|2| New start

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I'm screaming right now.

Except, for once it's not because of a nightmare. Also, I'm not the only one to shout as if I jumped from a building a hundred meters high without protection. I think the whole house is shouting, it's a chance our father left to work early.

Jason literally breaks my eardrum. Who would believe that this muscular body was hiding a little girl who could scream so loudly. It's currently 7 a.m. and I did not wake up last night, maybe this day didn't start that bad after all.

At least for now.

The four of us go down for breakfast, everyone is silent, I bet we all share this desire to bury ourselves alive. After eating and trying to hold our heads so it doesn't fall into our bowl, each of us leaves to prepare in our room. My bag is already ready, I just need to add my reading glasses to it, then I head into the bathroom to do my routine.

I just let my long hair fall cascade down on my back, I apply a very light touch of mascara and some lip balm, I then put on deodorant and some perfume. In the end, I put on my outfit, take my bag and go down to the living room where everyone is waiting for me. Our father has already left for work as he warned us yesterday, but he prepared a very good breakfast to cheer us up this morning.

The moment we all dreaded arrives as we all get into Noah's car and leave.

Riverside High School is a really huge and beautiful school though. When we arrive, a lot of people are already there, greeting their friends, hugging them, or doing their things... Oh mon Dieu, it's the morning and there are already people sucking each other's faces. I don't know where they find all of their energy, but I would gladly have the tips for it.

Because it's school, and school is fine, but it's not what will brighten my mood at all.

Anyway, the four of us get out of the car and head to the entrance. I don't know if it's the fact that my brothers are really known and loved here, or that a new Dominguez male as good looking as the other two is there, or if it's me. But it's impossible to ignore the looks of all the students turning to us.

I suddenly feel very embarrassed. I think Jason has figure it out as he puts his arm around my shoulders and starts leading me to our lockers.

Most of the school's population is greeting them as we walk in the hallway, and I can already see the looks of the jealous girls because Jason has his arm around me. If only they knew we are brother and sister.


Diego and Noah already left us to go see their respective friends. Diego looks relatively more at ease than me, already attracting a few girls in his path, making him blush.

Jason doesn't stop and just gives a few hand signals to everyone he knows, that is to say almost everyone. He acknowledges that I don't particularly want to find myself facing all his friends, who, how to say, would suffocate me with all their testosterone and their muscles, and I love him for that. Plus, we already both talked about it, and he knows I have a hard time with all this.

I'm not particularly unsociable, however, it takes me time to get used to my environment. Sometimes a long time depending on the situation of course.

We finally arrive at our lockers, I barely have time to put my things in mine, when two pairs of arms engulf me in a wild big hug.

Peter Watson and Camila Lopez.

"I missed you so damn much Avaaa!" Cami exclaims, taking me in her arms again, definitely suffocating me, and sending her long black curly hair in my eyes and mouth.

"Can't breathe." That is all I could say, spitting a piece of her hair out of my mouth, making her laugh.

"Now, now, calm down. Let the poor girl breathe, you don't want to kill her, don't you? We just got her back, plus you're drawing all the attention on us," Peter says, trying to loosen Camila's deadly embrace on me.

He can't be more right, everyone is now looking at us, my face is probably deep red because of the suffocating situation I was in. My state and my frown are enough to make the three of them laugh. Jason ruffles my hair, which earned him a death glare, and Peter hugs me gently. I mean, at least more gently than Cami did.

"I missed you so much too munchkin," he says while I pout because of the nickname, bringing me back to when we were much younger.

"What, no munchkin?" I nod as he rolls his eyes but still gives me a warm smile. "Alright, so Hot-Stuff, are you excited about your first day at Riverside High School with the best of your best friends, Peter Watson?" He continues, emphasizing his muscles and winking, at which Camila pouts, making me chuckle.

"Hey! Do not call her that, you dumbass." Chuckles my brother, but still slaps Peter on the head, glaring at him.

"Give her back to me, stupid idiot," Camila says, taking my arm to lead me to our first lesson, smiling victoriously.

"What, I'm not ok with that. Give her back to me, you shrimp." That earns him a punch in the guts from her while Jay and I laugh at their antics.

I really missed them.

"Come on morons, let's get your asses in class. And I'm talking to you too, Jay-Jay." I take each one of their arms, while Jason follows us but is too busy texting Emma about the start of the day.

"Je ne te permets pas de me traiter d'idiot!" He finally says with a smirk.

"Évidemment," I reply, laughing.

"You are even hotter than the last time I saw you, even hotter than what I could see during our FaceTime. I'm jealous as hell," Cami whispers, but obviously, Peter has listened, as usual, and agrees with her. It leads them to talk about how I have changed, and especially how parts of my body have changed, making me turn red like a tomato again. They're lucky Jason didn't hear them, otherwise, they'd both be six feet under by now.

"If I wasn't straight I would try to hook up with you right away," she whispers, making me chuckle as Peter laughs loudly. "Oh right... I'm already not." She winks as I now try to muffle my laugh, feeling everyone looking our way, while the two of them high-five.

After that awkward moment, we continue to go to our first lesson. Arriving, Jason and Peter go in the back, while Cami and I take the seats right in front of them. We sit and turn ourselves, so we can talk with the boys before the lesson starts. We chat about my arrival, and all dumb subjects when suddenly a voice that I know too well starts calling my brother.

"Hey, Jay are you zapping me or what bro?" He playfully says and starts chuckling.

They start laughing and talking together, soon join by Peter and his own special laugh. I dare not turn around and use my hair to hide my face as Cami shoots me a look, but I ignore her. To my luck, this is also the moment when the professor makes his entrance.

"Mr. Lombardi, please take a seat, we wouldn't want to have you leave the class on the very first lesson of the year, don't we?"

I definitely like this professor.

Mr. Lombardi goes to sit at his place, which is the opposite of us, fortunately, while the class laughs, especially the girls may I specify.

"Thank you, Elias," the teacher says and then begins his introduction without caring about the laughter as if it were usual.

"With pleasure." This reply earns him the laughs of all of his fangirls, that is to say, all the girls present in the room, except me and Camila who rolls her eyes, yet smiles anyway.

He probably hasn't seen me yet, and maybe I could avoid him for as long as possible today. Even if I know that the confrontation will be inevitable. He is my twin brother's best friend and he is part of the same team my two brothers are in.

In short, I'm condemned to face him one day or the other. I just hope to be able to postpone this moment for as long as possible.

Yet, I think this moment will come faster than I expected.

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊Where stories live. Discover now