Chapter 12

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This chapter is dedicated to @yashasvijhala cuz she was still the first to comment.


"Mr Nam?" Hong Cha-Young called out the older man who was busy sorting through the files on the shelf.

"Yes miss Hong." He replied. "Have you seen it?" She asked rising from her seat  and walking towards him.

"I think i see something like it here. Just a second." He said lifting up a piece of paper. "Here it is." He handed it to her.

"How is the case going so far?" Mr Nam asked Cha-Young. She was browsing through the file in her hand with the other hand in her trouser pocket. "No progress as of now. Mr Cassano said he would talk to the judge, so." She sighed "All we can do is wait." She said returning to her paper. Mr Nam just shrugged and continued looking for the files of the cases Jipuragi was handling.

(Cha-Young's outfit)

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(Cha-Young's outfit)

(Cha-Young's outfit)

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(Vincenzo's outfit)

"Oh! Mr Cassano." Mr Nam said making Cha-Young to raise her head so fast she thought she had a whiplash .

"Why are you here?" Cha-Young asked Vincenzo. She saw the distraught look on his face.

"I got a call from Luca." He replied. Cha-Young stood up from her seat and walked towards him. "What did he say?" She asked Vincenzo who was pacing up and down in the office room.

"Paolo escaped from prison." He replied running his fingers through his neatly styled hair. "He is causing a lot of trouble which i have to fix." He gritted out.

"So that means you have to leave, again." Cha-Young stated folding her arms. She knew he had to leave, it was his responsibility as the head of the family. But she couldn't admit to him that she wanted him to stay she knew damn well that he had to go. And she wouldn't stop him.

"Yes." Vincenzo replied. He saw the dejected look of her face but he knew she wouldn't try to stop him, Cha-Young was too stubborn to follow her heart. He didn't want to leave at a time like this especially when he knew her life was in danger, and he wouldn't be there to protect her if anything bad happened to her.

Vincenzo's ears perked up when he heard sniffing across the room. Turning his head he saw Mr Nam struggling to clean his tears. Mr Nam was drying his tears when he saw Vincenzo motioning for him to leave the room.

He looked around pointing to himself, Vincenzo gave him the look which he bowed and left.

"Miss Hong?" He pulled her close to him. "I'm sorry" he said hugging her tightly. Mr Nam was whimpering by the door at the thought of Mr Cassano leaving again.

"What are you doing here?". Mr Nam jumped at the voice of chef Toto and Mi-Ri.
Mi-Ri was pushing him so she could also see what was going on. "Are you crying?" Chef Toto asked a very despondent Mr Nam.

"No". Mr Nam wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. Looking up at chef Toto who was stooping to take a look at what Mi-Ri was doing he asked. "What are you doing here?"
"We came to tell Miss Hong that there's a commotion outside." Chef Toto informed still struggling to look inside Jipuragi.

"Hey". Mr Nam hit his head. "Now go away, I'll be the one to tell her." Mr Nam said pushing him and Mi-Ri away.
"But what's going on in there?" She asked turning her head to take look but Mr Nam kept pushing her away.

Vincenzo released Cha-Young from his embrace. "I wish I could stay here. With you." He started, carressing her cheek. "But this is something I need to deal with myself." He concluded.

"I know." Cha-Young said holding his hand on her cheek. "And I'll not try to stop you. I know it's your responsibility. And don't worry I'll take care of everything." She rubbed his hand on her cheek.

"I know you will." Vincenzo replied with a smile on his face. He kissed her forehead and hugged her again.

"When are you leaving?" She asked.
"Next week." Vincenzo replied. "I can't leave here when this case is not over."

"I will miss you." Cha-Young said snuggling more into Vincenzo's arms. "I will miss you too." He replied stroking her hair. "My offer still stands for you to come visit the island." He released her from his hold, keeping her at arms length.

"I will be sure to visit this time. " She smiled. "Mr Nam i know you are there you can come in now." She shouted to Mr Nam who was peeping by the door.

"Sorry Ms Hong, Mr Cassano. But there is a commotion outside. The other tenants are outside waiting on you Ms Hong." Mr Nam reported then bowed.

"What going on?" She asked following Mr Nam as he led the way. She was wondering what was happening, because as the got closer to the opening of the place she could hear people arguing.

"Hey hey hey." She called out making all the tenants shut up and  give way for her. Adjusting the sleeves of her brown blouse, she put her hands in her pant pocket and stood facing the men in black Infront of her.

"You must be Hong Cha-Young". One the men said to which she raised a brow at them. "What do you want?" She sassed.

"Where is my wife?" A voice asked her. The men in black gave way and Politician Park came through. "Not you again." Kwak Hee-Soo grumbled.

"Hey oldie, what are you doing here?" Jeon Soo-Nam asked politician Park. Cha-Young and Vincenzo had already briefed them on the case they were handling and they were ready to fight.

"If you don't bring out my wife, my men are going to teach you a lesson." Politician Park shouted pointing to them. Gi-Seok, Seok-Do and Cheol-Wook were already cracking their knuckles. Cha-Young turned and gestured for them to calm down.

"Hey crazy bitch." Politician Park yelled at Cha-Young. All the Geumga plaza tenants turned to him with wide eyes.

"What did you just call her?" Mr An yelled at Politician Park coming to stand infront of Cha-Young.

"Crazy bitch. Isn't that what she is?". All the Geumga tenants were seething. Cha-Young was the only one who was holding them back from pouncing on the politician and his goons. The old man had dared to call miss Hong out of her name and they wouldn't tolerate it.
Cha-Young who still struggling to calm Mr An who was standing infront of her with curled fist told one of the men in black.

"Take your boss away from here before something happens to him. We wouldn't want news of a missing politician now wouldn't we?". She was beyond angry, but Vincenzo once told her to channel her anger into something productive. Sidestepping Mr An, she stood head to head with politician Park, a sly smile making it's way to her face. "I'm giving you 10 seconds, just 10 for you to disappear from my sight." She took a few steps back and starting counting.

"1...2...3...4...5..." She kept stepping behind, allowing the three men to take the lead. "6...7...8...9" she hesitated. "10"

Hey guys sorry for the late update
I've been really busy preparing for school. Really wish the holidays could last forever 😢

How have you guys been doing??

Hope you guys enjoy this Chapter.

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Sarang ayo💗

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