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When Jason and Thalia said Percy's father was in the living room, Percy felt like he was going to faint. His father? Percy didn't even know who that man was. He felt so dizzy walking to the living room, everything around him seemed to be spinning. He didn't want to see this man, but the curiosity of who his father was and why he had left was gnawing at him.

Without even realizing it, Percy found himself sitting next to Beryl with Poseidon sitting on the couch across from them. He had only ever seen a few pictures of Poseidon. Seeing him sitting on the couch almost felt like some dream or nightmare - Percy hadn't decided which he felt like he was living through yet. But it was like looking in the mirror. It was like Percy could see himself in this man if he was about 25 years older.

"Thalia, Jason," Beryl began, "please clean up the kitchen in the mean time."

Percy looked up at Jason who was standing in the doorway next to Thalia. Both of them looked mad, or worried, or perhaps a combination of both. Jason's eyes met Percy's, almost as if he was asking Percy if he wanted him to stay, but they both knew he couldn't.

This was something Percy had to do on his own. It was something that always lingered in the back of his mind, but what bothered Percy the most was trying to understand why his father left. Was it because of Percy, because he was his son? Maybe he never wanted a kid.

Percy stared and stared at this stranger, hoping he would start the conversation Percy had only imagined in his head, but all the man did was just stare back. Poseidon's eyes were glassy, like he was on the verge of tears. The only thing Percy could understand from his face was relief.

"Perseus," Poseidon sighed, licking his lips, "I don't even know where to begin."

"You left me," Percy croaked. He couldn't beat around the bush because it was the truth. He left Percy with his mom suffering everyday and his shit stepfather. He left them. He left his mom.

"I can explain, son." Poseidon's bottom lip quivered and he rubbed his face with his hand, looking off to the side for a brief moment. "Beryl, before anything else, thank you for saving my boy."

"I'm just glad we got him out before things escalated," she replied, placing a gentle hand on Percy's shoulder.

"Mom died," Percy started. He could feel his throat choking up with the sobs he was trying to hold in. "She died and you weren't here."

Poseidon opened his mouth to reply, but Percy kept going, his voice getting louder with each word. "I was starving, and broke and in pain and you weren't here! I could have died. I could have died and you wouldn't have known."

Percy shot up, anger and sadness ravaging his body. "You left us here to suffer! You left us here with Gabe! Do you know what he did? Do you know what he did to me? You don't, dad. Or should I even call you that?"

Percy got up and walked out the front door, ignoring Beryl's calls, He felt guilty not listening to her. After all, she was the closest thing he has to a mother right now. But he couldn't be in that room. He couldn't be there pretending to want to know a man that probably cared less if he was breathing.

Percy's mind felt foggy. He felt so nauseous, like his food was going to come splurting out. He didn't know where he was going, but he kept walking. Without a jacket and only his black hoodie, he pulled his hood up and trudged through the cold.

Maybe he had a reason. Maybe there was a reason he wasn't here. But what reason do you have for abandoning the mother of your child when she was literally dying? Why would he abandon his own child? 

Percy kept walking. He was freezing, but he didn't care. He couldn't feel his nose and his hands were red from the gusting winds. He hopped on the train, heading to the one spot where he could feel his mother. 

Brooklyn Bridge Park was Percy and his mother's hangout spot. They would stay there until nightfall to watch the city lights light up the horizon. Their picnics used to be blue cookies, pies and turkey sandwiches from the deli down the street of their old apartment. Even though their time together was short before Gabe came crashing into their lives, it was perfect. Some nights when Gabe was out with friends for the weekend, Percy and his mother would sneak away and have a picnic. They kept going until she became too sick and she couldn't walk. Their time together was limited when she started staying in bed more, but Gabe would force her to get up and do things around the house. If she didn't, he would slap her around too and her body couldn't take it. She forced herself to cook for him, to do everything he asked. But one day, her body couldn't do it anymore and she collapsed on the sidewalk on the way home from the grocery store picking up beer for Gabe. Then she spent her remaining weeks in the hospital. 

Percy sat on the grass, bringing his knees up to his chest. It was really fucking cold, but Percy didn't mind one bit. Being here made him feel closer to his mother. 

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