14) Thank you

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Surprise 🙂


How is he gonna take this. Everything good between East and I. Even though last night probably made things hella complicated. He's happy and I don't wanna ruin it.

"Lynn." Mehg says shaking me snapping me out of my thought. "Honey. I know you're shaken up but you can't zone out. Plus we're here.

I look outside and thankfully she took me back to her place. "Alright come on." She unlocks the doors and we both head out heading into her apartment.

"I know the." She pauses waving her hands around her vagina area. "Is a big deal right now but you need to focus on more important things like where you gonna stay. Getting a place also involves bills so you gotta get a job bitch. I hate to break it to you."

This is a lot. I know she means well but damn. Can I process that my husband of almost 5 years had a child on me. I hear my phone ringing and look down and see that it's East.

"Who's that." Mehg asks being nosey as usual.

I reject the call and sigh walking over to her fridge pouring me a glass of wine. "East."

"Alright." She says with a you know better tone.

"I'll talk to him later. Can I sleep here tonight?" I ask downing my glass and pouring more into in.

"Yea. But bitch if he comes looking for you here. I ain't lying for you." She side eyes me and walks walks over to the couch opening her laptop. "Now come on. Let's look for you an apartment and job.

"Never thought I'd hear those words." I sigh grabbing the bottle and following her.

"It's about time. It don't make no damn sense having an accounting degree and not doing shit with it Lynn." She says rolling her eyes.

"I know I know. You've said this a thousand times."

My phones rings again  and this time it's Tony. "I'll be back."

I answer the phone and walk outside to the hallway and sit on the floor. "Hello."

"Hey baby. You good?" He asks sounding a little worried.

I pause at him having the nerve to call me baby but decide against going off. "I'm fine. You need something?"

He laughs. "Straight to the point I see. I guess Mehgan is rubbing off on you a little."

He pauses as if hes waiting on me to laugh too but it's taking everything in me not to hang up in his face. He clears his throat. "Look I pulled a few strings and I got you this nice ass apartment across town. I don't know the exacts number and I wouldn't invade your space so you don't have to worry about that."

I feel my heart soften up and immediately start to feel the love that I've always had for him. "You really didn't have to do that Tony. I could've did it by myself."

"Yea but I put you. Well us in this situation. The least I can do is help you out especially since it isn't your fault." I feel tears start to run down my face and the door to Mehgans apartment opens.

You good. She mouths at me. And I nod my head yes.

"Babe you still there." He asks sounding a little worried.

I clear my throat. "Yea just listening."

I hear him typing something into his computer and feel my phone vibrate. "I just emailed you the information and I also set up a interview for you to meet with one of the companies I work with tomorrow morning. They recently fired their accountant and I know that you could help them a lot."

I'll wait for you. (Dave East)Where stories live. Discover now