll kill me." Mrs Mi cried holding her lawyers hands and shaking her head vigorously.

"I know you are scared." Cha-Young said trying to calm her. " But you testifying is the only way we can win. You had to testify at the first hearing but didn't because the case was suddenly closed. Mrs Mi, you have to do this, for you and your daughter's sake." Cha-Young assured. Mrs Mi looked towards her daughter's room and remembered the nights her husband would beat her up so bad her daughter had to beg him to stop. She even remembered the one time she walked in on her husband almost choking their daughter to death.

"Will he rot in prison for the rest of his life?" She asked her Lawyer.

"I'll do everything in my power to make sure he never gets out." Cha-Young was determined to ruin politician Park's life. She wanted to show how much of a mistake he made in targeting her.

Day of the trial.

"Plaintiff you can now make your statement." The judge announced in the court room. Lawyer Hong Cha-Young stood up from her seat and and stood before the judge. After bowing she lifted up a file in her hands. "Your honor this contains the statements of some of the security guards and workers who worked for Mr Park." She said handing if over to the bailiff who gave it to the Judge after going through it.

"And all of their statements are centered on the fact that Mr Park constantly abused his wife and even threatened to kill her. Inside there are also photos of him assaulting his wife and daughter." Cha-Young concluded and took her seat.

The judge who had been going through the file returned it to the bailiff who showed everything on the screen for everyone to see. There were pictures of Mr Park beating up his wife and even his daughter which made everyone in the court room gasp and murmur.

"Defendant what do you have to say about this?". The judge asked the politician's Lawyer. "Your honor." The defendant's lawyer was on his feet pointing at the evidence on the screen. "How authentic are these pictures? For all we know they must've made up some evidence against my client. " The defendant's lawyer said and sat down.

Cha-Young smiled where she was seating and raised her hand. "Yes attorney." The judge answered

"Your honor please I would like to call in my client to testify." Cha-Young said

"You may bring her in." The judge replied. To the judge's reply Cha-Young turned to the door which opened to reveal Mrs Mi So-Ri with bruises which were still healing on her face. Everyone in the court room gasped when the saw the woman and her daughter hiding behind her, she had a black eye and and some bruises on her neck which were slowly fading.

Mrs Mi held her daughter close to her as her eyes met her so called husband. She could hear her little girl whimpering which broke her heart. She wanted at all all cost to protect her daughter from her monster of a father.

Mrs Mi gave handed her daughter to Cha-Young and Mr Nam and went to the witness box. After swearing to say just the truth, she took a seat with her head down.

Cha-Young stood up from her seat and went to question the witness. "Mrs Mi, please can you confirm to us who is responsible for the bruises on your face?" Cha-Young asked her client. With her head still down, Mrs Mi pointed towards politician Park Seung-Jun who was fuming mad in his seat.

"He almost killed me." The woman said wiping the tears that were flowing from her eyes. "He even tried to kill our daughter. He's a monster." Mrs Mi shouted in the court slamming her hands on the witness stand. Whispers could be heard in the court room as everyone was talking about the politician, some where sympathizing with the woman while some where asking if all she was saying was actually true.

"That'll be all your honor." Cha-Young concluded and bowed before taking her seat. "Defendants counsel." The judge called on politician Park's lawyer. With all the evidence pointing to the fact that his client was guilty , the lawyer couldn't had run short of questions. He stood up and looked at the judge and said. "Your honor, please we will like to check whether those pictures are real of just fabricated. The woman might have had an accident for all we and is now blaming my client for all we know. My client is a candidate running for president and all his opponents will be trying to bring down. How are we not sure this is one of their plans?" The defeated lawyer asked.

Cha-Young scoffed when she heard the nonsense her opponents lawyer was spewing. There was clear proof that the defendant was guilty of all his crimes, but they were still trying to deny it?

"The jury will give it's final verdict in three days." The judge said and left the courtroom.

Politician Park rose from his seat and stormed toward his wife and her crazy lawyer. "How could you do this to me?" He asked his wife trying to get a ahold of her hand when Cha-Young pushed him off her client.
"We are still in the courtroom, anything you here will be considered as assault." Cha-Young threatened eying the corrupt politician. What Vincenzo had done to him last time was not enough to bring down his ratings as a presidential candidate, but this one will be the icing to the cake.

"You crazy woman." The politician said pointing his finger at Cha-Young. "Why are trying to tear my family apart?" He asked feigning innocence. His question made Cha-Young laugh out loud. Using her two hands to flip her hair behind her head, Cha-Young took a few steps and stood in front of politician Park. "Yaaa, you old man. Don't you dare act like you care about them, let's just wait and here what the jury has to say." Cha-Young said to the angry politician in front of her.

"And by the way," she sassed using her index finger to push down the politician's finger that was pointing at her. "this is not the time to point fingers. While it's still early, you better start preparing yourself to rot in jail." She added and picked up her bag and left the courtroom with Mr Nam and her client on her tail.

Politician Park stood there watching Hong Cha-Young live and his family leave his sight. The reputation had tried to maintain for years had been destroy in a few minutes. He took out his phone and dailed a number.

"I want you to tail their car." he said into the phone once the person picked up.


Another update💜

Please tell me what you guys think about this chapter.

Thank you guys for staying with me as continue writing 🙏
I promise to so my best.

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