Chapter 50: Rage

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It didn't take me long to find my brother, seating along another squad. He seemed to fit in there, and was talking about some science theory. I had done well in school and gotten good grades, but I had never heard of what Ky and the other kid were talking about. I quickly realized that this was Arianne's squad, and her fox was seated in Ky's lap.

"Sorry to interrupt," I say, earning both of their eyes. "May I borrow my brother?"

The boy flashes a smile at me, nodding. "Sure, go ahead."

"Okay, see you later Troy," Ky says, picking up Kitsune and placing him on the ground next to him. As soon as he says the boy's name, I remember him. He was one of the doctors who helped me recover after I got shot. I'm glad he's okay.

"What is it, Bena?" Ky sighs, sounding annoyed. My eyebrow furrows, and I turn around to face him. His arms are crossed, and his posture is slumped.

"Will you cut it out with the attitude?" I snap. This earns me an eye roll, which I return.

"Maybe when you stop acting like you're in charge of me," Ky mutters.

I raise my arms out to my sides, giving him an exasperated expression. "When have I done that? I don't get you anymore, Ky! Yesterday you acted like you loved me again! Now, it seems as if you can't stand to be around me."

"People change. I don't see why that is so hard to believe."

Anger pulses through my veins. "Damn it Ky! I mean why are you changing into this?!" I motion to him. "This isn't you!"

"How do you know?" Ky yells. It was at this moment that I was glad I had taken him far enough away from earshot. "How do you know who I am? I'm not the weakling who needs his sister to stick up for him. I can make my own decisions. I don't need you to hover over my shoulder or do anything for me."

A fake laugh cascades from my lips. "You're kidding me, right? Who's the one who has been hovering over my shoulder? You've been on me about being friends with Luci! He deserved a second chance for something he couldn't even control! I get it now, Ky! You don't understand!"

Ky scoffs. "Oh, I don't? I've been through everything you have. First, I had to watch you get beaten in by Luci. Second, I had to torture a yukos, while you didn't. Third, I had to watch you almost die. Fourth, a bomb went off, and I was there too! The only difference between you and me is, you have PTSD and I don't."

I glare at my brother yet again. "I don't know who I'm looking at right now."

"You're looking at me," Ky snaps. "Accept me! This is who I am now."

I swallow, my voice shaky. "I don't know if I want to find out."

"Then don't," Ky growls. "I don't really care what you do. I was only trying to do what was right."

The last sentence catches my attention. "Hey," I yell before he takes his leave. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"What's what supposed to mean?"

"You were only trying to do what was right," I quote him. "Please tell me I'm wrong in assuming you let Demi go."

Ky sucks in a breath, so subtle that anyone but me wouldn't notice. I take a step away from him, unable to keep the shock off my face.

Ky blinks, taking little time to respond. "Demi is gone? How do you know?"

"Grey went and checked," I whisper.

"Oh, goody!" Ky laughs. "Grey went and checked! Big surprise there! No wonder he wasn't out looking for us. Know why? He cares more about her than us!"

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