|29| I think I'm pregnant

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At school, nobody came to talk to me about what happened this weekend, and I'm relieved. The guys sometimes gave me amused looks, but they never really talked about this story which is weird.

I will not complain, moreover it's our last week of school before our two weeks of vacation. I'm ecstatic, so freaking ecstatic. Plus, my cousin Celia is coming to spend a week with us, and with the gang, we are going to go to Jared's vacation home for two or three days. She is also coming with us, and I can't wait to get some fresh air and spend my evenings on the beach.

The week passes rather quickly, and we are finally on vacation. Currently, the boys are at my place, as always. Sometimes I wonder if they have parents or a place to live because I'm not kidding when I say that they spend all their time at our place.

I'm in the kitchen, eating some pizza while they are arguing and watching some anime in the living room. James threatens Eliot to tell him who is going to die, and I hear threats of murder send to James for that. Suddenly, I can hear my phone buzzing in the living room, and my twin answers at my place. "Samuel, cómo estás compañero?"

At the mention of his name, I run into the living room and grab my phone, glaring at my twin, but soon a huge smile appears on my face at the sight of my friend. He was first a friend of Celia, but during our many trips to Spain to see my family, she introduced us, and we bonded very quickly. We don't see each other often, but we usually try to call, FaceTime, and tell our stories through Snapchat or text.

"Sammy! Te extrañé demasiado. Dime todo, los detalles más pequeños, quiero saberlo todo." I sit on the sofa next to Marco, regardless of how the guys look at me now, knowing that they are not familiar with me speaking fluently in Spanish. We kept chatting, telling each other most of the things that happened to us during the time we didn't speak.


"Sammy! Te extrañé demasiado. Dime todo, los detalles más pequeños, quiero saberlo todo." She begins to speak in Spanish, leaving us speechless.

Sure, we know they have family in Spain, but we're not really used to seeing them speak in Spanish. Just like when she speaks French, we are amazed, her accents are fluid and really sexy if I want to be honest with myself.

Damn, I need to get a grip.

I keep listening to her, without understanding a little of what she says, but just hearing her is great. She seems to be really happy, and she walks around the room a bit unconsciously, going everywhere talking to this 'Samuel'. I don't know who he is, Jay never talked about him. Maybe it's her boyfriend or something like that.

At the mere thought of this, my fist closes and James gives me a curious look, I shrug and start to act as if I was looking at the screen when in fact I'm listening to her voice.

I'm acting creepy around her goddamn.

"Lia! No puedo esperar a que vengas, tengo muchas cosas que decirte," she says to someone, a girl I guess, which brings her brothers to come behind the screen and greet the unknown girl. They keep talking and we ignore them because nobody understands their language.


"I think I'm pregnant." Lia basically drools over him, making my fists clench.

"You can't get pregnant just by looking at him," I say really annoyed, internally rolling my eyes and throwing up.

"Would you like me to introduce him to you?" My stupid twin says, sure now she's ecstatic, so I pass the phone to him and go to the kitchen to eat because I'm not in the mood for anything else.

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