|9| If only he knew

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"Give me back my girlfriend!" Jay yells at me while I run outside the house because I snatched his phone when he was FaceTiming Emma. In my defense, she is my best friend and I really need to talk to her about important things.

This is why right now I'm hiding in the street while she laughs at my face, Jay looking everywhere for me.

"Tu aurais pu juste demander, tu sais." She laughs as I give her the middle finger. I glance down the street, checking that Jason has given up on chasing me. When I don't see him, I come out of my hiding place and go and sit under a tree to talk about my essential things to Emma.

"Bloody Hell, je suis désespérée..." She listens to me ramble on everything, but especially on a certain hazel-eyed boy, rolling her eyes or sometimes heaving desperate sighs when I explain my point of view and my actions to her.

"... Merci, je ferais mieux de te rendre à Jason, ou il va réellement me tuer." I say goodbye to her and go inside, where Jay is waiting for me on the couch, his arms crossed and his face angry.

"I'm sorry, she's all yours now. Bye Emmy, I love you."

"Je t'aime aussi." I leave them all in love while I go to my room to listen to some depressing music and think about what she said to me on my own.

"I am so lonely." Diego barges into my room an hour later while I'm watching a romance movie, which isn't going to help me right now, I know. But what can I say, I was in the mood.

"Privacy, do you know?" He jumps on my bed and quickly gets into the covers, grabbing some of my fruits from a bowl I had made especially JUST for me.

"No, I've never heard of it. What are you looking at?" He doesn't even care about my frown and the fact that he just stole some of MY fruits.


"I love you too."

"Some chick flick. You know, romantic stuff."

"Are you okay? Depressed?" He pauses the movie and puts his hand on my forehead as I watch him bewildered.

"No, why? Do I look sad to you?!" He takes the remote and starts changing movies without my consent. I don't feel like fighting, plus I clearly want him to stay with me, so I'll let him choose if he prefers.

"It's definitely something you do when you're down. Come on we're going to watch some action and murder stuff, it'll make you feel better."

"I don't think it's better D, but I bet you want to watch this too since you're the one who barged into my room, breaking my little meltdown to say you were feeling lonely." He clicks on a dark action movie and starts eating some fruits again, staring at me stupidly as he does so, making me roll my eyes.

"Let's be alone together sis, I need you ok. Everyone has someone, but you and I are on the same page, two lonely bears, so let's be bears together."

"First, why bears? Besides, I'm offended. Who said I was alone?" He looks at me like I was a stupid idiot. "Ok, fine I get it, don't look at me like that. It's true I don't have anyone else other than me, but unlike you, I don't care. And then, that sounds too much inbreeding for my taste."

"Gross, Ava. Freaking disgusting. I just want you to fill my poor lonely heart with your presence, that's all. Be nice, I'm doing us both a favor. The least you can do is thank your little brother for having brightened up your depressing journey."

"Okay, thanks for being the light of my day. Now, why are we the loners? Noah has anyone?"

"You're welcome... Oh, I bet he's hooki- I mean flirting with Victoria, a girl in his class. She's hot, but that's it. I guess he knows that, that's just entertainment you know." I roll my eyes as he positions himself better, still eating some of my fruits.

𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐖𝐀𝐘 𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊Where stories live. Discover now