Chapter 54: That Night

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"Ky!" I call, beginning to jog when I see my brother's form up ahead of me. Ky pauses when he hears me, contemplating whether or not to wait for me. Eventually he makes up his mind and decides to wait for me. He won't look me in the eyes when I reach him.

"What was that?" I frown, motioning in the direction of our house. "Did you want to freak Dad out?"

"No, I didn't want to freak him out, Kirbena," Ky snaps. "I told him the truth about you, and he deserved to know! He also deserved to know that I'm the one who caused some of it."

"I need to ask you about that," I say, taking a deep breath. "Obviously I think you're guilty, but be completely honest."

"Okay," Ky murmurs.

"Did you or did you not set off the bomb during the party? So many signs point to you. Arianne saying you warned her, you disappearing during the party, and you acting so strange. Please Ky, I deserve to know the truth too."

Ky thinks for moment, and I see the gears turning in his head again. "I didn't set off the bomb."

"You didn't?" I raise an eyebrow.

"But," Ky interrupts before I can say anything else. "It's my fault that it went off in the first place."

"Okay, how?" I inquire.

"How about we go back and put these puppies down," Ky sighs. "Then I'll tell you everything."

I had almost forgotten about the puppy nestled in my arm. "Oh...right..."

Ky begins walking, but I swoop in front of him. "Promise me that you're not going to worm your way out of this. Once we get home, you have to tell me everything right then."

Ky sighs, finally meeting my eyes. "I promise, Kirbena."

The walk back seems excruciatingly long. Eventually we make it back to the giant mirror that is the central building. The guy who had escorted me to the front doors is waiting on the front steps. He smiles when he sees me.

"Glad you made it back okay, Miss," he says. "I see you got yourself a dog. You realize we have to check those dogs for parasites, fleas, illness, and weapons."

"Right," I sigh, glancing at his name tag. "Jeremy, where can I get that done?"

"I will take care of it for you." He turns to Ky, and he hands his own puppy to him. I glance at my brother, then reluctantly hand mine over as well. "What floor and what mentor?"

"Floor 5, Grey," Ky mutters. Jeremy nods, taking our puppies away for the time being.

"Didn't you say to Dad that you were going to take care of that dog? You just handed him right over to that guy."

Ky gives me side glance. "What's going to happen Kirbena? He's taking them to be checked for weapons. They don't have any weapons on them."

He pushes the elevator button, and after another long 5 minutes, the doors open.

"They should really get some more elevators," Ky groans.

"I was just thinking that," I smile. Ky gazes at me steadily, his eyes never changing. I wipe the smile off my face.

"So, are you just going to stare at me or are you going to tell me what happened?"

"A few days before the dance, I confronted Grey," Ky begins.

I tense up, my gaze turning into a glare. "About what, exactly?"

"How he was the cause of a lot of your pain," Ky replies. "There was something else too, but I never got to say it."

The FenceOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora