Chapter 9

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Song Joong-Ki from different angles. I swear this guy is drop dead gorgeous 🤤😥😘😘💞💞💞💞💞

This chapter is dedicated to @mfQueen_17 because she's awesome and all💞😘😘😘.



"Did you succeed in filling the case?" Mr Nam asked Cha-Young who just returned from the judiciary office.

"I did. Those judges are quite scared of threats you know" she chuckled. It was tough filling a case against a man as powerful as politician Park but she still succeeded after throwing in a few threats.

"The court has agreed to have the first hearing in 4 days" she sighed sitting in her chair. "And I'll do everything in my power to get So-Ri divorced from that man" she said.

Mr Nam looked at her in admiration. She was just like her father and she was being her clients last straw just like the name of the law firm. Cha-Young was very courageous and he admired her for that.

"Did Vincenzo succeed in getting So-Ri out of that house?" She asked Mr Nam. She hadn't heard from Vincenzo all day and even the night before, he had told her he had some things to attend to after they rescued So-Ri.

"Yes Ms Hong. They already got her settled in her new place" Mr Nam replied.

"Okay" Cha-Young nodded and started working. If she wanted to win, she had to apply all the strategies Vincenzo had taught her. If she wanted to defeat a devil then she had to think like a devil too.

"Did you file the case?" She heard Vincenzo ask her. Lifting up her head, she saw him standing in front of her desk with his hands in his pocket.

"Yes I did" she replied dropping her pen from what she was jotting down. She looked at him well and noticed his hair falling down to his face, just the way she liked it. "Where were you?" She asked him.

"I went shopping" he replied nonchalantly.
"Wow" Cha-Young said clapping her. "We are in the middle of a court case here and you have time to go shopping" she pointed out.

"Of course" he shrugged going to his own desk. He felt eyes on him and he knew exactly who they belonged to. Raising an eyebrow at the culprit, he smiled when he saw he annoyed look on her face. Waving at her to go back to work he continued what he was doing.

Mr Nam on the other hand stood at the shelf where he was stacking the papers was watching the two of them closely. He knew the liked each other but nobody told him they were together and they made it seem like nothing was happening between them.

He sighed and continued stacking the papers, they had a court session to prepare for after all.

2 days later

Cha-Young and Vincenzo stood looking down at Geumga Plaza, the trial was holding the next day and they were prepared. Vincenzo knew what his little lawyer was capable of but this case is far more dangerous than she thinks. This case was nothing compared to what they faced with Babel.

With Babel Jang Han-Seok was able to spend some time in jail, even if it was a short time. But with a crooked politician like Mr Park, it will be nearly impossible. That's why they both decided to ruin his reputation first because that's his biggest weakness, what the public thinks of him.

"Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asked Cha-Young. They were facing each other now.

"Never been more ready. I will make that bastard suffer in many different ways" she replied. Vincenzo could see both anger and excitement in her eyes, the excitement to bring down the crooked politician and the anger for what he did to his wife.

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