Chapter 7: Settling In

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The first thing we see behind those doors is an elevator.

"I mentioned going underground," Grey says, pushing the button. "This is the last time you will be above ground for a long time. I hope you weren't a huge fan of sunshine."

The doors to the elevator ding open and Grey leads us inside. Sutikka buzzes in my hand, still excited from hitting the target so easily.

You're gonna have to tell me how you did that.

You did it too, Newbie.

I roll my eyes but crack a smile. No way. I think you cheated.

I think you aren't giving yourself enough credit.

"I'm taking you to our floor first," Grey says, interrupting my mental conversation. "You guys got lucky. You get your own rooms."

"Why?" Merida asks.

"You were all volunteers, all recruited together. Without even trying, you four did one of the hardest jobs for us. You formed a squad."

Neveah slings his bow over his shoulder. "A squad?"

"Yep," Grey nods, pausing when the elevator squeaks open and a few more people file in. "A squad is comprised of recruits with similar ages, goals, and the like, as you will get to know each other and learn to work well with one another in battle."

The people who'd just boarded the elevator get off on the next floor. I almost expect Grey to tell us this is our stop, but we keep descending like a bucket falling down a dark, damp well.

"Once a squad is formed, they typically get their own private floor. If there's space, that is, but there are plenty of vacancies right now. That's part of the reason why all four of you were admitted into the resistance, despite my...reluctance."

I can't tell whether he's referring to Ky or myself.

Grey clears his throat and continues. "A floor is comprised of bedrooms, a small gym and training room, and even a computer lab." My brother looks up at that last part, and I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "There are some restrictions with those, though. They are not for recreational use, nor can they be used to communicate with the outside world."

"Good," Neveah chuckles, rubbing the back of his head. "My mother is probably already spamming my email."

I cast him a look. "I would love to be able to talk to my dad."

"At least you see your dad," Neveah retorts. "I never said I actually talked to my mom in person. She's the kind of person who believes she's a helicopter parent, but in reality, the extent to her parenting has been through sending me emails. She's glued to her research."

"And your dad works at a law firm, right?" asks Merida, who has been studying the design on her sword since we got in the elevator.

"He owns it, actually," Neveah sighs. "I never see him either, and he doesn't even send emails."

The elevator has gone somber and silent, beating like a heart each time we pass another floor. "I bet your house can get pretty lonely, then," Ky says.

"Yeah," Neveah exhales. "No sense in having a big house when there's no one around to fill it."

"Then this piece of information may be comforting to hear," Grey adds, looking at Neveah from over his shoulder. "People from outside of your squad can still access a private floor. After all, it only takes pushing the wrong button on an elevator, so I doubt it'll ever be lonely. But they don't have access to the rooms unless they are accompanied by someone who is willing to let them in." He pauses. "Don't think about throwing any parties, though. I'm going to live on our floor, too. I'll hear the noise."

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