34) Work out hoe

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It's been 2 weeks and I still feel off. Knowing that someone would put my child in danger for.....sex??? I just can't wrap my head around it.

"We dragging y'all out of the house tonight. Y'all like some fucking hermits in here." Mehg says walking around the living room.

"Ain't nobody no fucking hermit." I can hear East rolling his eyes.

"You need to close the gah damn door stinky ass nigga." Mehg says scrunching her nose up.

I laugh. It's good to hear them going back and forth again. Gives me a sense of normalcy.

"Babe why you shitting with the door open." I say trying not to laugh any louder.

"This my damn house whatchu mean." We hear the toilet flush and him washing his hands.

"Your nigga is nasty Lynn." She says shaking her head.

"You think she don't know that. I know you see that ass on her. I been breaking her down every. night. And when you leave. I'm finn-"

"Babe oh my fucking gosh." I say throwing a pillow at him as he walks out the bathroom.

"Aye don't let that face fool you. Ya friends a freak." He smacks my ass and plops back on the couch starting his game.

"I- Lynn get your man." She says laughing.

"My name bennit....." I say laughing.

"Yea yea. So y'all coming out tonight or what?"

"I don't know." I say dragging it out. I just got my drinking back under control and I don't know if that's good for me right now.

"You can go mama. Ima stay in. Might invite some of my niggas over and smoke. I haven't chilled with nobody since I got out. " He says. I can hear niggas agreeing on the headset and I shrug mksy shoulders.

"I guess. I haven't been out in a while."

"Go put all this ass to work girl. I been working hard." He says smacking my ass.

"Stop showin out for your little friends East." I smack him in the back of the head.

"I've heard enough. Ima head out sis. I'll see you later." She squeals out.

"Lemme walk you to the door." I say rolling my eyes and following her out.

We make it outside and she leans on her car. I already know where this is going.

"So what's going on with the whole Ty and Kirah thing?"

"Straight to the point huh?" I say awkwardly laughing.

"Yes bitch. Y'all been so quiet about it like it didn't even happen."

"We're still talking about. East doesn't wanna get involved with the police because. The obvious but he also agreed not to kill them."

"Honestly I would sit down and get them to admit it again. Record it. Turn that shit in anonymous."

"I didn't think about that. I don't know so many things could go wrong with that." I sigh. "Anyways bitch. Let's just worry about these drinks and shaking ass tonight. Alright?"

"Alright. Meet you there girl."


"Can't believe I let you out the house looking this good."


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