Chapter 4: Joining the Ranks

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As soon as I open my eyes the next morning, I'm blasted with a ray of light creeping through my window. One would think that with the matching brick buildings surrounding our house on all sides, it wouldn't be so bright when I wake up, but that's never the case. Daylight still flickers through the glass unfailingly every sunrise like clockwork.

I stifle a yawn and stretch out my muscles, sore from another day of climbing yesterday. I almost give in to going back to sleep when I hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!"

Ky peeks his head in with a finger to his lips. "Be quiet. Dad is still sleeping."

"Oops." I cover my mouth with my hand jokingly, cracking a smile when Ky rolls his eyes. "What's up, little bro?"

"Haha," Ky grimaces. "I went back to the roofs yesterday after Grey left. I got you this." Ky places a dress on my bed. It's a beautiful, white lace material that seems to shimmer in the light filtering into my room. It has such a simple elegance to it, and I can't help but run my fingers over the intricacy of the design. Vines creep down the dress, budding flowers adorning the end of each one. I've never owned anything so nice in my life.

"Wow, Ky," I breathe. "How did you get this for me?"

"It was Hale's sister's. The gangs..."

"Oh." I nod. "He didn't want it anymore?"

"No. He said you could use it more than him. Anyway, Grey said to wear something nice. I thought this looked like something you'd like."

I feel a wry grin form on my face. "Is this what they wear in Caste 1?"

Ky laughs. "Maybe. A lot of the girls at Caste 2 Academy wore this kind of thing every day. Remember?" Ky shrugs. "I think our escort will be here soon, so get ready."

"Okay." I pause to kiss him on the cheek. "Love you."

Once my brother is safely out of sight, I slip the white dress over my head, shimmying into the stretchy fabric. It hugs my body like a sheet fits a bed, accentuating my natural curves. No wonder my brother's friends would always flirt with me. This dress only revealed to me what those boys had seen for years.

While I know I'm pretty, I don't go out of my way to flaunt the fact. I like to say I got my beauty from my mother, but it's not the case. Even though my frame matches her hourglass shape from when she was around my age, I could never notice any other similarities between us other than her hazel eyes. Her hair was sleek and blazing auburn, whereas mine is crazy oak curls. I couldn't even inherit her dimple. In fact, I don't look much like my father, either.

I smooth my dress in the reflection of my mirror. I'm having a good hair day today, and I like the way my brown corkscrews frame my shoulders and spiral down my back. I grin to myself once I realize that I wouldn't look like either of my parents right now anyway. I look too much like I'm from Caste 1.

I can't tell if the fact bothers me, or if I feel a little freer.

"Ky!" I exclaim, forgetting to be quiet. "What are you wearing?"

My brother meets me in the hallway, where I try to get a good look at his getup. Ky's never had to style his hair before, so when I see he's combed it back into a quiff, I make a face.

"What? Is it bad?" he asks nervously, his hands flying up to his hair.

I chuckle. "No." I take my own hand and fluff it a little, fixing a few stray strands. "It actually looks really good. Just different."

Ky nods and stuffs his hands in the pockets of his khakis. I'm not the only one channeling Caste 1 right now. Ky's navy polo is tucked neatly into his shorts. His feet are adorned with sleek leather shoes.

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