Chapter 11: Paralysis

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I wake up to a pounding head and a sick stomach. Groaning, I sit up and blink open my eyes. Memories from last night come rushing back to my mind. The rest of the squad seems to have convinced me to drink. I wipe the sleep from my eyes, the sick feeling growing.

So how did I end up in my room?

That part seems to have escaped my mind. I can't remember anything after I had gotten up to ask Grey to join us.

Oh God. No no no no no no. Did I make a fool of myself in front of Grey?

I get up slowly, nonchalantly shrugging into my uniform. I tie my mess of curls back into a ponytail, not bothering to put any makeup on. I grab the keycard hanging on a hook next to the door and slip it into my pocket. I reach for the handle, and try to open the door.

But it won't budge.

"What?" I mumble in confusion. I go for the handle again, but again, the door doesn't even shake. It quickly occurs to me that I'm locked into my own room. I beat on the door. "Hey!" I yell. "Someone let me out!"

I catch footsteps coming down the hall, and I back away from the door when it opens. Midnight hair and gray orbs meet my gaze, and I stare up at him. He doesn't say anything, but grabs my wrist instead and drags me down the hall towards the training room.

"What's wrong?!" I ask, trying to break free from his hand.

Grey halts and turns to face me, causing me to almost run into him. "What's wrong? I expected more from you, Marcus. Now shut up and sit down."

There it is, the scared feeling in the pit of my stomach. Why does Grey have this effect on me?

He opens the door and pulls me inside, his fingers still laced around my wrist. Merida, Ky, Neveah, Demi, and even Luci sit at one of the tables. Each of them look exhausted. I reluctantly sit next to my brother, casting him a questioning look out of the corner of my eye. Ayumi occupies the space beside Grey, Aruku in hand, and a minute later, a new person comes in.

If I thought Grey was scary, I was wrong. Grey is peachy compared to this guy. His dark skin matches his equally dark hair. His brown eyes burn into us, and I feel as if my skin is melting off. His broad arms and wide shoulders give him the look of a wrestler. The scar running from his neck that ends in the corner of his eye doesn't help his intimidating appearance.

"My name is Axel," he grunts, the sound low and cold. "I assume you didn't know that drinking is not permitted unless you have been working here for 6 months? "

Now I get it. They don't want us drinking until they know that we're safe.

Merida begins to apologize, but is quickly cut off. "I'm so sorry, sir. We had no idea-"

"Did I say you could talk?" Axel hisses, his brown skin flushing with fresh anger. Merida bites her lip, staring up at Axel with obvious fear in her eyes. "Not to mention that you kids are underage! The rules say that you must be here for 6 months, and then 21 or older!"

I glance at Grey, his expression wearing a stony look. I let out an inaudible sigh. If I hadn't gotten so drunk last night, maybe I wouldn't have gotten him to join us, and maybe none of us would be in all this trouble.

"Who convinced Mr. and Ms. Marcus to drink?" Axel calls out. "They're from Caste 7. They can't afford any drinks. So who convinced them to drink?"

"On the contrary," Luci mumbles. "Alcohol is very easy to get when it's all you spend your money on."

"Do you have a problem, Luci?"

"Of course not," the blonde practically spits, fury filling his sea-blue orbs. "But I did convince them, sir."

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