Chapter 77: Third Party

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"You expect us to send our soldiers to look for more yukos?" Ky demands, raising his eyebrow.

Since Demi and I had agreed that looking for Royul could win us this war, things had turned to chaos. Demi and Grey are arguing, Ky is yelling over both of them, Pine is trying to calm everyone down, Donte and Jeremy sit in the background whispering, and Raven is pacing back ad forth in front of Holt, who has his arms crossed in annoyance.

"Precisely," Demi snaps, still glaring at Grey. "These yukos aren't like Krimian yukos. They're indifferent to the stories, and they form their own opinions. I do know that they would probably choose to be on our side, since we've done nothing to them. Also, Grey and I are from tribes, and that might reinforce our argument. How can you stand there and say it's not worth a shot?"

"That's not what I'm saying at all!" Ky argues back. "I'm trying to tell you that sending soldiers to look for yukos, regardless of whether they're the good guys or not, probably won't go over well! Gambos citizens don't like yukos. The army is here to eradicate them!"

"Well," Demi sneers, crossing her arms. "Not anymore, because we need them."

Ky lets out a groan, turning to Raven. "Why haven't you said anything?"

Raven doesn't stop pacing, almost ignoring Ky. He's mumbling something under his breath, chewing his fingernails.


"Shut up," Raven snaps, shooting a glare Ky's way. "I'm thinking."

Everyone falls silent, while I just stay that way. I haven't been able to get a single word in through all the fighting, so I am just sitting quietly with my legs crossed the whole time. In the time that I was waiting for a chance to speak, Pine had caught me up on Merida and Val. It surprised me that Raven would take them off the squad completely, leaving them to fend on their own. Val's anger towards yukos is understandable, considering the theory of them kidnapping her brother. Yet, Grey isn't just a normal yukos, either. He's obviously on our side. And Merida, too? She has no reason whatsoever to not trust him, or any yukos for that matter. They've never done anything to her, to her family...It's unreasonable.

"I think that Kirbena has a valid argument, and Demi and Grey both agree to it," Raven begins, snapping me back to reality at the mention of my name. "But Ky is right too. Who am I supposed to send out to look for Royul?"

"Me," I intervene, before anyone can start arguing again.

Raven blinks, registering my words. "What?"

"Send me, I'll look for them," I repeat.

"Hell no," Ky snaps. "Don't listen to her."

"No, listen to me," I say. "I thought of it. I want to go."

"I'll go with her," Grey says.

"No," Raven sighs, shaking his head. "I can't do that."

I frown. "Why not?"


"Because why?!" I demand.

"Because I love you guys!" Raven snaps, but he doesn't sound angry. "All of you...even Merida and Val, whom I'm angry with right now."

"Raven," I murmur. "If you love something, let it go."

"Don't pull that on me," Raven mutters. "I'm serious."

"Me too!" I cry. "I can do this. Grey and I can do this! It's me, anyways. I've proven multiple times that I won't die, haven't I? I got shot, almost blown up, survived the start of this war, and the few days I was out on my own. And I'll have Grey with me, too! He's not going to let me die."

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